
(Copyright © 1999-2022 Piero Scaruffi | Terms of use )
All That Noise , 6/10
Melomania , 5/10
Alpha Stone: Stereophonic Pop Art Music , 6.5/10
Alpha Stone: Soulweed , 4/10
Alpha Stone: Elasticated Waveband , 4/10

(Translated from my original Italian text by Maria Giusti)

Darkside are a band formed by bassist Pete “Bassman” Bain, ex Spacemen 3, and by guitarist Kevin Cowen. The band immediately veered towards a less radical “shoegazing” sound with the singles “Highrise Love” and “Waiting for the Angels” (à la Doors lullaby, gospel organ. and celestial guitar chords).

The album All That Noise (Situation Two, 1990), is at best inconclusive. You can’t understand if the group is trying to coin an erudite variant of garage-rock or is simply lacking in the song writing phase. Nonetheless, the group can be proud of having composed in “Deep Soul” an instrumental soul-jazz score worthy of another era, a dilated acid-rock such as “Love in a Burning Universe”, and, most of all. the instrumental “Guitar Voodoo” with the rhythm of “Riders of the Storm” (The Doors) and guitar that imitates Peter Green in End of the Game.

Psychedelicise Suburbia (Dark, 1991)

Melomania (Beggars Banquet, 1992) continues to swing between hyper-distorted garage-rock refrains (“Always Pleasures”), acid “blues” à la Greatful Dead (“This Mystic Morning”), and solemn romanticism à la Doors (the ten minutes of “Rise”). Yet there is always some awkwardness in the way in which these classics have been captured and disfigured.

I Darkside sono il complesso formato dal bassista Pete "Bassman" Bain, ex Spacemen 3, e dal chitarrista Kevin Cowen. Il complesso viro` subito verso un sound meno radicale dello "shoegazing" con i singoli Highrise Love e Waiting For The Angels (cantilena alla Doors, organo gospel e accordi celestiali di chitarra).
L'album All That Noise (Situation Two, 1990) e` quantomeno inconcludente. Non si capisce se il gruppo sta tentando di coniare una variante erudita del garage-rock e del folkrock o se semplicemente difetta in fase compositiva. Il gruppo puo` comunque vantarsi di aver composto in Soul Deep una partitura strumentale soul-jazz degna d'altri tempi, un acidrock dilatato come Love In A Burning Universe e soprattutto lo strumentale Guitar Voodoo, con la ritmica di Riders In The Storm (Doors) e la chitarra che imita il Peter Green di End Of The Game.

Psychedelicise Suburbia (Dark, 1991)

Melomania (Beggars Banquet, 1992) continua a oscillare fra ritornelli iper-distorti del garage-rock (Always Pleasure), blues "acido" alla Grateful Dead (This Mystic Morning) e solenne romanticismo alla Doors (i dieci minuti di Rise). Ma c'e` sempre un qualche imbarazzo nel modo in cui questi classici vengono ripresi e deturpati.

After Darkside split, Pete Bain switched to guitar and formed Alpha Stone with a second guitarist and a rhythm section. Astro and Fall On Me are the lengthy tracks on Stereophonic Pop Art Music (Bomp, 1996). More electronica and dance beats marr Soulweed (Bomp, 1997), despite the 11-minute dub-psychedelic disco of Ghost House. Elasticated Waveband (Enraptured, 1998) features several longer songs (Lose Your Mind< Sazman, Theme). The single Life's A Motorway (2000) keeps Alpha Stone alive. (Translation by/ Tradotto da xxx)

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