Half String
(Copyright © 1999-2024 Piero Scaruffi | Terms of use )

A Fascination With Heights , 6/10

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Half String is an Arizona quartet that harks back to Felt's atmospheric textures of guitar reverbs. Eclipse Oval Hue (Independent Project, 1994) collects the first two singles and some unreleased tracks. The two singles, Eclipse and Oval, play slow languid pop, but Maps For Sleep shows a daring harmony and the instrumental Slow Engine Kill Over is positively surreal. The EP Tripped Up Breathing (Independent Project, 1995) enhanced the dreamy quality of the music. A Fascination With Heights (Independent Project, 1996), which is their first full-length album, picks up from there, offering a bridge between British dream-pop (A Fascination With Heights, Departures, Backstroke) and American post-rock (the instrumental Numbers and Fingers).
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