Best Films of All Time by Country

Selected by Piero Scaruffi
(Needless to say, it is not easy to determine the nationality of a film: the place where it was made, the place where it was released, the country that funded it, the birthplace of the filmmaker...?)
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Best Romanian Films of All Time

7.4 Cristi Puiu: Moartea Domnului Lazarescu/ The Death of Mr Lazarescu (2005)
7.3 Radu Jude: Nu Astepta prea Mult de la Sfarsitul Lumii/ Do Not Expect Too Much From the End of the World (2023)
7.3 Radu Jude: Aferim (2015)
7.3 Corneliu Porumboiu: Police Adjective (2009)
7.3 Cristian Mungiu: Occident/ West (2002)
7.2 Corneliu Porumboiu: La Gomera/ Whistlers (2019)
7.2 Cristi Puiu: Sieranevada (2016)
7.2 Cristian Mungiu: Beyond the Hills (2012)
7.2 Corneliu Porumboiu: Comoara/ The Treasure (2015)
7.2 Cristi Puiu: Marfa si Banii/ Stuff and Dough (2001)
7.2 Corneliu Porumboiu: A Fost Sau N-a Fost?/ Was There or Wasn't There?/ 12:08 East of Bucharest (2006)
7.2 Nae Caranfil: Filantropica/ Philanthropy (2002)
7.1 Cristian Mungiu: Bacalaureat/ Graduation (2016)
7.1 Cristi Puiu: Malmkrog (2020)
7.1 Radu Muntean: Hartia va fi Albastra/ The Paper Will Be Blue (2006)
7.1 Radu Jude: Imi Este Indiferent Daca in Istorie vom Intra ca Barbari/ I Do Not Care If We Go Down in History as Barbarians (2018)
7.1 Lucian Pintilie: Balanta/ The Oak (1992)
7.0 Radu Jude: Toata Lumea din Familia Noastra/ Everybody In Our Family (2012)
7.0 Ivana Mladenovic: Soldatii - Poveste din Ferentari/ Soldiers - A Story from Ferentari (2017)
7.0 Radu Jude: The Happiest Girl in the World (2009)
7.0 Radu Muntean: Marti dupa Cracium/ Tuesday after Christmas (2010)
7.0 Radu Muntean: Intregalde (2021)
7.0 Radu Muntean: Boogie (2008)
7.0 Adina Pintilie: Nu ma Atinge/ Touch Me Not (2018)
7.0 Cristian Nemescu: California Dreamin' (2007)
7.0 Cristian Mungiu: 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days (2007)
7.0 Cristi Puiu: Un Cartu de Kent i un Pachet de Cafea/ Cigarettes and Coffee (2004)
7.0 Cristi Puiu: Aurora (2010)
7.0 Lucian Pintilie: Reconstituirea/ Reconstruction (1968)
7.0 Adrian Sitaru: Pescuit Sportiv/ Adrian Sitaru's Hooked (2009)
7.0 Calin Peter Netzer: Pozitia Copilului/ Child's Pose (2013)
7.0 Teodora Ana Mihai: La Civil (2021)

Frequently mentioned but not my favorites:
Cristian Nemescu: Marilena de la P7/ Marilena from P7 (2006)
Florin Serban: If I Want to Whistle, I Whistle (2010)
Nae Caranfil: Restul e Tacere/ The Rest is Silence (2007)
Radu Muntean: Tuesday after Christmas (2010)
Horatiu Malaele: Nunta Muta (2008)
Lucian Pintilie: Terminus Paradis/ Next Stop Paradise (1998)
Catalin Mitulescu: The Way I Spent the End of the World (2006)
Alexandru Maftei: Hello! How Are You? (2010)
Ana Lungu: Autoportretul unei Fete Cuminti/ Self-Portrait of a Dutiful Daughter (2015)
Bogdan Theodor Olteanu: Cateva Conversatii Despre o Fata Foarte Inalta/ Several Conversations about a Very Tall Girl (2018)
Radu Jude: Scarred Hearts (2016)
Radu Jude: Uppercase Print (2020)
Eugen Jebeleanu: Camp de Maci/ Poppy Field (2020)
Alina Grigore’s Crai Nou/ Blue Moon (2021)

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