- Stanislaw Witkiewicz (Poland, 1885): "Nienasycenie/ Insatiability" (1930) ++
- Olga Tokarczuk (1962): "Ksiegi Jakubowe/ The Books of Jacob" (2014) ++
- Witold Gombrowicz (Poland, 1904): "Kosmos" (1965) ++
- Stanislaw Lem (Poland, 1921): "Solaris" (1961) +
- Stanislaw Witkiewicz (Poland, 1885): "622 Upadki Bunga Czyli Demoniczna kobieta/ The 622 Demises of Bung or the Demonic Woman" (1911) +
- Witold Gombrowicz (Poland, 1904): "Pornografii" (1960) +
- Jerzy Andrzejewski (Poland, 1909): "Popiol i Diament/ Ashes And Diamonds" (1948) +
- Aleksander Glowacki "Boleslaw Prus" (Poland, 1847): "Lalka/ Doll/ Bambola" (1890) +
- Teodor Parnicki (Poland, 1908): "Tylko Beatrycze/ Only Beatrice" (1962) +
- Bruno Schulz (Poland, 1892): "Sanatorium pod Klepsydra/ The Sanatorium Under the Sign of the Hourglass" (1937) +
- Olga Tokarczuk (Poland, 1962): "Prawiek i Inne Czasy/ Primeval and Other Times" (1996) +
- Henryk Sienkiewicz (Poland, 1846): "Ogniem i Mieczem/ With Fire and Sword" (1884) +
- Wladyslaw-Stanislaw Reymont (Poland, 1868): "Chlopi/ Peasants" (1909) +
- Zofia Nalkowska (1884): "Choucas" (1927) +
- Eliza Orzeszkowa (Poland, 1842): "Nad Niemnem/ On the Niemen" (1888) +
- Tadeusz Konwicki (Poland, 1926): "Mala Apokalipsa/ A Minor Apocalypse" (1979) +
- Stefan Zeromski (Poland, 1864): "Popioly/ Ashes" (1904) +
- Marja Dabrowska (Poland, 1889): "Noce i Dnie/ Nights and Days" (1934) +
- Andrzej Zaniewski (Poland, 1940): "Szczur/ Rat" (1993) +
- Teodor Parnicki (Poland, 1908): "Nowa Basn/ A New Fairy Tale" (1962) +
- Olga Tokarczuk (1962): "Prowadz Swoj Plug Przez Kosci Umarlych/ Drive Your Plough Through the Bones of the Dead" (2009) +
- Narcyza Zmichowska "Gabryella" (Poland, 1819): "Poganka/ The Pagan" (1846) +
- Stefan Themerson (1910): "Wyklad Profesora Mmaa/ Professor Mmaa's Lecture" (1943) +
- Olga Tokarczuk (1962): "Bieguni/ Flights" (2007) +
- Piotr Szewc (Poland, 1961): "Zaglada/ Annihilation" (1987) +
- Waclaw Berent (Poland, 1873): "Ozimina/ Winter Corn/ Grano d'Invenrno" (1911) +
- Witold Gombrowicz (Poland, 1904): "Ferdydurke" (1937) +
- Karol Irzykowski (Poland, 1873): "Paluba/ Hag" (1903) +
- Kazimierz Brandys (Poland, 1916): "Listy do Pani Z/ Letters to Madam Z" (1960) +
- Leopold Buczkowski (Poland, 1905): "Czarny Potok/ The Black Torrent" (1954) +
- Pawel Huelle (Poland, 1957): "Waiser Dawidek/ Who was David Weiser" (1987) +
- Tadeusz Konwicki (Poland, 1926): "Sennik Wspolczesny/ Contemporary Dream Book" (1963) +
- Maria Kuncewicz (Poland, 1895): "Cudzoziemka/ The Stranger" (1936) +
- Bruno Schulz (1892): "Sklepy Cynamonowe/ Cinnamon Shops/ The Street of Crocodiles" (1934) +
See the Chronology of Polish Literature