(Clicka qua per la versione Italiana)
Walter Marchetti (Italy, 1931) is an Italian composer who adopted John Cage's
dadaist aesthetic and pioneered interactive and concrete music.
In 1964 he formed the ZAJ group (a sort of European version of Fluxus) with
Juan Hidalgo in Madrid.
His recordings include:
La Caccia (Cramps, 1974),
In Terra Utopicam (Cramps, 1977), which contains three compositions,
Per La Sete Dell'Orecchio (Cramps, 1984), which contains Da Nulla e Verso Nulla (for marimba, maracas and magnetic tape) and the collage of field recordings Per la Sete Dell'Orecchio,
Natura Morta (Cramps, 1989),
Vandalia (Cramps, 1989),
The Bird Of Paradise (Alga Marghen, 1994),
the five-movement concrete concerto Antibarbarus (Alga Marghen, 1998),
the colossal piano sonata Nei Mari Del Sud (Alga Marghen, 1999),
that revisits a namesake electronic work of 1982,
De Musicorum Infelicitate (Alga Marghen, 2001), "ten pieces in the form of mournful variations",
Utopia Andata e Ritorno (june 2005) contains two sprawling compositions: L'Andata and Il Ritorno.
Walter Marchetti died in may 2015.
Concerto For The Left Hand In One Movement (composed in 1994, recorded in april 2015) expanded the
Canonic Variations for Orchestra on Prolapsed Time From Development to Hiccup of Black Cherry Jam, requiring
the pianist "to hold a black umbrella open over his head in his left hand during the whole performance of this concerto".