
(Copyright © 1999-2024 Piero Scaruffi | Terms of use )

Manual , 6/10
Imperial Metric , 6.5/10
Are You Earthed , 6/10

English outfit Appliance (vocalist and guitarist James Brooks, bassist Michael Parker and drummer David Ireland) cut Manual (Mute, 1999) having in mind a confluence of German avant-rock (Neu and Kraftwerk), Trans Am-ian post-rock, Mogwai-sh trance-rock and Spacemen 3's shoegazing. The most characteristic sound of the album came from the homemade keyboards that brought back the creative feeling of the early 1970s.

The six-song EP Six Modular Pieces (Mute, 2000) includes the seven-minute droning nightmare Derailleur King Of The Mountain, which marked a departure from their original program.

Imperial Metric (Mute, 2001), a more mature work, tempered the original stylistic effervescence with a more organic and subdued approach to altered states of mind. Charming songs such as Land Sea and Air, Map of the Territory, A Gentle Cycle Revolution and Navigating the Nursery Slopes were crafted taking into account the latest intellectual fads and Brian Eno's alter-pop strategies. The instrumental tracks were even more intriguing, ranging from impressionistic watercolors such as Skylight and Comrades In A Moscow Hotel to the eight-minute expressionistic tour de force of Where Has the Space Race Gone.

Are You Earthed (Mute, 2003) is a more conventional effort in the same vein.

(Translation by/ Tradotto da Federica De Nicola)

Il gruppo inglese Appliance (cantante e chitarrista James Brooks, bassista Michael Parker e batterista David Ireland) incisero Manual (Mute, 1999) tenendo in mente una commistione di avant-rock tedesco (Neu e Kraftwerk),  post-rock Trans Am-iano, trance-rock Mogwai-ese e lo shoegaze degli Spacemen 3. Il suono più caratteristico dell'album proviene dalle tastiere fatte in casa che rievocano la sensazione di creatività dei primi anni Settanta.

L'EP di sei canzoni Six Modular Pieces (Mute, 2000) include l'incubo rumoroso di sette minuti Derailleur King Of The Mountain, che segna un allontanamento dal loro programma originario.

Imperial Metric (Mute, 2001), un lavoro più maturo, tempra l'originale effervescenza stilistica con un approccio più organico e pacato a stati di coscienza alterata. Canzoni affascinanti come Land Sea and Air, Map of the Territory, A Gentle Cycle Revolution e Navigating the Nursery Slopes furono create tenendo in considerazione le ultime mode intellettuali e le strategie alter-pop di Brian Eno. Le tracce strumentali erano ancora più intriganti, spaziando da acquerelli impressionisti come Skylight e Comrades In A Moscow Hotel fino al tour de force espressionista di Where Has the Space Race Gone.

Are You Earthed (Mute, 2003) è uno sforzo più convenzionale sulla stessa falsariga.

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