Tony Scott

(Copyright © 1999-2024 Piero Scaruffi | Terms of use )

7.0 Hunger (1983)
5.0 Top Gun (1986)
4.5 Beverly Hills Cop II (1987)
6.8 True Romance (1993)
5.5 Crimson Tide (1995)
7.2 Enemy of the State (1998)
6.5 Spy Game (2001)
6.5 Man on Fire (2004)
6.4 Man on Fire (2004)
6.0 Domino (2005)
6.0 The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3 (2009)
6.0 Unstoppable (2010)

Proveniente dai commercial televisivi, Tony Scott (Britain, 1944) diresse un ricercato e figurativo film di vampiri, Hunger (1983), in cui Deneuve è una vampira di 6.000 anni, amata da un vampiro di tre secoli, Bowie, malato e sulla via della putrefazione, e seduttrice di una scienziata avvenente.

Top Gun (1986) e` war-nography ad alta tecnologia.

Un pilota di caccia passa il tempo dando sfoggio di bravura e coraggio con ogni sorta di prodezze aeree e flirtando con una avvenente istruttrice. Le sue spericolate acrobazie finiscono per causare la morte del suo migliore amico, ma l'eroe si riabilita distruggendo l'invasore sovietico. Film noioso, monotono, previdibile, non fa che accumulare stereotipi del film di guerra. Grazie ai peggiori attori in circolazione, riesce a rendere ridicole e parodistiche anche le poche scene che avrebbero un senso. Il figurativismo è tutto al servizio del commercio più bieco.

Beverly Hills Cop II (1987): continua la saga di Eddie Murphy poliziotto nero scanzonato a Beverly Hills.

Revenge (1990)

Days of Thunder (1990)

The Last Boy Scout (1991)

True Romance (1993) is an atmospheric film, scripted by Quentin Tarantino.

The Fan (1996)

Scott colpisce nel segno finalmente con Enemy Of The State (1998), un thriller fantapolitico sceneggiato da David Marconi.

Phil e` un politico onesto che rifiuta di sottomettersi alla volonta` di un altro politico, Thomas, privo di scrupoli e sua vecchia conoscenza. Questi ha bisogno del suo voto per far passare una pericolosa legge che limitera` la privacy dei cittadini. I due si incontrano sul bordo di un lago. Phil si ostina a rifiutare e Thomas lo fa uccidere dai suoi scagnozzi e fa sembrare che si tratti di un incidente.
Robert e` un avvocato abituato a trattare con mafiosi e criminali. Si sta occupando del caso di un mafioso, Pintero. Lo ricatta grazie a un videotape compromettente che gli ha procurato la sua ex ragazza Rachel, suo intermediario con un misterioso Brill. Pintero lo minaccia di vendicarsi sulla sua famiglia se Robert non gli rivela chi ha fatto il video. L'FBI controlla il locale di Pintero e fotografa tutto.
Intanto hanno scoperto il cadavere di Phil nel lago e hanno deciso che si tratta di un incidente. Un fotografo, Daniel, pagato per riprendere la vita naturale del lago ha lasciato una videocamera in azione e scopre di avere la registrazione completa dell'omicidio. Ma i servizi segreti di Thomas, nel giro di pochi minuti, hanno gia` scoperto la sua esistenza e stanno gia` controllando i suoi movimenti. Daniel fugge appena in tempo, e scappa per le strade braccato senza pieta` dagli agenti segreti. Per caso incontra Robert e gli infila in una borsa della spesa il video. Poi continua la fuga sempre piu` terrorizzato ma finisce sotto le ruote di un camion dei pompieri. Robert non trova il video perche' suo figlio lo sottrae di nascosto, pensando sia un regalo per lui. Gli agenti segreti di Thomas intanto hanno ricostruito l'accaduto tramite le infinite telecamere sparse dappertutto e hanno capito che Daniel deve aver passato il video a Robert. Vanno a casa sua e chiedono di perquisirla, ma Robert li mette alla porta. Robert e` ignaro del tutto, ma i servizi segreti decidono di distruggere la sua reputazione prima che lui distrugga la loro con il video. Installano microfoni e telecamere a casa sua e nei suoi vestiti, in modo da poter controllare ogni secondo della sua vita privata. In breve Robert vede la sua fotografia sul giornale e si vede accusato di collusione con la mafia. Peggio ancora: la moglie apprende dal giornale che lui vede ancora Rachel. In breve la campagna di diffamazione ha effetti devastanti: viene licenziato e la moglie lo caccia di casa.
Robert, convinto che questa sia la vendetta di Pintero, supplica Rachel di farlo incontrare con Brill. All'appuntamento viene preso in consegna da un taxista, che gli scopre addosso diversi apparecchi elettronici prima di essere ucciso dagli agenti segreti. Robert, esterrefatto, fa appena in tempo a vedere in un'altra auto un personaggio misterioso. Proprio quell'uomo lo sequestra e gli trova altri "bug" addosso. E` Brill. Lo mette in guardia che queste cose non le fanno i mafiosi, le fanno soltanto i governi. Gli agenti segreti li scovano sul tetto di un grattacielo e Brill lo avverte che deve avere ancora addosso qualche "bug" che li guida. Robert scappa sempre inseguito e alla fine deve svestirsi completamente per far perdere le proprie tracce.
Robert e` disperato. Va dalla moglie e la supplica di credere alla congiura contro di lui. Capisce che il figlio deve aver sottratto qualcosa, qualcosa che adesso i servizi segreti vogliono. Se lo fa dare. Va da Rachel, ma la trova morta. I servizi segreti hanno disseminato suoi oggetti per far credere che lui l'abbia ammazzata. Passa alla controffensiva. Riesce a scovare Brill e lo convince Brill ad aiutarlo. Brill inizialmente gli dice che non ci sono speranze contro quei nemici, ma poi si impietosisce e accetta. Brill ferma l'auto ed entra in un negozio. Robert ne approfitta per telefonare a qualcuno e i servizi segreti di Thomas intercettano la telefonata e scoprono dove si trova. In pochi minuti gli agenti arrivano al negozio e si fanno dare il video degli ultimi minuti, in cui trovano l'immagine dell'uomo che sta aiutando Robert. Nel centro di controllo di Thomas non impiegano molto a scoprire che Brill e` un esperto di telecomunicazioni che ha lavorato proprio per loro, che contribui` a costruire le apparecchiature che usano oggi. Brill lo porta in un magazzino abbandonato che usa come bunker, ma gli uomini di Thomas hanno usato tutte le telecamere della citta` e il satellite per ricostruire il percorso dell'auto, e arrivano al suo edificio nel giro di pochi minuti. Brill fa in tempo a vedere il video, a rendersi conto del perche' sia tanto importante (si vede chiaramente Thomas dirigere l'assassinio), e a identificare Thomas. Poi l'allarme gli segnala che qualcuno e` entrato nell'edificio e Brill non esita ad attivare l'auto-distruzione. Brill e Thomas scappano facendo esplodere il magazzino, ma il video viene danneggiato nell'inseguimento successivo. Adesso Brill decide di passare al contrattacco, e comincia a perseguitare sia Thomas sia un senatore (filmato mentre fa l'amore con la segretaria) con i suoi mezzi di spionaggio. Si invertono le parti. Adesso e` Thomas che capisce di essere sorvegliato. Thomas, tanto che si ritrova a due passi dall'arresto. Brill gli chiede un appuntamento per incastrarlo. Brill si presenta vestito da poliziotto di strada. Lo scopo e` di far confessare Thomas l'assassinio perche' il video e` danneggiato. Robert riesce a registrare cosa si dicono, ma impiega troppo tempo a fuggire con la registrazione e viene catturato. Viene catturato anche Brill, sempre vestito da poliziotto. Thomas chiede la consegna del video, che non esiste piu`. Brill rifiuta e Thomas non esita a sparargli in una mano. Robert allora escogita uno stratagemma: dice a Thomas che il video ce l'ha Pintero e porta Thomas e i suoi scagnozzi nel covo del mafioso, ben sapendo che il posto e` sorvegliato dall'FBI. Mentre Robert porta Thomas e i suoi nel ristorante di Pintero, Brill pretende di dover vomitare cosi` puo` uscire e far vedere all'FBI il badge da poliziotto: adesso l'FBI pensa che i mafiosi abbiano catturato e ferito un poliziotto. Pintero vuole il video (ma si riferisce all'altro video), Thomas vuole il video (e si riferisce al video dell'omicidio), e alla fine i due gruppi si sparano l'un l'altro, massacrandosi a vicenda. L'FBI arriva e arresta i sopravvissuti. Brill si dilegua nella folla. Robert, scagionato di tutto, torna a vivere la sua vita normale con moglie e figlio. Brill gli manda i suoi saluti via televisione.
Il lieto fine "hollywoodiano" rovina un po' il film, che altrimenti sarebbe degno dei classici di questo genere (l'individuo innocente in balia delle istituzioni, che deve difendersi da solo). Film d'azione all'antica, con l'enfasi sulle telecamere e i satelliti che controllano ogni movimento del cittadino.

Crimson Tide (1995), scripted by Michael Schiffer, is an apocalyptic thriller set during the Cold War and yet another war film to exploit the claustrophic atmosphere of the submarine (Das Boot, The Hunt for Red October).

Russian rebels are attempting to stage a coup against the moderate Russian government and have taken control of a Soviet nuclear base, potentially a deadly threat to America. The president of the USA issues a state of alert and a nuclear-armed submarine, is dispatched to sea to be ready for a preemptive strike. The wise lieutenant Hunter (Denzel Washington) is second in command to hard-line, racist, sexist captain Ramsey (Gene Hackman) who is nearing the end of his active duty without having accomplished much.
A man gets killed during a drill because the captain ignores a fire on board. It is the beginning of a confrontation between two different ways of conceiving and practicing the service.
They receive the order to launch a nuclear strike and Ramsey does not hesitate to prepare the missiles. During an exchange of torpedoes with an enemy submarine, the communication equipment is damaged and the American sub is cut off from its chain of command. The submarine has not received confirmation and Hunter believes that a subsequent message, that was received incomplete and therefore not deciphred, was the cancellation of the order. Ramsey wants to launch the missiles without any further ado, but Hunter wants to get in touch with command first. According to regulations, the captain cannot shoot the missiles without his lieutenant's approval. Ramsey attempts to relieve Hunter from duty, but instead, Hunter leads a mutiny against him and delays the missile launch until communications can be restored.
There follows the usual boring scenes of war, with the submarine hit by more torpedoes and hitting back, the sailors first exulting and then despairing. The submarine gets damaged and one of the sailors goes to captain for advice. The captain asks him to recruit more men and in a twinkling of an eye a counter-mutiny restores him in command. Needless to say, he immediately orders the launch of the nuclear missiles against Russia.
The communication man is still faithful to the lieutenant and releases him and his men. The submarine is now the theater of a small-scale civil war. Hunter and his men try to delay the firing of the missiles until the communication man can fix the radio. The radio fixed, it turns out Hunter was right, the rebels have surrendered and there is no nuclear war. And the spectators can leave the theater, safe and just a little bored by how predictable the ending was.

Spy Game (2001) is a spy thriller.

Man on Fire (2004), the second adaptation of A.J. Quinnell's 1980 novel after Elie Chouraqui's Man on Fire (1987), is a melodramatic gangster movie. The protagonist is a suicidal man who feels guilty of all the killings he has committed and is redeemed by the affection of a little girl. She gives new meaning to his life. He becomes a killing machine again when she is taken from him. So it is also a psychological film. Unfortunately the ending is not very plausible, and all the biblical references are a failed attempt at a story of religious redemption.

The film opens with footage of kidnappings in Mexico: the capital is suffering from a wave of kidnappings, and the police are often complicit. Creasy comes to a border town to meet his his old brother-in-arms Paul who has started a reputable business protecting and escorting businessmen and now lives a nice life. Creasy instead never recovered from his past: a former marine and CIA operative, he lives with a sense of guilt for all the killings he has done, and has become an alcoholic. He confesses that he is jobless. Paul introduces him to a wealthy Mexican City couple who is shopping for a new bodyguard, Samuel and his wife. Creasy is interviewed at their big villa and is immediately selected: his austere and silent attitude wins the wife's trust. He is charged with escorting their little daughter Pita to school, a trip that can be dangerous for the daughter of wealthy parents. He begins his job but quickly gets annoyed by the little talkative girl who wants to become his friend and is curious about his past. He almost resigns telling the mother that maybe they should hire someone who is more sociable. Creasy has hallucinations (or bad memories) and is suicidal: he points a gun to his head and pulls the trigger but the gun misfires. One day, while driving Pita and mother, he notices a car following them and asks Pita to take down the plate number: she writes only 5 of the 6 digits in her diary. Slowly Creasy begins to bond with Pita. He becomes her swimming trainer and leads her to win a competition. He helps her with her homework. She makes him smile and he quits drinking. One day he takes her to her first piano lessons, after teaching her a trick to upset the piano teacher so that she'll be able to go back to swimming. While waiting outside, he notices police cars blocking the street. He senses that something is wrong and in fact a car tries to grab Pita when she walks out of the piano school. Creasy fires his gun repeatedly, killing four people, two gangsters and two cops, but the remaining gangsters manage to kidnap Pita. Creasy wakes up in a hospital bed, surrounded by cops who accuse him to being involved in the kidnapping. At the press conference a journalist, Mariana, asks the police chief why two cops were in that street since they were out of duty that day. The police chief has no answer but a man standing behind Mariana, Miguel, who works for the anti-kidnapping special forces, mutters that those were corrupt cops. All the journalists laugh. Paul visits Creasy at the hospital. While they are talking, Miguel shows up: he wants to transfer Creasy in a safer place because he could be killed there. While he is lying in the hospital bed, her father and his lawyer negotiate with the kidnappers, with the police eavesdropping. The kidnapper instructs Samuel how to deliver the ransom. The lawyer, Jordan, asks to be allowed to help deliver the money. They follow the instructions but somebody disrupts the ransom drop and steals the money. One man is killed in the shooting. The kidnapper calls to tell Pita's mother that the girl has been killed to avenge the gangster who was killed, his nephew. Paul informs Creasy at the hospital. When he is released from the hospital, Creasy swears to Pita's mother to kill everybody who was involved. Creasy asks Paul for help. Paul doesn't kill anymore but provides guns and money. Mariana, the journalist, approaches him and tells him that she will help him as much as she can. Creasy's only clue is the plate number that Pita wrote down in her diary. He calls Mariana asking for help to track down the owner. Mariana is Miguel's lover and Miguel provides her the name and address. Creasy kidnaps the man and brutally tortures him until he tells him details about the kidnap. Creasy kills him after he obtains a new clue. He heads to a nightclub where he interrogates at gunpoint the bouncer, a middle man and the woman who took care of Pita. He learns that the ringleader is known only as the "Voice" but someone pays them by sending money to a bank account He then blows up the night club after forcing all the customers out and frees the most recent victim of the racket, another little girl. He calls Mariana to come and pick her up. He asks Mariana to find out who sends money to that bank account, and Mariana again asks Miguel for help. It turns out the money comes from the head of a special police force, the man who organized the botched ransom drop, and who lives inside a compound and travels in a motorcade. Crease walks into an apartment across from the compound and waits for the motorcade. Then he uses a bazooka to blow up the escort and kidnaps the officer. The officer warns Creasy that he is the head of the gang, but Creasy tortures him nonetheless to obtain the whereabouts of the "Voice". The officer tells him that most of the ransom money was missing: Samuel's lawyer, who was in charge of it, took most of it. Crease enters the lawyer's house and finds him dead in the swimming pool. Crease also finds a sheet of paper with bank transactions that incriminate Pita's own father Samuel! Crease confronts Samuel in front of his wife and Samuel confesses: he is broke because his father wasted all the money before dying, and so he and his lawyer staged the kidnapping to cash the kidnapping insurance. Pita was supposed to be held only for two days. Most of the money never existed: the bags contained mostly white paper. But the plan was disrupted by the corrupt officer who tried to steal the money. Then the shootout happened, The Voice's nephew was killed, and the Voice killed Pita. Samuel, furious, is the one who killed the lawyer. The wife, devastated that her own father organized the kidnapping of their daughter, asks Creasy to kill him. Creasy leaves Samuel a pistol with one bullet (the same bullet that Crease had tried to use to kill himself), and Samuel shoots himself. Mariana calls him back with the information about the bank account, provided as usual by Miguel, except that this time Miguel begins to tail Creasy. Creasy visits the owner of the bank account and finds the Voice's brother and the Voice's pregnant wife. He is wounded in the shootout, but he helds them hostage and threatens to kill the brother if the Voice doesn't surrender. The Voice, whose name is Daniel, offers him a deal: Pita in exchange for his brother. Crease is shocked to learn that Pita is alive. He calls Pita's mother, who is shocked to hear that Pita is alive, and asks for her to meet him at the place where the exchange is to take place. Meanwhile Miguel and Mariana have found out the real name of the Voice and Mariana even prints his picture on the front page of her newspaper. A bleeding Crease drives to the meeting point. He tells Pita's mother to shoot Daniel's brother if anything goes wrong and then walks towards Daniel to receive Pita. Pita is released and she briefly hugs Crease before rejoining her mother. Her mother releases Daniel's brother and Crease is taken prisoner, but he is bleeding copiously and he dies of his wound in their car. At the end of the film we are informed that Miguel's agents killed Daniel.

Domino (2005)

Dejavu (2006)

The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3 (2009)

Unstoppable (2010)

If English is your first language and you could translate my old Italian text, please contact me.

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