Juan Miro` (1893-1983)
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Main works
La Ferme/ The Farm (1922)- National Gallery, Washington
Labouree` (1924)- Guggenheim, New York
The Ploughed Field (1924) - Guggenheim, New York
Paysage Catalan/ Hunter (1925) - Museum of Modern Art, New York
Le Carnaval d'Arlequin/ Harlequin's Carnival (1925) - Albright-Knox Gallery, Buffalo
Chien Aboyant a la Lune/ Dog Barking at the Moon (1926) - Museum of Art, Philadelphia
Interieur Hollandais I/ Dutch Interior I (1928)- Museum of Modern Art, New York
Rope and People (1935)- Pierre Matisse Foundation
Paysage (1938)- Pierre and Maria-Gaetana Matisse Foundation.
Woman Besides a Lake (1941)
Women Encircled by the Flight of a Bird (1941)
Chiffres et Constellations Amoureux d'une Femme (1941) - Art Institute, Chicago
Bleu II (1961) - Pompidou, Paris
Recommended Browsing
Recommended Reading
Miro, Joan. Joan Miro: His Graphic Work. Abrams, 1958 . Introd. by Sam Hunter
MIRO. Les sculptures de Miro. Avec 4 lithographies originales!! Ant, 1970, DLM 186,30p,4 lithographs,
Miro, Joan: Ceci Est La Couleur De Mes Reves (Seuil French)
Bonnefoy, Yves: Miro ()
Butler, Stephen: Miro (Studio Editions Ltd)
Corredor-Matheos, J. Miro's Posters. Chartwell, 1980 . Folio, 269 pp., 119 color plates.
DERRIERE LE M.: MIRO EA.. 1971, DLM 195,26p,1 lithograph
Dupin, Jacques. Joan Miro: Life and Work. Abrams, 1962
Dupin, Jacques. Miro Engravings, I: 1928-1960. Rizzoli, 1989 . With 3 original lithographs.
Dupin, Jacques. Miro Graveur: II, 1961-1973. Daniel Lelong Editeur, 1989 .
Dupin, Jacques. Miro. Ediciones Poligrafa, 1993 . Folio, 479 pp., 461 b/w and color plates.
Eluard, Paul. A Toute Epreuve. George Braziller, 1984 (boards). Gravures sur bois de Joan Miro.
FAERNA, J.M.: MIRO Series: great modern masters.Over 70 of his most important works. 1995, 4to, 64 pp, 83 ill,
Gimferrer, Pere: Roots Of Miro ()
Greenberg, Clement: Joan Miro (Quadrangle/The New York Times)
Kurtz Jane: Miro In The Kingdom Of The Sun (Houghton Mifflin Co)
Lanchner, Carolyn: Joan Miro (Abrams, Harry N) 1993, 4to, 484 pp, 739 ill,
Leiris, Michel and Fernand Mourlot. Miro Litografo: Volumes I-IV. Ediciones Poligrafa, 1972 . With original lithographs.
Mink, Janis: Joan Miro 1893-1983 Basic Series (Taschen Books)
Mink, Janis: Miro (Taschen, 1999)
Nordgren, Sune, et al. Joan Miro: Skulpturer. Malmo Konsthall, 1993
Greenberg, Clement. Miro. Quadrangle, 1950 (boards).
Penrose Roland: Miro` (Thames and Hudson, 1970)
Perucho, J.: JOAN MIRO AND CATALONIA 107 Full colour illustrations, 177 in black & white. 1988, 4to, 214 pp, 287 ill,
Picon, Gaetan. Joan Miro, Catalan Notebooks. Skira/Rizzoli, 1977 .
Rowell Margit: The Captured Imagination:Drawings By Joan Miro From The FundacibO Joan MirbO, Barcelona (Daedalus Books Inc)
Rowell, Margit: Joan Miro Selected Writings & Interviews (Ww Norton & Co)
Rubin William Stanley: Miro In The Collection Of The Museum Of Modern Art, Including Remainder-Interest And Promised Gifts (Abrams, Harry N)
Serra, Pere. Miro and Mallorca. Rizzoli, 1986 . Forward by Camilo Jose Cela.
Soby, James Thrall: Joan Miro (Museum Of Modern Art)
Sweeney, James Johnson. Atmosfera Miro/The Miro Atmosphere. Editorial RM, 1959 . Number 91 of limited 160.
Tryding, Nils. Joan Miro: posters affischer. Malmo Konsthall, 1994
Walton: Dali Miro Masters Of Surrealism ()
Weelen, Guy. Miro. Abrams, 1989 . Transl. from French ed., 1984
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