The Best Poetry of all Time

Selected by piero scaruffi
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(Frequently asked question: if i had to choose only 10 modern poets)
(++ and +++ in chronological order)

Unknown (Sanskrit): "Rig-Veda" ( 1500 BC)
Homeros (8## BC): "Odysseia/ Odyssey" (7## BC) +++
Homeros (8## BC): "Iliad" (7## BC)
Maharshi Valmiki (Sanskrit, ##): "Ramayana" ( 1## BC)
Titus Lucretius Carus (99 BC): "De Rerum Natura" (60 BC)
Gaius Valerius Catullus (84 BC): "Carmina" (54 BC)
Publius Vergilius Maro/ Virgil (70 BC): "Aeneis/ Aeneid" (19BC)
Krishna-Dvaipayana Vyasa (Sanskrit, 3##): "Mahabarata" ( 3##)
Kalidasa (Sanskrit, 353): "Meghadhuta" ( 3##)
Unknown (English, 9##): "Beowulf" (9##)
Unknown (Iceland): "Poetic Edda" (11##)
Chretien de Troyes (11##): "Perceval" (1175)
Nezami Ganjawi/ Nizam ad-Din Abu- Muhammad Ilyas ibn-Yusuf ibn-Zaki ibn-Mu'ayyid Nizami (1141): "Haft Peykar/ The Seven Beauties" (1196)
Unknown (France): "Chanson de Roland" (120#)
"Nibelungenlied" (1205)
Wolfram Von Eschenbach (117#): "Parzival" (1210)
Guillaume de Lorris (11##): "Roman de la Rose" (123#)
Dante Alighieri (Italy, 1265): "Commedia" (1321) +++
Francesco Petrarca (1304): " "Rerum Vulgarium Fragmenta/ Canzoniere" (1374)
Khajeh Shamseddin Mohammad Hafez Shirazi/ Khwajeh Shams al-Din Muhammad Hafez/ Hafiz (1326): "Divan" (1389)
Geoffrey Chaucer (134#): "Canterbury Tales" (1400)
Francois Villon (1432): "Testament" (1461)
Jorge Manrique (Spain, 144#): "Coplas a la Muerte de Su Padre/ Stanzas on the Death of His Father" (1476)
Ludovico Ariosto (1474): "Orlando Furioso" (1532)
Luis-Vaz de Camoes (Portugal, 1524): "Os Lusiadas" (1572)
Torquato Tasso (1544): "Gerusalemme Liberata" (1575)
Pierre de Ronsard (1524): "Sonnets pour Helene" (1578)
Juan de Yepes y Alvarez 'Juan de la Cruz' (Spain, 1542): "Cantico Espiritual entre el Alma y Cristo su Esposo" (158#)
Vitzentzos Kornaros (1553): "Erotokritos" (160#)
Luis de Gongora y Argote (Spain, 1561): "Soledades" (1613)
John Donne (1572): "Holy Sonnets" (1618)
Lope-Felix de Vega-Carpio (Spain, 1562): "Rimas humanas y divinas del licenciado Tome de Burguillos" (1634)
John Milton (1608): "Paradise Lost" (1667) +++
Friedrich Hoelderlin (1770): "Der Archipelagus" (1800)
William Wordsworth (Britain, 1770): "Prelude" (1805)
John Keats (Britain, 1795): "Odes" (1820)
William Blake (Britain, 1757): "Jerusalem" (1820)
Heinrich Heine (Germany, 1797): "Das Buch der Lieder" (1827)
Aleksandr Pushkin (Russia, 1799): "Evgeny Onegin/ Eugene Onegin" (1831)
Johann-Wolfgang von Goethe (Germany, 1749): "Faust" (1832) +++
Giacomo Leopardi (1798): "Canti" (1835)
Friedrich Hoelderlin (1770): "Gedichte" (1843)
Sandor Petofi (1823): "Janos Vitez" (1844)
Janos Arany (1817): "Toldi" (1846)
Walt Whitman (1819): "Song of Myself" (1855)
Charles Baudelaire (France, 1821): "Les Fleurs du Mal" (1857) +++
Imre Madach (1823): "Az Ember Tragediaja/ The Tragedy of Mankind" (1861)
Cyprjan Norwid (1821): "Vade-Mecum" (1866)
Isidore de Lautreamont (1846): "Les Chants de Maldoror" (1868)
Robert Browning (Britain, 1812): "The Ring and the Book" (1869)
Arthur Rimbaud (1854): "Le Bateau Ivre" (1871)
Arthur Rimbaud (1854): "Une Saison en Enfer" (1873)
Stephane Mallarme' (1842): "Apres-midi d'un Faune" (1876)
Mihail Eminescu (1850): "Luceafarul/ Evening Star" (1883)
Ruben Dario (Nicaragua, 1867): "Azul" (1888)
Vaclav Jebavy "Otokar Brezina" (1868): "Tajemne Dalky/ Mysterious Distances" (1895)
Rabindranath Tagore (Bengali, 1861): "Gitanjali/ Song Offerings" (1910)
Antonio Machado-y-Ruiz (Spain, 1875): "Campos de Castilla" (1912)
Guillaume Apollinaire (1880): "Alcools" (1913)
Fernando Pessoa (Portugal, 1888): "Ode Triunfal" (1914)
Fernando Pessoa (Portugal, 1888): "Ode Maritima" (1915)
Paul Valery (France, 1871): "La Jeune Parque" (1917) +++
Boleslaw Lesmian (1878): "Laka/ Meadow/ Prateria" (1920)
Augustin Ujevic (Croatia, 1891): "Lelek Sebra/ Cry of a Slave" (1920)
Paul Valery (1871): "Charmes" (1922)
Vladislav Khodasevich (Russia, 1886): "Tyazhelaya Lira/ Heavy Lyre" (1922)
Thomas-Stearns Eliot (USA, 1888): "The Waste Land" (1922)
Maximilian Voloshin (Russia, 1877): "Putyami Kaina/ The Ways Of Cain" (1923)
Rainer Maria Rilke (1875): "Duineser Elegien" (1923)
Rainer Maria Rilke (1875): "Sonette an Orpheus" (1923)
Federico Garcia-Lorca (Spain, 1898): "Primer Romancero Gitano" (1927)
Marie Under (Estonia, 1883): "Haal Varjust/ Voice from the Shadows" (1927)
Vladislav Khodasevich (Russia, 1886): "Evropeiskaya Noch/ European Night" (1927)
William-Butler Yeats (Ireland, 1865): "The Tower" (1928)
William-Butler Yeats (Ireland, 1865): "The Winding Stair" (1929)
Rafael Alberti (Spain, 1902): "Sobre Los Angeles" (1929)
Hart Crane (USA, 1899): "The Bridge" (1930)
Fernando Pessoa (Portugal, 1888): "Mensagem" (1933)
Gustaf Munch-Petersen (Denmark, 1912): "Det Underste Land/ The Lowest Country" (1933)
Martinus Nijhoff (1894): "Awater" (1934)
Pedro Salinas (Spain, 1892): "La Voz a Ti Debita" (1934)
Federico Garcia-Lorca (Spain, 1898): "Llanto por Ignacio Sanchez Mejias" (1935)
George Seferis (1900): "Mythistorema/ Legend" (1935)
Marie Under (Estonia, 1883): "Kivi Sudamelt/ Stone Off the Heart/ Pietra nel Cuore" (1935)
Vicente Aleixandre (Spain, 1898): "La Destruccion o El Amor" (1935)
Czeslaw Milosz (1911): "Trzy Zimy/ Three Winters" (1936)
Juan-Ramon Jimenez (Spain, 1881): "La Estacion Total" (1936)
Aime' Cesaire (France, 1913): "Cahier d'un Retour au Pays Natal/ Notebook of a Return to the Native Land/ Journal of a Homecoming" (1939)
Nazm Hikmet (1902): "Memleketimden Insan Manzaralar/ Human Landscapes from My Country" (1939)
Jose Gorostiza (Mexico, 1901): "Muerte Sin Fin" (1939)
Wallace Stevens (USA, 1879): "Notes Towards A Supreme Fiction" (1942)
Thomas-Stearns Eliot (USA, 1888): "Four Quartets" (1943) +++
Cecilia Meireles (Brazil, 1901): "Retrato Natural" (1949)
Pablo Neruda (Chile, 1904): "Canto General" (1950)
Paul Celan (1920): "Mohn und Gedaechtnis" (1952)
David Jones (Britain, 1895): "The Anathemata" (1952)
Eugenio Montale (1896): "La Bufera" (1956)
Sandor Weores (1913): "A Hallgatas Tornya/ The Tower of Silence" (1956)
Vladimir Holan (1905): "Noc s Hamletem/ A Night with Hamlet" (1956)
Octavio Paz (Mexico, 1914): "Piedra de Sol" (1957)
Pierpaolo Pasolini (1922): "Le Ceneri di Gramsci" (1957)
William-Carlos Williams (USA, 1883): "Paterson" (1958)
Odysseus Elytis (1911): "Axion Esti" (1959)
Gunnar Ekeloef (Sweden, 1907): "En Moelna-elegi/ A Molna Elegy" (1960)
Tadeusz Rozewicz (1921): "Glos Anonima/ The Nameless Voice" (1961)
Zbigniew Herbert (1924): "Studium Przedmiotu/ Study of the Object" (1961)
Anna Akhmatova (Russia, 1889): "Poema Bez Geroia/ Poem Without A Hero" (1962)
Vittorio Sereni (1913): "Gli Strumenti Umani" (1965)
Seamus Heaney (Ireland, 1939): "Death of a Naturalist" (1966)
Octavio Paz (Mexico, 1914): "Blanco" (1967)
Andrea Zanzotto (1921): "La Belta`" (1968)
Ezra Pound (USA, 1885): "Cantos" (1970)
Attilio Bertolucci (1911): "Viaggio d'Inverno" (1971)
Mario Luzi (1914): "Su Fondamenti Invisibili" (1971)
Derek Walcott (Trinidad, 1930): "Another Life"" (1973)
Edward-Kamau Brathwaite (Barbados, 1930): "The Arrivants" (1973)
Giorgio Caproni (1912): "Il Muro della Terra" (1975)
Ali Ahmad "Adonis" Said (Syria, 1930): "Mufrad bi-Sighat al-Jam/ Singular in the Plural Form" (1975)
John Ashbery (USA, 1927): "Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror: (1975)
Josif Brodsky (Russia, 1940): "Chast' Rechi/ A Part of Speech" (1977)
James Merrill (USA, 1926): "The Changing Light at Sandover (1982)
Seamus Heaney (Ireland, 1939): "Seeing Things" (1991)
Elio Pagliarani (1927): "La Ballata di Rudi" (1993)

(+, ++ and +++ in chronological order)

Unknown (Sanskrit): "Rig-Veda" ( 1500 BC)
Homeros (8## BC): "Odysseia/ Odyssey" (7## BC)
Homeros (8## BC): "Iliad" (7## BC)
Hesiodos (7## BC): "Erga kai Hemerai/ Works and Days" (7## BC)
Hesiodos (7## BC): "Theogonia/ Theogony" (7## BC)
Simonides of Ceos (556 BC): "Odes" (5## BC)
Erinna (6## BC): "Distaff" (5## BC)
Sappho of Lesbos (612 BC): "Hymn to Aphrodite" (5## BC)
Sappho of Lesbos (612 BC): "Sappho 31" (5## BC)
Bakchylides/ Bacchylides of Ceos (4## BC): "Odes" (4## BC)
Pindaros/ Pindar of Thebes (522 BC): "Odes" (4## BC)
Qu/Chu Yuan (China, 340 BC): "Li Sao" (3## BC)
Quintus Ennius (239 BC): "Annales" (18# BC)
Apollonios Rhodios/ Apollonius of Rhodes (295 BC): "Argonautica" (2## BC)
Kallimakos/ Callimachus of Cyrene (30# BC): "Aitia/ Aetia/ Causes" (2## BC)
Theokritos/ Theocritus (2## BC): "Idylls" (2## BC)
Titus Lucretius Carus (99 BC): "De Rerum Natura" (60 BC)
Gaius Valerius Catullus (84 BC): "Carmina" (54 BC)
Publius Vergilius Maro/ Virgil (70 BC): "Aeneis/ Aeneid" (19BC)
Publius Vergilius Maro/ Virgil (70 BC): "Eclogues/Bucolics" (38 BC)
Quintus Horatius Flaccus/ Horace (65 BC): "Carmina/ Odes" (13 BC)
Publius Ovidius Naso/ Ovid (43 BC): "Heroides/ The Heroines" (1st c BC)
Maharshi Valmiki (Sanskrit, ##): "Ramayana" ( 1## BC)
Publius Ovidius Naso/ Ovid (43 BC): "Metamorphoses/ Metamorphoseon Libri" (8 AD) +
Publius Papinius Statius (45 AD): "Thebaid" (92 AD)
Marcus Valerius Martialis/ Martial (3# AD): "Epigrams" (103)
Asvaghosa (Sanskrit, 8#): "Buddhacharita" (1##)
"Avesta" (1## AD)
Tiruvalluvar (Tamil, 1##): "Thirukkural/ Kural" (1##)
Nagarjuna (Sanskrit, 15#): "Mulamadhyamakakarika/ Fundamental Verses on the Middle Way" (2##)
Krishna-Dvaipayana Vyasa (Sanskrit, 3##): "Mahabarata" ( 3##)
Kalidasa (Sanskrit, 353): "Meghadhuta" ( 3##)
Kalidasa (Sanskrit, 353): "Kumarasambhava" (3##)
Kalidasa (Sanskrit, 353): "Raghuwamsa" (3##)
"Silappadikaram" (Tamil)(4##)
Bhartrhari (Sanskrit, 57#): "Satakatraya" (6##)
Shanfara (6##): "Odes" (6##)
Tumadir bint Amru al-Harith bint al-Sharid Al-Khansa (6##): "Funeral Elegies" (6##)
Zaid bin Thabit (610): "Quran" (634)
Du Fu/ Tu Fu (China, 712): "Poems" (7##)
Kakinomoto no Hitomaro (Japan, 685): "Dialogue on Povery" (7##)
Li Bai/Li Tai Pe/ Li Po (China, 701): "Poems" (7##)
Wang Wei (China, 699): "Landscape Poems" (7##)
Umar ibn Abi Rabiah (644): "Poems" (719)
Abu Nuwas al-Hasan ben Hani al-Hakami (756) : "Poems" (810)
Abu al-Tayyib al-Mutanabbi (905): "Poems" (965)
"Kitab-i Dede Qorqud/ Book of Dede Korkut" (9##)
"Sasuntzi Davith/ David of Sassoun" (9##)
"Yamati Monogatari" (Japan)(9##)
Egill Skallagrimsson (Iceland, 910): "Sonatorrek/ Lament for the Son" (9##)
Shantideva (Sanskrit, 9##): "Bodhicaryavatara" (9##)
"Ise Monogatari" (Japan)(90#)
"Heichu Monogatari" (Japan)(96#)
Sugawara no Michizane (Japan, 845): "Poems in Kanke Bunso and Kanke Koshu" (903)
"Kokinshu/ Collection from Ancient and Modern Times" (Japan)(905)
Ki Tsurayuki (Japan, 9##): "Poems in Kokinshu" (905)
Unknown (English, 9##): "Beowulf" (9##)
Abu Mo'in Hamid al-Din Nasir ibn Khusraw/ Nasir-i Khusrau/ Khosrow/ Khosro/ Naser (1004): "Rawshana-i-nama/ Shish Fasl/ Book of Enlightenment" (10##)
Al-Hariri (1054): "Maqamat/ The Assemblies of al-Hariri" (10##)
Yusuf Has Hajib (10##): "Kutadgu Bilig/ Wisdom of Royal Glory" (10##)
Haki-m Abol-Qa-sem Ferdowsi Tusi (932): "Shah-nameh" (1010)
Abu Ala Al-Maari (973): "Poems" (1057)
Somadeva (Sanskrit, 1035): "Katha Sarit Sagara/ The Ocean of Streams of Story" (1081)
Unknown (Iceland): "Poetic Edda" (11##)
Jayadeva Goswami (Sanskrit, 11##): "Gita Govinda" (11##)
Yosef ibn Zabara (Hebrew, 11##): "Sefer Sha'ashu'im/ Book of Delights" (11##)
Jean Renart (11##): "Guillaume de Dole/ Roman del la Rose"
Farid ad-Din Attar (1136): "Mantegh at-Tayr/ The Conference of the Birds" (112#)
Esteban de Gormaz: "Cantar de Mio Cid" (Spain)(114#)
Hakim Sanai (10##): "The Hadiqat-ul Haqiqah/ The Walled Garden of Truth" (114#)
Yehudah/Judah Halevi (Hebrew, 1075): "Poems" (1141)
Li ChingChao (China, 1081): "Poems" (1149)
"Koenig Rother" (115#)
"Floire et Blancheflor" (116#)
Nezami Ganjawi/ Nizam ad-Din Abu- Muhammad Ilyas ibn-Yusuf ibn-Zaki ibn-Mu'ayyid Nizami (1141): "Makhzan al-Asrar/ The Storehouse of Mysteries" (1163)
Pierre de Saint Cloud (11##): "Roman de Renart" (117#)
Chretien de Troyes (11##): "Cliges" (1170)
Chretien de Troyes (11##): "Lancelot" (1172)
Chretien de Troyes (11##): "Yvain" (1174)
Chretien de Troyes (11##): "Perceval" (1175)
Shotha Rustaveli (Georgia, 11##): "Vepkhistkaosani/ The Knight in the Panther's Skin" (119#)
Nezami Ganjawi/ Nizam ad-Din Abu- Muhammad Ilyas ibn-Yusuf ibn-Zaki ibn-Mu'ayyid Nizami (1141): "Layli o Majnun" (1192)
Nezami Ganjawi/ Nizam ad-Din Abu- Muhammad Ilyas ibn-Yusuf ibn-Zaki ibn-Mu'ayyid Nizami (1141): "Haft Peykar/ The Seven Beauties" (1196)
Unknown (France): "Chanson de Roland" (120#)
Busiri (1211): "al-Kawakib ad-Durriya fi Madh Khayr al-Bariya/ Celestial Lights in Praise of the Best of Creation" aka "Qasida al-Burda (12##)
Konrad von Wuerzburg (1228): "Pantaleon" (12##)
"The Owl and the Nightingale" (120#)
Fujiwara Teika (Japan, 1162): "Poems in Shin Kokinshu" (120#)
Robert de Boron (11##): "L'Estoire du Graal/ Joseph d'Arimathe and Merlin" (120#)
Robert de Boron (11##): "Perceval" (120#)
Robert de Boron (11##): "Merlin" (120#)
Saigyo (Japan, 1113): "Poems in Shin Kokinshu" (120#)
Nezami Ganjawi/ Nizam ad-Din Abu- Muhammad Ilyas ibn-Yusuf ibn-Zaki ibn-Mu'ayyid Nizami (1141): "Eskandarname/ The Book of Alexander" (1202)
Hartmann von Aue (116#): "Iwein" (1203)
Unknown (Germany): "Nibelungenlied" (1205)
Wolfram Von Eschenbach (117#): "Parzival" (1210)
Yehuda al-Harizi/ Judah Alharizi (Hebrew, 1165): "Sefer Tahkemoni/ The Book of Tahkemoni" (1220)
"Kudrun" (123#)
Guillaume de Lorris (11##): "Roman de la Rose" (123#)
Walther von der Vogelweide (117#): "Sprueche" (123#)
Shaykh Umar ibn Al-Farid (1182): "Poems" (1235)
Muslih-ud-Din Mushrif-ibn-Abdullah Sadi/ Mosleh al-Din Saadi (1184): "Bustan/ The Orchard" (1257)
Molana Jalal al-din Mohamad Balkhi "Rumi" (1207): "Mathnawi/ Masnavi-ye Manavi/ Spiritual Poem" (1273)
Amiri Khusrav/ Amir Khosrow (1253): "Wastul-Hayat/ The Middle of Life" (1279)
Rutebeuf (12##): "Poemes" (128#)
Jean de Meung (123#): "Roman de la Rose" (1280)
Jnaneshwar/ Jnanadev (Marathi, 12##): "Bhavartha Dipika" (129#)
"Sir Gawayne and the Grene Knight" (13##)
Obeyd Zakani (13##): "Mush o-gorbeh/ Mouse and Cat" (13##)
Yunus Emre (1238): "Sufi poems" (1320)
Dante Alighieri (Italy, 1265): "Commedia" (1321)
Juan Ruiz (Spain, 130#): "El Libro de Buen Amor" (1330)
Gao Qi (China, 1336): "Poems" (1374)
Francesco Petrarca (1304): "Canti" (1374)
William Langland (1331): "Piers the Plowman" (1386)
Khajeh Shamseddin Mohammad Hafez Shirazi/ Khwajeh Shams al-Din Muhammad Hafez/ Hafiz (1326): "Divan" (1389)
Geoffrey Chaucer (134#): "Canterbury Tales" (1400)
Mahapurusha Srimanta Sankaradeva/ Shankara Deva (Assamese, 1449): "Kirtan" (14##)
Sogi (Japan, 1421): "Renga poems" (14##)
Srimanta Sankardev/ Sankaradeva/ Shankara Deva (Assamese, 1449): "Kirtan" (14##)
Ausias March (Spain, 1397): "Cantos de Amor" (1442)
Juan de Mena (Spain, 1411): "Laberinto de Fortuna" (1444)
Inigio Lopez de Mendoza 'Santillana' (Spain, 1398): "Cancionero" (1449)
Francois Villon (1432): "Ballade des Pendus" (146#)
Francois Villon (1432): "Ballades de Dames du Temps Jadis" (146#)
Francois Villon (1432): "Les Regrets de la Belle Heaulmiere" (146#)
Francois Villon (1432): "Testament" (1461)
Jorge Manrique (Spain, 144#): "Coplas a la Muerte de Su Padre/ Stanzas on the Death of His Father" (1476)
Angelo Poliziano (1454): "Stanze per la Giostra" (1478)
Luigi Pulci (1432): "Morgante" (1483)
Nur ad-Din Abd ar-Rahman Jami (1414): "Yusof o Zoleikha/ Yousef and Zolaikha" (1483)
Nur ad-Din Abd ar-Rahman Jami (1414): "Khiradnameh Iskandar/ Kheradnameye Eskandari/ Alexander's Wisdom" (1485)
Sogi (Japan, 1421): "Minase Sangin Hyakuin" (1488)
MatteoMaria Boiardo (1441): "Orlando Innamorato" (1494)
Sebastian Brant (1457): "Das Narrenschiff" (1494)
Eknath Swami (Marathi, 1548): "Ekanathi Bhagavata" (15##)
Mahmud Abdulbaki Baki/ Baqi (1526): "Mersiyei Hazreti Suleyman Han/ Elegy for His Excellency Suleyman Khan"" (15##)
Pingali Surana (Telugu, 15##): "Kalapurno Dayamu" (15##)
Surdas (Hindi, 1483): "Sur Sagar/ Ocean of Melody" (15##)
Tulsi Das (Hindi, 1532): "Ramacharitamanasa" (15##)
Alisher Navoiy/ Ali Sir Nevai/ Navai (1441): "Hamsa" (1501)
Ludovico Ariosto (1474): "Orlando Furioso" (1532)
Muhammad bin Suleyman Fuzuli (1483): "Dastani Leyli vu Mecnun/ The Epic of Layla and Majnun" (1535)
Garcilaso de la Vega (Spain, 1503): "Eglogas" (1536)
Jean Marot (1496): "L'Enfer" (1539)
Malik Jayasi (Hindi, 1493): "Padmavat" (154#)
Maurice Sceve (1501): "Delie" (1544)
Teofilo Folengo (1491): "Baldus" (1544)
Meera Bai (Hindi, 1499): "Poems" (1547)
Francisco de Sa-de-Miranda (Portugal, 1481): "Basto" (155#)
Pierre de Ronsard (1524): "Amours" (1552)
Christovao Falcao (Portugal, 1515): "Crisfal" (1554)
Sebestyen Tinodi (150#): "Cronica/ Chronicle" (1554)
Hans Sachs (1494): "Meisterlieder" (1557)
Joachim du Bellay (1522): "Les Regrets" (1558)
Antonio Ferreira (Portugal, 1528): "Poemas Lusitanos" (1569)
Fernando de Herrera (Spain, 1534): "Cancionero" (1572)
Luis-Vaz de Camoes (Portugal, 1524): "Os Lusiadas" (1572)
Torquato Tasso (1544): "Gerusalemme Liberata" (1575)
Pierre de Ronsard (1524): "Sonnets pour Helene" (1578)
Juan de Yepes y Alvarez 'Juan de la Cruz' (Spain, 1542): "Llamas de Amor Viva" (158#)
Juan de Yepes y Alvarez 'Juan de la Cruz' (Spain, 1542): "Cantico Espiritual entre el Alma y Cristo su Esposo" (158#)
Jan Kochanowski (1530): "Treny/ Laments" (1580)
Luis-Vaz de Camoes (Portugal, 1524): "Rimas" (1580)
Alonso de Ercilla (Spain, 1533): "La Araucana" (1589)
Balint Balassi (1554): "Julia" (1589)
Luis-Ponce de Leon (Spain, 1527): "Poesias Originales" (1591)
Balint Balassi (1554): "Poems" (1594)
Edmund Spenser (1552): "The Faerie Queene" (1596)
John Davies (1569): "Orchestra" (1596)
Abdur Rahim Khankhana (Hindi, 1556): "Poems" (16##)
Vitzentzos Kornaros (1553): "Erotokritos" (160#)
John Donne (1572): "Elegies" (1601)
John Donne (1572): "Songs and Sonnets" (1601)
John Donne (1572): "The Progresse of the Soule" (1601)
Lope-Felix de Vega-Carpio (Spain, 1562): "La Hermosura de Angelica" (1602)
Walter Raleigh (155#): "The Passionate Man's Pilgrimage" (1603)
William Shakespeare (1564): "Sonnets" (1609)
John Donne (1572): "An Anatomy of the World" (1611)
John Donne (1572): "Of the Progress of the Soul" (1612)
Luis de Gongora y Argote (Spain, 1561): "Fabula de Polifemo y Galatea" (1612)
Luis de Gongora y Argote (Spain, 1561): "Soledades" (1613)
Szymon Szymonowic (1558): "Sielanki/ Idylls" (1614)
Agrippa d'Aubigne' (1552): "Les Tragiques" (1616)
John Donne (1572): "Holy Sonnets" (1618)
Alessandro Tassoni (1565): "Secchia Rapita" (1622)
Michael Drayton (1563): "The Poly-Olbion" (1622)
Giambattista Marini (1569): "Adone" (1623)
Ivan Gundulic (Croatia, 1589): "Osman" (1626)
Andrew Marvell (1621): "The Garden" (1633)
George Herbert (1593): "The Temple" (1633)
Lope-Felix de Vega-Carpio (Spain, 1562): "Rimas humanas y divinas del licenciado Tome de Burguillos" (1634)
Georg Stiernhielm (Sweden, 1598): "Hercules" (1648)
Miklos Zrinyi (1620): "Szigeti Veszedelem/ The Fall of Sziget" (1649)
Samuel Twardowski (1600): "Nadobna Pasqualina" (1655)
Jan-Andrzej Morsztyn (1613): "Psyche" (1658)
Andrew Marvell (1621): "Horatian Ode upon Cromwell's Return from Ireland" (1659)
Catharina Regina von Greiffenberg (1633): "Geistliche Sonnette" (1662)
Istvan Gyongyosi (1629): "Muranyi Venus" (1664)
John Milton (1608): "Paradise Lost" (1667)
Francisco-Gomez de Quevedo y Villegas (Spain, 1580): "El Parnaso Espanol" (1670)
Waclaw Potocki (1625): "Wojna Chocimska/ The War of Khotin" (1670)
Samuel Butler (1613): "Hudibras" (1674)
Andrew Marvell (1621): "A Dialogue Between the Resolved Soul and Created Pleasure" (1681)
John Dryden (1631): "Absalom and Achitophel" (1681)
John Dryden (1631): "Religio Laici" (1682)
John Dryden (1631): "The Hind and the Panther" (1687)
Juana Ines de la Cruz (Mexico, 1648): "El Sueno" (1692)
Yusuf Nabi (1642): "Khayriye" (1692)
Jean de la Fontaine (1621): "Fables" (1694)
Matsui Basho (Japan, 1644): "Haiku poems" (1694)
Wespazjan Kochowski (1633): "Psalmodia Polska" (1695)
Abdul Latif Bhittai (Sindhi, 1689): "Sassi Punnu" (17##)
Ahmed Nedim (1681): "Sarki/ Songs" (17##)
Mir Hasan (Urdu, 1727): "Sihr-ul-Bayan" (17##)
Mirza Bedil (16##): "Tilismi Hairat" (17##)
Mirza Bedil (16##): "Turi Marifat" (17##)
Waris Shah (Punjabi, 1738): "Heer Ranjha" (17##)
Vali Mohammed/ Vali Dakhni (Urdu, 1667): "Diwan" (1707)
Mirza Bedil (16##): "Irfan" (1712)
Alexander Pope (1688): "The Rape of the Lock" (1714)
Alexander Pope (1688): "An Essay on Man" (1734)
Premananda Bhatta (Gujarati, 1636): "Poems" (1734)
Alexander Pope (1688): "Epistles to Arbuthnot" (1735)
Ludvig Holberg (Norway, 1684): "Nicolai Klimii Iter Subterraneum/ The Subterranean Travel of Niels Klim" (1741)
Mikhail Lomonosov (Russia, 1711): "Utrennee Razmyshlenie o Bozhiem Velichestve/ Morning Meditation on the Greatness of God" (1743)
Samuel Johnson (Britain, 1709): "The Vanity of Human Wishes" (1749)
Thomas Gray (Britain, 1716): "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard" (1751)
Mikhail Lomonosov (Russia, 1711): "Pis'mo o Pravilakh Rossiiskogo Stikhotvorstva/ On the Utility of Glass" (1752)
Christopher Smart (Britain, 1722): "Song to David" (1763)
Oliver Goldsmith (Britain, 1730): "The Deserted Village" (1770)
Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock (1724): "Der Messias" (1772)
Pedro-Antonio Correia-Garcao (Portugal, 1724): "Cantata de Dido" (1772)
Ignacy Krasicki (1735): "Monachomachia/ War of the Monks" (1778)
Mikhail Kheraskov (Russia, 1733): "Rossiiada/ Rossiad" (1779)
Christoph-Martin Wieland (1733): "Oberon" (1780)
Gaspar-Melchor de Jovellanos (Spain, 1744): Epistolas" (1780)
Seyh Galib Dede (1757): "Husn-u Iscq/ Beauty and Love" (1782)
George Crabbe (Britain, 1754): "The Village" (1783)
Gavrila Derzhavin (Russia, 1743): "Bog/ God" (1784)
William Cowper (Britain, 1731): "The Task" (1785)
Giovanni Meli (1740): "La Buccolica" (1787)
Andre' Chenier (1762): "Poemes" (1789)
Gavrila Derzhavin (Russia, 1743): "Vodopad/ The Waterfall" (1794)
William Blake (Britain, 1757): "Songs of Experience" (1794)
Giuseppe Parini (1729): "Odi" (1795)
Juan Melendez-Valdes (Spain, 1754): "Poesias" (1797)
Manuel-Maria-Barbosa du Bocage (Portugal, 1765): "Pavorosa Ilusao da Eternidade" (1797)
William Blake (Britain, 1757): "Vala" (1797)
Samuel-Taylor Coleridge (Britain, 1772): "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" (1798)
Antonio Dinis da Cruz e Silva (Portugal, 1731): "Hissope" (1799)
Giuseppe Parini (1729): "Giorno" (1799)
Ho Xuan Huong (Vietnam, 17##): "Poems" (18##)
Friedrich Hoelderlin (1770): "Brod und Wein" (1800)
Friedrich Hoelderlin (1770): "Menons Klagen um Diotima" (1800)
Ion Budai-Deleanu (1760): "Tiganiada" (1800)
William Cowper (Britain, 1731): "The Castaway" (1800)
William Wordsworth (Britain, 1770): "Michael" (1800)
Friedrich Hoelderlin (1770): "Der Archipelagus" (1800)
Sandor Kisfaludy (1788): "Himfy Szerelmei/ Loves of Himfy" (1801)
Friedrich Hoelderlin (1770): "Patmos" (1803)
Mihaly Csokonai-Vitez (1773): "Dorottya/ Dorothy" (1804)
William Wordsworth (Britain, 1770): "Prelude" (1805)
Ugo Foscolo (1778): "Dei Sepolcri" (1807)
William Wordsworth (Britain, 1770): "Intimations of Immortality" (1807)
William Blake (Britain, 1757): "Milton" (1808)
Jose-Agostinho de Macedo (Portugal, 1761): "A Meditacao" (1813)
Jose-Agostinho de Macedo (Portugal, 1761): "O Oriente" (1814)
Carlo Porta (1775): "Lament del Marchionn di Gamb Avert" (1816)
John Keats (Britain, 1795): "Endymion" (1818)
Hendrik Tollens (1780): "De overwintering der Hollanders op Nova Zembla/ A Winter in Nova Zembla" (1819)
Johann-Wolfgang von Goethe (1749): "West-oestlicher Divan" (1819)
John Keats (Britain, 1795): "Ode on Melancholy" (1820)
Alphons Lamartine (1790): "Meditations Poetiques" (1820)
John Clare (Britain, 1793): "Poems Descriptive of Rural Life and Scenery" (1820)
John Keats (Britain, 1795): "The Eve of St Agnes" (1820)
John Keats (Britain, 1795): "Odes" (1820)
William Blake (Britain, 1757): "Jerusalem" (1820)
Erik Stagnelius (Sweden, 1793): "Liljor i Saron/ Lilies of Saron" (1821)
John Keats (Britain, 1795): "La Belle Dame Sans Merci" (1821)
John Keats (Britain, 1795): "The Eve of St Mark" (1821)
Percy Shelley (Britain, 1792): "Prometheus Unbound" (1821)
Pavel Katenin (Russia, 1792): "A Poet's World" (1822)
Dionysios Solomos (1798): "Imnos is tin Elephtherian/ Hymn to Liberty" (1823)
George-Gordon Byron (Britain, 1788): "Don Juan" (1823)
Andreas Kalvos (1792): "I Lyra/ The Lyre/ Odes 1-10" (1824)
August Platen (1796): "Sonette aus Venedig" (1824)
Antoni Malczewski (1793): "Maria" (1825)
Esaias Tegner (Sweden, 1782): "Frithiof's Saga" (1825)
Joao-Baptista Almeida-Garrett (Portugal, 1799): "Camoes" (1825)
Kobayashi Issa (Japan, 1763): "Haiku poems" (1825)
Michael Vorosmarty (1800): "Zalan Futasa/ Zalen's Flight" (1825)
Vincenzo Monti (1754): "Le Nozze di Cadmo ed Ermione" (1825)
Adam Mickiewicz (1798): "Sonety Krymskie/ Sonnets from the Crimea" (1826)
Andreas Kalvos (1792): "Lyrica/ Odes 11-20" (1826)
Johann-Wolfgang von Goethe (1749): "Chinesisch-deutsche Jahreszeiten" (1827)
Heinrich Heine (1797): "Das Buch der Lieder" (1827)
Nazir Akbarabadi (Urdu, 17##): "Poems" (1830)
Evgenij Baratynsky (Russia, 1800): "Tsyganka/ Gypsy Woman" (1831)
Fyodor Tyutchev (Russia, 1803): "Silentium" (1831)
Michael Vorosmarty (1800): "Csongor es Tunde" (1831)
Willem Bilderdijk (1756): "De Ondergang der Eerste Wereld/ The Destruction of the First World" (1831)
Aleksandr Pushkin (Russia, 1799): "Evgeny Onegin/ Eugene Onegin" (1831)
Adam Mickiewicz (1798): "Dziady" (1832)
Michael Vorosmarty (1800): "A Ket Szomszedvar/ The Two Neighbouring Castles" (1832)
Johann-Wolfgang von Goethe (Germany, 1749): "Faust" (1832)
Aleksandr Pushkin (Russia, 1799): "Mednyi Vsadnik/ The Bronze Horseman" (1833)
Adam Mickiewicz (1798): "Pan Tadeusz" (1834)
Evgenij Baratynsky (Russia, 1800): "Posledny Poet/ Last Poet" (1834)
France Preseren (Slovenia, 1800): "Sonetje Venec/ The Wreath of Sonnets" (1834)
Maurice de Guerin (1810): "Le Centaure" (1835)
Giacomo Leopardi (1798): "Canti" (1835)
Adrianus Bogaers (1795): "De Togt van Heemskerk Naar Gibraltar/ Voyage of Heemskerk to Gibraltar" (1836)
Antonio-Feliciano de Castilho (Portugal, 1800): "A Noite do Castelo" (1836)
Karel Hynek Macha (1810): "Maj/ May" (1836)
Alfred de Musset (1810): "Les Nuits" (1838)
Eduard Moerike (1804): "Gedichte" (1838)
Juliusz Slowacki (1809): "Anhelli" (1838)
Mikhail Lermontov (Russia, 1814): "Demon" (1839)
Jose de Espronceda (Spain, 1808): "El Diablo Mundo" (1840)
Mikhail Lermontov (Russia, 1814): "Mtsyri/ The Novice" (1840)
Johan-Ludvig Runeberg (Finland, 1804): "Kung Fjalar/ King Fjalar" (1841)
Clemens Brentano (1778): "Die Romanzen von Rosenkranz" (1842)
Ion Eliade "Radulescu" (1802): "Zburatorul" (1843)
Friedrich Hoelderlin (1770): "Gedichte" (1843)
Heinrich Heine (1797): "Neue Gedichte" (1844)
Juliusz Slowacki (1809): "Genezis z Ducha/ Genesis of the Spirit" (1844)
Sandor Petofi (1823): "Janos Vitez" (1844)
Ivan Mazuranic (Croatia, 1814): "Smrt Smail-age Cengica/ The Death of Smail-Aga" (1846)
Ramon Campoamor (Spain, 1817): "Doloras" (1846)
Janos Arany (1817): "Toldi" (1846)
Juliusz Slowacki (1809): "Krol-Duch/ The Spirit King" (1847)
Petar Petrovic Njegos (Montenegro, 1813): "Gorski Vijenac/ The Mountain Wreath" (1847)
Annette von Droste (1797): "Das Geistliche Jahr" (1848)
Frederik Paludan-Mueller (Denmark, 1809): "Adam Homo" (1848)
Janos Arany (1817): "Toldi Esteje/ Toldi's Eve" (1848)
Sandor Petofi (1823): "Az Apostol/ Apostle" (1848)
Costache Canachi (1778): "Poezii" (1849)
Elias Loennrot (Finland, 1802): "Kalevala" (1849)
Heinrich Heine (1797): "Romanzero" (1851)
Theophile Gauthier (1811): "Emaux et Camees" (1852)
Branko Radicevic (Serbia, 1824): "Pesme" (1853)
Qaani of Shiraz (1808): "Divan" (1854)
Robert Browning (Britain, 1812): "Men and Women" (1855)
Charles Baudelaire (France, 1821): "Les Fleurs du Mal" (1857)
Aleksey Tolstoy (Russia, 1817): "Ioann Damastsin/ John Damascene" (1858)
Antanas Baranauskas (Lithuania, 1835): "Anyksciu Silelis/ The Grove of Anyksai" (1859)
Karolina Pavlova (Russia, 1807): "Kadril/ Quadrille" (1859)
Friedrich Kreutzwald (Estonia, 1803): "Kalevipoeg/ Son of Kalev" (1861)
Madhusudan Dutta (Bengali, 1824): "Meghnad Badh Kavya" (1861)
Imre Madach (1823): "Az Ember Tragediaja/ The Tragedy of Mankind" (1861)
Charles Leconte de Lisle (1818): "Poemes Barbares" (1862)
Rosalia de Castro (Spain, 1837): "Cantares Gallegos" (1863)
Victor Hugo (1802): "La Legende des Siecles" (1863)
Nikolai Nekrasov (Russia, 1821): "Moroz Krasnyi Nos/ Red-Nosed Frost" (1864)
Robert Browning (Britain, 1812): "Dramatis Personae" (1864)
Nikolai Nekrasov (Russia, 1821): "O Pogode/ Time" (1865)
Algernon Swinburne (Britain, 1837): "Poems and Ballads" (1866)
Nikolai Nekrasov (Russia, 1821): "Komu na Rusi Zhit' Khorosho?/ Who Lives Well in Russia/ Chi Vive Bene" (1866)
Cyprjan Norwid (1821): "Vade-Mecum" (1866)
Alfred Vigny (1797): "Les Destinees" (1867)
Giacomo Zanella (1820): "Versi" (1868)
Gustavo-Adolfo Becquer (Spain, 1836): "Rimas" (1868)
Isidore de Lautreamont (1846): "Les Chants de Maldoror" (1868)
Asadullah Khan Ghalib (Urdu, 1797): "Poems" (1869)
Robert Browning (Britain, 1812): "The Ring and the Book" (1869)
Antonio-Frederico de Castro Alves (Brazil, 1847): "Espumas Flutuantes" (1870)
Conrad-Ferdinand Meyer (1825): "Huttens Letzte Tage" (1871)
Arthur Rimbaud (1854): "Le Bateau Ivre" (1871)
Jose Hernandez (Argentina, 1834): "El Gaucho Martin Fierro" (1872)
Laszlo Arany (1844): "Delibabok Hose/ Hero of Mirages (1873)
Arthur Rimbaud (1854): "Une Saison en Enfer" (1873)
Abilio de Guerra-Junqueiro (Portugal, 1850): "A Morte de Dom Joao" (1874)
Paul Verlaine (1844): "Romances Sans Paroles" (1874)
Everhard-Johannes Potgieter (1808): "De Nalatenschap van den Landjonker" (1875)
Gerard-Manley Hopkins (Britain, 1844): "The Wreck of the Deutschland" (1875)
Vasile Alecsandri (1821): "Pasteluri" (1875)
Mihail Eminescu (1850): "Calin" (1876)
Stephane Mallarme' (1842): "Apres-midi d'un Faune" (1876)
Holger Drachmann (Denmark, 1846): "Sange Ved Havet/ Songs by the Sea" (1877)
Altaf Hussain Hali (Urdu, 1837): "Madd-o-Jazr-e-Islam" (1879)
Aristotelis Valaoritis (1824): "Foteinos" (1879)
Abdulhak Hamit/ Hamid Tarhan (1851): "Maqber" (188#)
Paul Verlaine (1844): "Sagesse" (1881)
Mihail Eminescu (1850): "Poezii" (1883)
Mihail Eminescu (1850): "Luceafarul/ Evening Star" (1883)
Alfred Tennyson (Britain, 1809): "Idylls of the King" (1885)
Jules Laforgue (1860): "Les Complaintes" (1885)
Antero-Tarquinio de Quental (Portugal, 1842): "Sonetos" (1886)
Antonio-Duarte Gomes-Leal (Portugal, 1848): "O Anti-Cristo" (1886)
Arthur Rimbaud (1854): "Les Illuminations" (1886)
Emily Dickinson (USA, 1830): "Poems" (1886)
Charles Cros (1842): "Le Collier de Griffes" (1888)
Ruben Dario (Nicaragua, 1867): "Azul" (1888)
Giosue` Carducci (1835): "Odi Barbare" (1889)
Herman Gorter (1864): "Mei/ May" (1889)
Jose Marti (Cuba, 1853): "Versos Sencillos" (1891)
Afanasi Fet (Russia, 1820): "Poems" (1892)
Judah Leib/ Jehuda/ Leon Gordon (Hebrew, 1830): "Historical Poems" (1892)
Walt Whitman (USA, 1819): "The Leaves of Grass" (1892)
Gheorghe Cosbuc (1866): "Balade si Idile" (1893)
Guido Gezelle (1830): "Tijdkrans" (1893)
Joao da Cruz e Sousa (Brazil, 1861): "Broqueis" (1893)
Jose Heredia (1842): "Les Trophees" (1893)
Sigbjorn Obstfelder (Norway, 1866): "Digte" (1893)
Adam Asnyk "Ely" (1838): "Nad Glebiami/ Sulle Profondita`" (1894)
Gustaf Froeding (Sweden, 1860): "Nya Dikter" (1894)
Rabindranath Tagore (Bengali, 1861): "Sonar Tari/ The Golden Boat" (1894)
Alexandru Macedonski (1854): "Excelsior" (1895)
Arne Garborg (Norway, 1851): "Haugtussa/ Woman of the Underground People" (1895)
Jiri Karasek (1871): "Sodoma" (1895)
Vaclav Jebavy "Otokar Brezina" (1868): "Tajemne Dalky/ Mysterious Distances" (1895)
Jose Asuncion-Silva (Colombia, 1865): "Nocturnos" (1896)
Ruben Dario (Nicaragua, 1867): "Prosas Profanas" (1896)
Janos Vajda (1825): "Poems" (1897)
Jiri Karasek (1871): "Sexus Necans" (1897)
Stephane Mallarme' (1842): "Un Coup de Des Jamais N'Abolira le Hasard" (1897)
Erik-Axel "Karlfeldt" Eriksson (Sweden, 1864): "Fridolins Visor/ Fridolin's Song" (1898)
Stefan George (1868): "Die Lieder von Traum und Tod" (1899)
Dattatreya Ramachandra Bendre (Kannada, 1896): "Meghdut" (19##)
Parvin Etesami (1906): "Mast va Hoshyar/ The Drunk and the Sober" (19##)
Subramanya Bharati (Tamil, 1882): "Panchali Sabadam" (19##)
Subramanya Bharati (Tamil, 1882): "Panchali Sabadam" (19##)
Antonin Sova (1864): "Udoli Noveho Kralovstv¡/ Valley of the New Kingdom" (1900)
Milan Begovic (Croatia, 1876): "Knjiga Boccadoro" (1900)
Valery Bryusov (Russia, 1873): "Tertia Vigilia" (1900)
Vladimir Nazor (Croatia, 1876): "Slavenske Legende" (1900)
Jan Kasprowicz (1860): "Ginacemu Swiatu/ To a Dying World" (1901)
Vaclav Jebavy "Otokar Brezina" (1868): "Ruce/ Hands" (1901)
Yosano Akiko (Japan, 1878): "Midaregami" (1901)
Rainer Maria Rilke (1875): "Das Buch der Bilder" (1902)
Antonio Machado-y-Ruiz (Spain, 1875): "Soledades" (1903)
Giovanni Pascoli (1855): "Canti di Castelvecchio" (1903)
Konstantin Balmont (Russia, 1867): "Budem Kak Solntse/ We Shall Be as the Sun" (1903)
Zinaida Hippius-Gippius (Russia, 1869): "Sobranie Stihov" (1903)
Stanislav-Kostka Neumann (1875): "Sen o Zastupu Zoufaj¡c¡ch/ Dream of the Hordes of Desperate People" (1903)
Gabriele D'Annunzio (1863): "Laudi" (1904)
Giovanni Pascoli (1855): "Poemi Conviviali" (1904)
Rainer Maria Rilke (1875): "Das Stunden-Buch" (1904)
Bhai Vir Singh (Punjabi, 1872): "Rana Surat Singh" (1905)
Ruben Dario (Nicaragua, 1867): "Cantos de Vida y Esperanza" (1905)
Hayyim-Nahman Bialik (Hebrew, 1873): "Megilat Ha-esh/ Scroll of Fire" (1905)
Endre Ady (1877): "Uj Veisek/ New Poems" (1906)
Erik-Axel "Karlfeldt" Eriksson (Sweden, 1864): "Flora Och Pomona" (1906)
Aleksandr Blok (Russia, 1880): "Snezhnaja Maska/ Snow Mask" (1907)
Endre Ady (1877): "Ver es Arany/ Blood and Gold" (1907)
Julio Herrera y Reissig (Uruguay, 1875): "Los Extasis de la Montana" (1907)
Kostis Palamas (1859): "O Dodekalogos Tou Gyftou/ The Twelve Words of the Gypsy" (1907)
Aleksandr Blok (Russia, 1880): "Faina" (1908)
Eino Leino (Finland, 1878): "Halla/ Frost" (1908)
Fyodor Kuzmich Teternikov "Sologub" (Russia, 1863): "Plamennyi Krug/ Fiery Circle" (1908)
Ion Minulescu (1881): "Romante Pentru Mai Tarziu/ The Songs for Later On" (1908)
Julio Herrera y Reissig (Uruguay, 1875): "La Torre de las Esfinges" (1908)
Julio Herrera y Reissig (Uruguay, 1875): "Los Parques Abandonados" (1908)
Oton Zupancic (Slovenia, 1878): "Samogovori/ Monologues" (1908)
Rainer Maria Rilke (1875): "Neue Gedichte" (1908)
Jovan Ducic (Serbia, 1874): "Pesme" (1908)
Ahmed Shawqi (Egypt, 1868): "Nahj al-Burdah/ In the Path of Burdah" (1910)
Dezso Kosztolanyi (1885): "A Szegeny Kisgyermek Panaszai/ Complaints of a Poor Little Child" (1910)
Innokenty Annensky (Russia, 1855): "Kiparisovyi Larets/ Cypress Coffer" (1910)
Ishikawa Takuboku (Japan, 1885): "Ichiaku no Suna/ A Fistful of Sand" (1910)
Julio Herrera y Reissig (Uruguay, 1875): "Las Clepsidras" (1910)
Kostis Palamas (1859): "Phloyera Tou Vasilia/ The King's Flute" (1910)
Paul Claudel (1868): "Cinq Grandes Odes" (1910)
Peyo Yavorov (1877): "Podir Senkite na Oblacite/ Behind the Shadow of the Clouds" (1910)
Ruben Dario (Nicaragua, 1867): "Poema del Otono" (1910)
Theodor Daeubler (1876): "Das Nordlicht" (1910)
Vladimir Nazor (Croatia, 1876): "Lirika" (1910)
Charles Peguy (1873): "Le Mystere de la Charite' de Jeanne d'Arc/ The Mystery of the Charity of Joan of Arc" (1910)
Rabindranath Tagore (Bengali, 1861): "Gitanjali/ Song Offerings" (1910)
Guido Gozzano (1883): "I Colloqui" (1911)
Mihaly Babits (1883): "Herceg Hatha Megjonn a Tel Is/ Prince What if Winter Comes?" (1911)
Vladislav Petkovic Dis (Serbia, 1880): "Utopljene Duse/ Drowned Souls" (1911)
Vyacheslav Ivanov (Russia, 1866): "Cor Ardens" (1911)
Anna Akhmatova (Russia, 1889): "Vecher/ Evening" (1912)
Augusto dos Anjos (Brazil, 1884): "Eu" (1912)
Boleslaw Lesmian (1878): "Sad Rozstajny/ Crossroads Orchard" (1912)
Ishikawa Takuboku (Japan, 1885): "Kanashiki Gangu/ Sad Toys" (1912)
Antonio Machado-y-Ruiz (Spain, 1875): "Campos de Castilla" (1912)
Arpad Toth (1886): "Hajnali Szerenad/ Serenade at Daybreak" (1913)
Christopher Brennan (Australia, 1871): "Poems" (1913)
Clemente Rebora (1885): "Frammenti Lirici" (1913)
Georg Trakl (1887): "Gedichte" (1913)
Gustav Suits (Estonia, 1883): "Tuulemaa/ The Country Of The Wind" (1913)
Osip Mandelstam (Russia, 1891): "Kamen/ Stone/ Pietra" (1913)
Guillaume Apollinaire (1880): "Alcools" (1913)
Anna Akhmatova (Russia, 1889): "Chyotki/ The Rosary" (1914)
Camillo Sbarbaro (1888): "Pianissimo" (1914)
Fernando Pessoa (Portugal, 1888): "O Guardador De Rebanhos/ The Keeper of Sheep" (1914)
Robert Frost (USA, 1874): "North of Boston" (1914)
Stanislav-Kostka Neumann (1875): "Kniha Lesu Vod a Strani/ Book of the Woods" (1914)
Velemir Khlebnikov (Russia, 1885): "Lesnaya Deva/ Maiden of the Forest" (1914)
Fernando Pessoa (Portugal, 1888): "Ode Triunfal" (1914)
August Stramm (1874): "Du" (1915)
Carl-Gustaf-Verner von Heidenstam (Sweden, 1859): "Nya Dikter/ New Poems" (1915)
Lajos Kassak (1887): "Eposz Wagner Maszkjaban/ Epic in Wagner's Mask" (1915)
Mohammed Iqbal (1873): "Asrari Khudi" (1915)
Vladimir Mayakovsky (Russia, 1893): "Oblako v Shtanac/ The Cloud in Trousers" (1915)
Fernando Pessoa (Portugal, 1888): "Ode Maritima" (1915)
George Vasiliu "Bacovia" (1881): "Plumb/ Lead" (1916)
Mihaly Babits (1883): "Recitativ/ Recitative" (1916)
Vladimir Mayakovsky (Russia, 1893): "Fleytapozvonochik/ Backbone Flute/ Flauto di Vertebre" (1916)
Angelos Sikelianos (1884): "Prologue to Life" (1917)
Edward Thomas (Britain, 1878): "Poems" (1917)
Hagiwara Sakutaro (Japan, 1886): "Tsuki ni Hoeru/ Howling at the Moon" (1917)
Juan-Ramon Jimenez (Spain, 1881): "Diario de un Poeta Recien Casado" (1917)
Vladimir Mayakovsky (Russia, 1893): "Vojna i Mir/ War And World/ Guerra e Universo" (1917)
William-Butler Yeats (Ireland, 1865): "The Wild Swans at Coole" (1917)
Paul Valery (France, 1871): "La Jeune Parque" (1917)
Aleksandr Blok (Russia, 1880): "Dvenadtsat/ The Twelve" (1918)
Edith Soedergran (Finland, 1892): "Septemberlyran" (1918)
Guillaume Apollinaire (1880): "Calligrammes" (1918)
Juan-Ramon Jimenez (Spain, 1881): "Eternidades" (1918)
Juana de Ibarbourou (Uruguay, 1892): "Las Lenguas de Diamante" (1918)
Julian Tuwim (1894): "Czyhanie na Boga/ Ambushing God" (1918)
Marie Under (Estonia, 1883): "Sinine Puri/ Blue Sail" (1918)
Pavlo Tychyna (Ukraine, 1891): "Soniashni Kliarnety/ Clarinets of the Sun" (1918)
Vladimir Mayakovsky (Russia, 1893): "Chelovek/ Man" (1918)
Vicente Huidobro (Chile, 1893): "Altazor" (1919)
Antonin Sova (1864): "Krvacejici Bratrstvi/ Bleeding Brotherhood" (1920)
Dezso Kosztolanyi (1885): "Kenyer Es Bor/ Bread and Wine" (1920)
Julian Tuwim (1894): "Sokrates Tanczacy/ Dancing Socrates" (1920)
Karel van de Woestijne (1878): "De Modderen Man/ The Man of Mud" (1920)
Miguel de Unamuno y Jugo (Spain, 1864): "El Cristo de Velazquez" (1920)
Paul Valery (1871): "Le Cimetiere Marin" (1920)
Velemir Khlebnikov (Russia, 1885): "Edinaya Kniga/ The One Book" (1920)
Boleslaw Lesmian (1878): "Laka/ Meadow/ Prateria" (1920)
Boris Bugayev "Andrey Bely" (Russia, 1880): "Pervoe Svidanie/ First Encounter/ Primo Incontro" (1921)
Nikolay Gumilyov (Russia, 1886): "Ognennyj Stolp/ Column of Fire" (1921)
Velemir Khlebnikov (Russia, 1885): "Nochnoi Obysk/ Night Raid" (1921)
William-Butler Yeats (Ireland, 1865): "Michael Robartes and the Dancer" (1921)
Antonin Sova (1864): "Jasna Videni/ Clarvoyant" (1922)
Boris Pasternak (Russia, 1890): "Sestra Moja Zhizn/ My Sister Life" (1922)
Cesar Vallejo (Peru, 1892): "Trilce" (1922)
Federico Garcia-Lorca (Spain, 1898): "Poema del Cante Jondo" (1922)
Gabriela Mistral (Chile, 1889): "Desolacion" (1922)
Kostas Varnalis (1884): "To Fos Pou Kaiei/ The Burning Light" (1922)
Lajos Kassak (1887): "A Lo Meghal a Madarak Kirepulnek/ The Horse Dies the Birds Fly Away" (1922)
Nicolaj Klyuev (Russia, 1887): "Mat Subbota/ Mother Sabbath" (1922)
Nima Yoshig/ Ali Esfandiari (1896): "Afsane" (1922)
Paul Valery (1871): "L'Ebauche d'un Serpent" (1922)
Pierre Reverdy (1889): "Plupart du Temps" (1922)
Velemir Khlebnikov (Russia, 1885): "Vlom Vselennoi/ Break Into the Universe" (1922)
Thomas-Stearns Eliot (USA, 1888): "The Waste Land" (1922)
Paul Valery (1871): "Charmes" (1922)
Boris Pasternak (Russia, 1890): "Temy i Variatsii/ Themes and Variations" (1923)
Edith Soedergran (Finland, 1892): "Landet Som Icke Aer/ The Land That Is Not" (1923)
Khalil Gibran (Lebanon, 1883): "The Prophet" (1923)
Maximilian Voloshin (Russia, 1877): "Demoni Gluhonemie/ Deafmute Demons" (1923)
Osip Mandelstam (Russia, 1891): "Grifelnaya Oda/ Slate Pencil Ode" (1923)
Pedro Salinas (Spain, 1892): "Presagios" (1923)
William-Carlos Williams (USA, 1883): "Spring and All" (1923)
Maximilian Voloshin (Russia, 1877): "Putyami Kaina/ The Ways Of Cain" (1923)
Rainer Maria Rilke (1875): "Duineser Elegien" (1923)
Rainer Maria Rilke (1875): "Sonette an Orpheus" (1923)
Antoni Slonimski (1895): "Droga na Wschod" (1924)
Marianne Moore (USA, 1887): "Observations" (1924)
Milan Rakic (Serbia, 1876): "Pesme" (1924)
Marina Tsvetaeva/ Cvetaeva (Russia, 1892): "Poema Kontsa/ Poem of the End" (1924)
Pablo Neruda (Chile, 1904): "Veinte Poemas de Amor y una Cancion Desesperada" (1924)
Robinson Jeffers (USA, 1887): "Tamar" (1924)
Roy Campbell (South Africa, 1901): "The Flaming Terrapin" (1924)
Sergei Esenin (Russia, 1895): "Moskva Kabatskaya/ Moscow of the Taverns" (1924)
Eugenio Montale (1896): "Ossi di Seppia" (1925)
Jaroslav Seifert (1901): "Na Vlnach TSF/ On the Waves of Wireless Telegraphy" (1925)
Sophus Claussen (Denmark, 1865): "Heroica" (1925)
Ahmet Hasim (1885): "Piyale/ Goblet" (1926)
Antonin Bernasek "Karel Toman" (1877): "Stolety Kalendar (1926)
Birger Sjoeberg (Sweden, 1885): "Kriser Och Kransar/ Crises and Wreaths" (1926)
Hart Crane (USA, 1899): "White Buildings" (1926)
Hugh McDiamird (Britain, 1892): "A Drunk Man Looks at the Thistle" (1926)
Lorinc Szabo (1900): "A Satan Muremekei/ Masterpieces of Satan" (1926)
Marina Tsvetaeva/ Cvetaeva (Russia, 1892): "Poema Lestnitsy/ Poem of a Stairway" (1926)
Milan Dedinac (Serbia, 1902): "Javna Ptica/ The Public Bird" (1926)
Nicolaj Klyuev (Russia, 1887): "Pogorelshchina" (1926)
Vladimir Holan (1905): "Blouznivy Vej¡r/ Delirious Fan/ Il Ventaglio Delirante" (1926)
Jan Kresadlo/ Vaclav-Jaroslav Karel (1926): "Astronautilia"
Antonin Sova (1864): "Drsna Laska/ Tough Love/ Ruvido Amore" (1927)
Alexandru Macedonski (1854): "Poema Rondelurilor" (1927)
Antonin Sova (1864): "Lyrika Lasky a Zivota/ Love and Life/ Lirica dell'Amore e della Vita" (1927)
Federico Garcia-Lorca (Spain, 1898): "Canciones" (1927)
Ion Theodorescu "Tudor Arghezi" (1880): "Cuvinte Potrivite/ Suitable Words" (1927)
Kostas Karyotakis (1896): "Elegies and Satires" (1927)
Mohammed Iqbal (Persian, 1873): "Zaburi Ajam" (1927)
Federico Garcia-Lorca (Spain, 1898): "Primer Romancero Gitano" (1927)
Marie Under (Estonia, 1883): "Haal Varjust/ Voice from the Shadows" (1927)
Allen Tate (USA, 1899): "Ode to the Confederate Dead" (1928)
Dino Campana (1885): "Canti Orfici" (1928)
Maria Polydouri (1902): "The Trilles that Faint" (1928)
Marie Under (Estonia, 1883): "Room Uhest Ilusast Paevast/ The Joys of a Beautiful Day" (1928)
Paul Van Ostaijen (1896): "Gedichten" (1928)
William-Butler Yeats (Ireland, 1865): "The Tower" (1928)
Jose Moreno-Villa (Spain, 1887): "Jacinta" (1929)
Leon Felipe-Camino-y-Galicia (Spain, 1884): "Versos y Oraciones de Caminante" (1929)
Nikolaj Zabolotsky (Russia, 1903): "Stolbtsy/ Columns" (1929)
Rafael Alberti (Spain, 1902): "Cal y Canto" (1929)
William-Butler Yeats (Ireland, 1865): "The Winding Stair" (1929)
Rafael Alberti (Spain, 1902): "Sobre Los Angeles" (1929)
Aleksandar Vuco (Serbia, 1897): "Humor Zaspalo/ Humour Asleep" (1930)
Einar Benediktsson (Iceland, 1864): "Hvammar/ Grass Hollows" (1930)
Federico Garcia-Lorca (Spain, 1898): "Poeta en Nueva York" (1930)
Ion Barbu (1895): "Joc Secund" (1930)
Vladimir Holan (1905): "Triumf Smrti/ Triumph of Death/ Trionfo della Morte" (1930)
Hart Crane (USA, 1899): "The Bridge" (1930)
Dobrisa Cesaric (Croatia, 1902): "Lirika" (1931)
Frans-Uuno "Uuno Kailas" Salonen (Finland, 1901): "Uni Ja Kuolema/ Sleep and Death" (1931)
George Seferis (1900): "Strofi/ Turning Point" (1931)
Lamabam Kamal Singh (Manipuri, 1899): "Lai Pareng" (1931)
Maithali Saran Gupta (Hindi, 1886): "Saket" (1931)
Miklos Radnoti (1909): "Ujmodi Pasztorok Eneke/ The Song of the New-Fashioned Shepherds" (1931)
Raul Bopp (Brazil, 1898): "Cobra Norato" (1931)
Tristan Tzara/Samuel Rosenstock (1896): "L'Homme Approximatif" (1931)
Attila Jozsef (1905): "Kulvarosi Ej" (1932)
George Seferis (1900): "E Sterna/ The Cistern" (1932)
Gunnar Ekeloef (Sweden, 1907): "Sent Pa Jorden/ Late on Earth" (1932)
Mohammed Iqbal (Persian, 1873): "Javednama" (1932)
Momcilo Nastasijevic (Serbia, 1894): "Pet Lirskih Krugova/ Five Lyric Circles" (1932)
Olaf Bull (Norway, 1883): "Ignis Ardens" (1932)
Tore Orjasaeter (Norway, 1886): "Elvesong/ Song of the River" (1932)
Vicente Aleixandre (Spain, 1898): "Espadas Como Labios" (1932)
Gertrude Stein (USA, 1874): "Stanzas in Meditation" (1932)
Giuseppe Ungaretti (Italy, 1888): "Sentimento del Tempo" (1933)
Gustaf Munch-Petersen (Denmark, 1912): "Simon Begynder/ simon Begins" (1933)
Jeno Dsida (1907): "Nagycsutortok/ Maundy Thursday" (1933)
Sacheverell Sitwell (Britain, 1897): "Agamemnon's Tomb" (1933)
Stephen Spender (Britain, 1909): "Poems/ Pylons" (1933)
Fernando Pessoa (Portugal, 1888): "Mensagem" (1933)
Gustaf Munch-Petersen (Denmark, 1912): "Det Underste Land/ The Lowest Country" (1933)
Gottfried Benn (1886): "Morgue" (1912)
Attila Jozsef (1905): "Medvetanc" (1934)
Ernst Enno (Estonia, 1875): "Poems" (1934)
Vicente Aleixandre (Spain, 1898): "Mundo a Solas" (1934)
Martinus Nijhoff (1894): "Awater" (1934)
Pedro Salinas (Spain, 1892): "La Voz a Ti Debita" (1934)
Andreas Embirikos (1901): "Blast Furnace" (1935)
Cecilia Meireles (Brazil, 1901): "Viagem" (1935)
Edwin-John Pratt (Canada, 1882): "The Titanic" (1935)
Fernando Pessoa (Portugal, 1888): "Odes de Ricardo Reis" (1935)
Gjergj Nikolla Millosh "Migjeni" (1911): "Vargjet e Lira/ Free Verse" (1935)
Ion Pillat (1891): "Poemele Intr-un Vers" (1935)
Pierre-Jean Jouve (1887): "Sueur de Sang" (1935)
Uku Masing (Estonia, 1909): "Neemed Vihmade Lahte/ Promontories Into the Gulf of Rains" (1935)
Vicente Aleixandre (Spain, 1898): "Pasion de la Tierra" (1935)
Wallace Stevens (USA, 1879): "Ideas of Order" (1935)
William-Butler Yeats (Ireland, 1865): "A Full Moon in March" (1935)
Federico Garcia-Lorca (Spain, 1898): "Llanto por Ignacio Sanchez Mejias" (1935)
George Seferis (1900): "Mythistorema/ Legend" (1935)
Marie Under (Estonia, 1883): "Kivi Sudamelt/ Stone Off the Heart/ Pietra nel Cuore" (1935)
Vicente Aleixandre (Spain, 1898): "La Destruccion o El Amor" (1935)
Antonio Machado-y-Ruiz (Spain, 1875): "El Cancionero Apocrifo" (1936)
Betti Alver (Estonia, 1906): "Tolm ja Tuli/ Polvere e Fuoco" (1936)
Boleslaw Lesmian (1878): "Napoj Cienisty/ Shadowy Drink/ Bevanda Ombrosa" (1936)
Carl Sandburg (USA, 1878): "The People Yes" (1936)
Ernestina de Champourcin (Spain, 1905): "Cantico Inutil" (1936)
Luis Cernuda (Spain, 1904): "La Realidad y el Deseo" (1936)
Martinus Nijhoff (1894): "Het Uur U" (1936)
Miguel Hernandez (Spain, 1910): "El Rayo que No Cesa" (1936)
Nazm Hikmet (1902): "Shaykh Bedreddin" (1936)
Robert Frost (USA, 1874): "A Further Range" (1936)
Yannis Ritsos (1909): "Epitaphios" (1936)
Czeslaw Milosz (1911): "Trzy Zimy/ Three Winters" (1936)
Juan-Ramon Jimenez (Spain, 1881): "La Estacion Total" (1936)
Gyula Illyes (Hungary, 1902): "A Pusztak Nepe/ People of the Puszta" (1936)
Adriaan Roland-Holst (1888): "Een Winter Aan Zee" (1937)
Boleslaw Lesmian (1878): "Dziejba Lesna/ Forest Happenings" (1937)
David Jones (Britain, 1895): "In Parenthesis" (1937)
Dhimiter Pasko "Mitrush Kuteli" (Albania, 1907): "Ylli i Zemres/ The Star of the Heart" (1937)
Eugenio Florit (Cuba, 1903): "Doble Acento" (1937)
Ferenc Juhasz (1883): "Poems" (1937)
Gjergj Fishta (Albania, 1871): "Lahuta e Malc¡s/ The Highland Lute" (1937)
Jorge Carrera-Andrade (Ecuador, 1903): "Biografia Para Uso de los Pajaros" (1937)
Luis Pales-Matos (Puertorico, 1898): "Tantun de Pasa y Griferia" (1937)
Maria Pawlikowska (1891): "Krystalizacje/ Cristallizations" (1937)
Nicolae Davidescu (1888): "Cantecul Omului/ The Song of Man" (1937)
Pierre-Jean Jouve (1887): "Matiere Celeste" (1937)
Vitezslav Nezval (1900): "Absolutni Hrobar/ Gravedigger of the Absolute" (1937)
Cecil Day-Lewis (Britain, 1904): "Overtures to Death" (1938)
Cesar Vallejo (Peru, 1892): "Poemas Humanos" (1938)
Henri Michaux (1899): "Plume" (1938)
Miklos Radnoti (1909): "Meredek Ut/ Steep Road" (1938)
Momcilo Nastasijevic (Serbia, 1894): "Magnovenja i Odjeci/ Moments and Echoes" (1938)
Muriel Rukeyser (USA, 1913): "The Book of the Dead" (1938)
Nikos Kazantzakis (1883): "Odysseia" (1938)
Eugenio Montale (1896): "Le Occasioni" (1939)
Louis MacNeice (Britain, 1907): "Autumn Journal" (1939)
Mihaly Babits (1883): "Jonas Konyve/ The Book of Jonah" (1939)
Aime' Cesaire (1913): "Cahier d'un Retour au Pays Natal" (1939)
Oskar Davico (Serbia, 1909): "Hana" (1939)
Jose Gorostiza (Mexico, 1901): "Muerte Sin Fin" (1939)
Carlos Drummond de Andrade (Brazil, 1902): "Sentimento do Mundo" (1940)
George Seferis (1900): "Emerologio Katastromatos A" (1940)
Gerardo Diego (Spain, 1896): "Angeles de Campostela" (1940)
Miguel Hernandez (Spain, 1910): "Cancionero y Romancero de Ausencias" (1940)
Vasile Voiculescu (1884): "Intrezariri" (1940)
Frantisek Hrubin (1910): "Zeme Sudicka/ La Terra Parca" (1941)
Gerardo Diego (Spain, 1896): "Alondra de Verdad" (1941)
Jose Lezama-Lima (Cuba, 1910): "Enemigo Rumor" (1941)
Jose Regio (Portugal, 1901): "Fado" (1941)
Laszlo Mecs (1895): "Poems" (1941)
Orhan Veli Kanik (1914): "Garip" (1941)
Vittorio Sereni (1913): "Frontiera" (1941)
Wystan-Hugh Auden (Britain, 1907): "New Year Letter" (1941)
Carles Riba (Catalunia, 1893): "Elegies de Bierville" (1942)
Erik Lindegren (Sweden, 1910): "Mannen UTan Vag/ The Man Without a Way" (1942)
Eugene Guillevic (1907): "Terraque'" (1942)
Patrick Kavanagh (Ireland, 1905): "The Great Hunger" (1942)
Wallace Stevens (USA, 1879): "Notes Towards A Supreme Fiction" (1942)
Saint-John Perse (1887): "Exil" (1942)
David Gascoyne (Britain, 1916): "Poems 1937-1942" (1943)
Devanahalli Venkataramanaiah Gundappa (Kannada, 1887): "Manku-Timmana-kagga" (1943)
Frantisek Hrubin (1910): "Cikady/ Cicale" (1943)
Kathleen Raine (Britain, 1908): "Stone and Flower" (1943)
Shaul Tschernichowski/ Saul Cernichovskij (Hebrew, 1875): "Poems" (1943)
Thomas-Stearns Eliot (USA, 1888): "Four Quartets" (1943)
Weldon Kees (USA, 1914): "The Last Man" (1943)
Cecilia Meireles (Brazil, 1901): "Mar Absoluto" (1944)
Damaso Alonso (Spain, 1898): "Hijos de la Ira" (1944)
Frantisek Hrubin (1910): "Mavnut¡ Kridel/ Sventolio di Ali" (1944)
Ivan Goran Kovacic (Croatia, 1913): "Jama" (1944)
Karl Vennberg (Sweden, 1910): "Halmfackla/ Straw Torch" (1944)
Leopoldo Panero (Spain, 1909): "La Estancia Vacia" (1944)
Miklos Radnoti (1909): "Tajtekos Eg/ Clouded Sky" (1944)
Nikos Engonopoulos (1910): "Bolivar" (1944)
Takis Papatsonis (1895): "Ursa Minor" (1944)
Vicente Aleixandre (Spain, 1898): "En Sombra del Paraiso" (1944)
Aleksandr Tvardovsky (Russia, 1910): "Za Dalyu Dal/ Distance Beyond Distance" (1945)
Gherasim Luca (1913): "L'inventeur de l'Amour" (1945)
Jorge Carrera-Andrade (Ecuador, 1903): "Aqui Yace la Espuma" (1945)
Rene' Char (1907): "Seuls Demeurent" (1945)
Dylan Thomas (Britain, 1914): "Deaths and Entrances" (1946)
Paul Eluard (1895): "Poesie Ininterrompue" (1946)
Hilda Doolittle (USA, 1886): "Trilogy" (1946)
Stelian Diaconescu/ "Ion Caraion" (1923): "Cintege Negre/ Black Songs" (1946)
Walter DeLaMare (Britain, 1873): "The Traveller" (1946)
Carmen Conde (Spain, 1907): "Mujer Sin Eden" (1947)
Francis Ponge (1899): "Carnet du Bois de Pins" (1947)
George Seferis (1900): "Kihle/ Thrush" (1947)
Juan-Ramon Jimenez (Spain, 1881): "Animal de Fondo" (1947)
Kristofer Uppdal (Norway, 1878): "Kulten" (1947)
Lorinc Szabo (1900): "Tucsokzene/ Cricket Music" (1947)
Murilo-Monteiro Mendes (Brazil, 1901): "Poesia Liberdade" (1947)
Rabbe Enckell (Finland, 1903): "Nike Flyr I Vindens Klaednad" (1947)
Rene' Char (1907): "Le Poeme Pulverise'" (1947)
Sandor Weores (1913): "A Fogak Tornaca/ The Portico of Teeth" (1947)
Stephen Spender (Britain, 1909): "Poems of Dedication/ Elegy for Margaret" (1947)
Tadeusz Rozewicz (1921): "Niepokoj/ Anxiety" (1947)
Vittorio Sereni (1913): "Diario d'Algeria" (1947)
Wystan-Hugh Auden (Britain, 1907): "The Age of Anxiety" (1947)
Gottfried Benn (1886): "Statische Gedichte" (1948)
Rafael Alberti (Spain, 1902): "A la Pintura" (1948)
Robert Duncan (USA, 1919): "The Venice Poem" (1948)
Theodore Roethke (USA, 1908): "The Lost Son" (1948)
Allen Curnow (New Zealand, 1911): "At Dead Low Water" (1949)
Edwin Muir (Britain, 1887): "The Labyrinth" (1949)
Jose-Paulo Moreira da Fonseca (Brazil, 1922): "Poesias" (1949)
Luis Rosales-Camacho (Spain, 1910): "La Casa Encendida" (1949)
Pedro Salinas (Spain, 1892): "Todo Mas Claro" (1949)
Cecilia Meireles (Brazil, 1901): "Retrato Natural" (1949)
George Barker (Britain, 1913): "The True Confessions" (1950)
Gyula Illyes (Hungary, 1902): "Egy Mondat a Zsarnoksagrol/ One Sentence on Tyranny" (1950)
Joao Cabral-de-Melo-Neto (Brazil, 1920): "O Cao Sem Plumas" (1950)
Jorge Guillen (Spain, 1893): "Canticos" (1950)
Pablo Neruda (Chile, 1904): "Canto General" (1950)
Attilio Bertolucci (1911): "La Capanna Indiana" (1951)
Basil Bunting (Britain, 1900): "The Spoils" (1951)
Dylan Thomas (Britain, 1914): "In Country Sleep" (1951)
Ivan Goll (1892): "Traumkraut" (1951)
Langston Hughes (USA, 1902): "Montage of a Dream Deferred" (1951)
Robert Lowell (USA, 1917): "Mills of the Kavanaughs" (1951)
Andrew Young (Britain, 1885): "Into Hades" (1952)
Douglas Stewart (New Zealand, 1913): "Sun Orchids" (1952)
Mario Luzi (1914): "Primizie del Deserto" (1952)
Tasos Livaditis (1921): "The Battle at the End of Night" (1952)
David Jones (Britain, 1895): "The Anathemata" (1952)
Paul Celan (1920): "Mohn und Gedaechtnis" (1952)
Alvaro Mutis (Colombia, 1923): "Los Elementos del Desastre" (1953)
Oskar Davico (Serbia, 1909): "Covekov Covek/ A Man's Man" (1953)
Cecilia Meireles (Brazil, 1901): "O Romanceiro da Inconfidencia" (1953)
Czeslaw Milosz (1911): "Swiatlo Dzienne/ The Light of Day" (1953)
Erika Burkart (1922): "Der dunkle Vogel" (1953)
Gottfried Benn (1886): "Destillationen" (1953)
Theodore Roethke (USA, 1908): "Four for Sir John Davies" (1953)
Vasko Popa (Serbia, 1922): "Kora/ Crust" (1953)
Yves Bonnefoy (1923): "Du Mouvement et de l'Immobilite' de Douve" (1953)
Jean Follain (1903): "Territoires" (1953)
Anne Hebert (Canada, 1916): "Le Tombeau des Rois/ The Tomb of Kings" (1953)
Jibanananda Das (Bengali, 1899): "Poems" (1954)
Jose-Ribamar-Goulart Ferreira "Gullar" (Brazil, 1930): "A Luta Corporal" (1954)
Leopold Staff (1878): "Wiklina/ Osiers" (1954)
Jan Neruda (1834): "Pisne Kosmicke" (1878)
Nicanor Parra (Chile, 1914): "Poemas y Antipoemas" (1954)
Tom Kristensen (Denmark, 1893): "Den Sidste Lygte/ The Last Lantern" (1954)
Vicente Aleixandre (Spain, 1898): "Historia del Corazon" (1954)
Blas de Otero (Spain, 1916): "Pido la Paz y la Palabra" (1955)
Fazil Husnu Daglarca (Turkey, 1914): "Sonsuzluk Kervani/ The Caravan of Eternity” (1955)
Allen Ginsberg (USA, 1926): "Howl" (1955)
Elizabeth Jennings (Britain, 1926): "A Way of Looking" (1955)
Ferenc Juhasz (1928): "A Szarvassa Valtozott Fiu Kialtozasa a Titkok Kapujabol/ The Boy Changed Into a Stag" (1955)
Julian Przybos (1901): "Najmniej Slow" (1955)
Nicolas Guillen (Cuba, 1902): "Elegias Antillanas" (1955)
Philip Larkin (Britain, 1922): "The Less Deceived" (1955)
Thorkild Bjornvig (Denmark, 1918): "Anubis" (1955)
Angel Gonzalez (Spain, 1925): "Aspero Mundo" (1956)
Branko Miljkovic (Serbia, 1934): "Uzalud je Budim/ In Vain I Wake Her" (1956)
Edoardo Sanguineti (1930): "Laborintus" (1956)
Frank O'Hara (USA, 1926): "Meditations in an Emergency" (1956)
Giorgio Caproni (1912): "Il Passaggio d'Enea" (1956)
Harry Martinson (Sweden, 1904): "Aniara" (1956)
Ingeborg Bachmann (1926): "Anrufung des Grossen Baeren" (1956)
James McAuley (Australia, 1917): "A Vision of Ceremony" (1956)
Joao Cabral do Melo Neto (Brazil, 1920): "Morte e Vida Severina" (1956)
John Berryman (USA, 1914): "Homage to Mistress Bradstreet" (1956)
Juan Gelman (Argentina, 1930): "Violin y Otras Cuestiones" (1956)
Laszlo Nagy (1925): "A Vasarnap Gyonyore/ The Pleasure of Sunday" (1956)
Nicolae Labis (1935): "Moartea Caprioarei/ The Death of the Doe" (1956)
Sandro Penna (1906): "Una Strana Gioia di Vivere" (1956)
Umberto Saba (1883): "Canzoniere" (1956)
Yannis Ritsos (1909): "The Moonlight-Sonata" (1956)
Zbigniew Herbert (1924): "Struna Swiatla/ The Chord of Light" (1956)
Eugenio Montale (1896): "La Bufera" (1956)
Sandor Weores (1913): "A Hallgatas Tornya/ The Tower of Silence" (1956)
Vladimir Holan (1905): "Noc s Hamletem/ A Night with Hamlet" (1956)
Richard Wilbur (USA, 1921): "Things of This World" (1956)
Henri Michaux (1899): "L'Infini Turbulent" (1957)
Nelly Sachs (1891): "Und Niemand Weiss Weiter" (1957)
Saint-John Perse (1887): "Amers" (1957)
Theodore Roethke (USA, 1908): "Dying Man" (1957)
Theodore Roethke (USA, 1908): "Meditations of an Old Woman" (1957)
Thom Gunn (Britain, 1929): "The Sense of Movement" (1957)
Octavio Paz (Mexico, 1914): "Piedra de Sol" (1957)
Pierpaolo Pasolini (1922): "Le Ceneri di Gramsci" (1957)
Andrew Young (Britain, 1885): "A Traveller In Time" (1958)
Mehmet Agah/ Yahya Kemal Beyatli (Turkey, 1885): "Poems" (1958)
Octavio Paz (Mexico, 1914): "La Estacion Violenta" (1958)
Philippe Jaccottet (1925): "L'Ignorant" (1958)
Vasile Voiculescu (1884): "Ultimele Sonete Inchipuite ale lui Shakespeare/Shakespeare's Last Fancied Sonnets" (1958)
William-Carlos Williams (USA, 1883): "Paterson" (1958)
Blaga Dimitrova (1922): "Do Otre/ To Morning" (1959)
Geoffrey Hill (Britain, 1932): "For The Unfallen" (1959)
Giorgio Caproni (1912): "Il Seme del Piangere" (1959)
Kenneth Koch (USA, 1925): "Seasons On Earth" (1959)
Paavo Haavikko (Finland, 1931): "Talvipalatsi/ The Winter Palace" (1959)
Pentti Saarikoski (Finland, 1937): "Runot Ja Hipponaksin Runot" (1959)
Robert Lowell (USA, 1917): "Life Studies" (1959)
Thorkild Bjornvig (Denmark, 1918): "Figur og Ild/ Figure and Fire" (1959)
Odysseus Elytis (1911): "Axion Esti" (1959)
Andrej Voznesensky (Russia, 1933): "Mosaika" (1960)
Badr Shakir al-Sayyab (Iraq, 1926): "Rain Song" (1960)
Branko Miljkovic (Serbia, 1934): "Poreklo Nade i Vatra i Nista/ Fire and Nothingness" (1960)
Elio Pagliarani (1927): "La Ragazza Carla" (1960)
Jorge-Luis Borges (Argentina, 1899): "El Hacedor" (1960)
Jose Angel Valente (Spain, 1929): "Poemas a Lazaro" (1960)
Kenneth Koch (USA, 1925): "When The Sun Tries To Go On" (1960)
Kenneth Patchen (USA, 1911): "Because It Is" (1960)
Ted Hughes (Britain, 1930): "Lupercal" (1960)
Gunnar Ekeloef (Sweden, 1907): "En Moelna-elegi/ A Molna Elegy" (1960)
Adam Wazyk (1905): "Labyrint/ Labyrinth" (1961)
Ali Ahmad "Adonis" Said (Syria, 1930): "Afghani Mihyar ad-Dimashqi/ Songs of Mihyar the Damascene" (1961)
Carlo Betocchi (1899): "L'Estate di San Martino" (1961)
Henri Michaux (1899): "Connaissance par les Gouffres" (1961)
James Baxter (New Zealand, 1926): "Howrah Bridge" (1961)
Louis MacNeice (Britain, 1907): "Solstices" (1961)
Natalia Correia (Portugal, 1923): "Cantico do Pais Emerso" (1961)
Pierpaolo Pasolini (1922): "La Religione del Nostro Tempo" (1961)
Yevgeny Yevtushenko (Russia, 1933): "Babi Yar" (1961)
Tadeusz Rozewicz (1921): "Glos Anonima/ The Nameless Voice" (1961)
Zbigniew Herbert (1924): "Studium Przedmiotu/ Study of the Object" (1961)
Andrea Zanzotto (1921): "IX Ecloghe" (1962)
Bella Akhmadulina (Russia, 1937): "Struna/ String/ La Corda" (1962)
Christopher Okigbo (Nigeria, 1932): "Heavensgate" (1962)
Lars Gustafsson (Sweden, 1936): "Ballongfararna/ The Balloonists" (1962) +
Edith Sitwell (Britain, 1887): "The Outcasts" (1962)
Johannes Bobrowski (1917): "Schattenland Strome/ Shadow Lands" (1962)
Manolis Anagnostakis (1925): "Synecheia 1-2-3" (1962)
Ole Sarvig (Denmark, 1921): "Den Sene Dag/ The Late Day" (1962)
Wislawa Szymborska (1923): "Sol/ Salt" (1962)
Anna Akhmatova (Russia, 1889): "Poema Bez Geroia/ Poem Without A Hero" (1962)
Adrienne Rich (USA, 1929): "Snapshots of a Daughter-in-Law" (1963)
Anthony Thwaite (Britain, 1930): "The Owl in the Tree" (1963)
Jorge Guillen (Spain, 1893): "Clamor" (1963)
Jose-Emilio Pacheco (Mexico, 1939): "Los Elementos de la Noche" (1963)
Josif Brodsky (Russia, 1940): "Bolshaja Elegija Dzonu Donnu/ Elegy to John Donne" (1963)
Mario Luzi (1914): "Nel Magma" (1963)
Paul Celan (1920): "Die Niemandsrose" (1963)
Stevan Raickovic (Serbia, 1928): "Kamena Uspavanka/ Stone Lullaby" (1963)
Vladimir Holan (1905): "Pribehy/ Histories" (1963)
William-Stanley Merwin (USA, 1927): "The Moving Target" (1963)
Eladio Cabanero (Spain, 1930): "Marisa Sabia" (1963)
Jorge de Sena (Portugal, 1919): "Metamorfoses" (1963)
Andrej Voznesensky (Russia, 1933): "Antimiry/ Antiworlds" (1964)
Bartolo Cattafi (1922): "L'Osso L'Anima" (1964)
Denise Levertov (USA, 1923): "O Taste and See" (1964)
Desanka Maksimovic (Serbia, 1898): "Trazim Pomilovanje/ I Seek Clemency" (1964)
Herberto Helder (Portugal, 1930): "Electronicolirica" (1964)
James McAuley (Australia, 1917): "Captain Quiros" (1964)
John Berryman (USA, 1914): "77 Dream Songs" (1964)
Jose Hierro (Spain, 1922): "Libro de las Alucinaciones" (1964)
Josif Brodsky (Russia, 1940): "Novyje Stansy k Avguste/ New Stanzas to Augusta" (1964)
Lars Forssell (Sweden, 1928): "Roester/ Voices" (1964)
Philip Larkin (Britain, 1922): "The Whitsun Weddings" (1964)
Jean Garrigue (USA, 1912): "Country Without Maps" (1964)
Tchicaya U Tam'si/ Gerald-Felix Tchicaya (Congo, 1931): "Le Ventre" (1964)
Abdal-Wahhab/Abdul Wahab al-Bayati (Iraq, 1926): "Sifr Al-faqr wa al-Thawra" (1965)
Antonio Porta (1935): "I Rapporti" (1965)
Ernesto Cardenal (Nicaragua, 1925): "Oracion por Marilyn Monroe" (1965)
James Dickey (USA, 1923): "Buckdancer's Choice" (1965)
Jaroslav Seifert (1901): "Koncert na Ostrove/ Concert In The Island" (1965)
Josif Brodsky (Russia, 1940): "Stikhotvoreniia i Poemy Lyrics and Longer Poems" (1965)
Randall Jarrell (USA, 1914): "The Lost World" (1965)
Sylvia Plath (USA, 1932): "Ariel" (1965)
Yannis Ritsos (1909): "Philoctetes" (1965)
Yevgeny Yevtushenko (Russia, 1933): "Bratskaya Ges/ The Bratsk Station" (1965)
Vittorio Sereni (1913): "Gli Strumenti Umani" (1965)
Derek Walcott (Trinidad, 1930): "The Castaway" (1965)
Anne Sexton (USA, 1928): "Live or Die" (1966)
Stevie Smith (Britain, 1902): "The Frog Prince" (1966)
Attipat-Krishnaswami Ramanujan (India, 1929): "The Striders" (1966)
Austin Clarke (Ireland, 1896): "Mnemosyne Lay in Dust" (1966)
Basil Bunting (Britain, 1900): "Briggflatts" (1966)
Giorgio Caproni (1912): "Congedo del Viaggiatore Cerimonioso" (1966)
James Merrill (USA, 1926): "Nights and Days" (1966)
Jose Angel Valente (Spain, 1929): "La Memoria y los Signos" (1966)
Mak Dizdar (Bosnia, 1917): "Kameni Spavae/ Stone Sleeper" (1966)
Marin Sorescu (1936): "Mortea Ceasului/ The Death of the Clock" (1966)
Nichita Stanescu (1933): "11 Elegii" (1966)
PBitek Okot (Uganda, 1931): "Song of Lawino" (1966)
Pere Gimferrer (Catalunia, 1945): "Arde el Mar" (1966)
Philip Whalen (USA, 1923): "High Grade" (1966)
Yannis Ritsos (1909): "Orestes" (1966)
Seamus Heaney (Ireland, 1939): "Death of a Naturalist" (1966)
John Ashbery (USA, 1927): "Rivers and Mountains" (1966)
Agnes Nemes-Nagy (1922): "Napfordulo/ Solstice" (1967)
Anthony Hecht (USA, 1923):"The Hard Hours" (1967)
Francisco Brines (Spain, 1932): "Palabras a la Oscuridad" (1967)
Frank Jaeger (Denmark, 1926): "Idylia" (1967)
Guillermo Carnero (Spain, 1947): "Dibujo de la Muerte" (1967)
Paul Celan (1920): "Atemwende" (1967)
Shin Tong-yop (Korea, 1930): "Kumgang/ The Kumgang River" (1967)
Wislawa Szymborska (1923): "Sto Pociech/ Barrel of Laughs" (1967)
Christopher Okigbo (Nigeria, 1932): "Path of Thunder" (1967)
Carlos Bousono (Spain, 1923): "Oda en la Ceniza" (1968)
Dennis Brutus (South Africa, 1924): "Letters to Martha" (1968)
Ece Ayhan Caglar (Turkey, 1931): "Ortodokslular/ Orthodoxies" (1968)
Elio Pagliarani (1927): "Lezione di Fisica" (1968)
Gellu Naum (1915): "Athanor" (1968)
Marin Sorescu (1936): "Tineretea lui Don Quijote/ Don Quijote's Tender Years" (1968)
Miodrag Pavlovic (Serbia, 1928): "Velika Skitija/ The Great Scythia" (1968)
Nazik Al-Malaika (Iraq, 1922): "Tree of the Moon" (1968)
Sandor Weores (1913): "Merulo Saturnus/ Saturn Descending" (1968)
Thorkild Bjornvig (Denmark, 1918): "Ravnen/ The Raven" (1968)
Wole Soyinka (Nigeria, 1934): "A Shuttle In The Crypt" (1968)
Andrea Zanzotto (1921): "La Belta`" (1968)
Geoffrey Hill (Britain, 1932): "King Log" (1968)
Charles Olson (USA, 1910): "Maximus" (1968)
Robert Duncan (USA, 1919): "Bending the Bow" (1968)
Jeremy-Halvard Prynne (Britain, 1936): The White Stones" (1969)
Amelia Rosselli (1930): "Serie Ospedaliera" (1969)
Antonio Colinas (Spain, 1946): "Preludios a una Noche Total" (1969)
Czeslaw Milosz (1911): "Miasto Bez Imienia/ City Without a Name" (1969)
Giovanni Giudici (1924): "Autobiologia" (1969)
Homero Aridjis (Mexico, 1940): "Los Espacios Azules" (1969)
Inger Christensen (Denmark, 1935): "Det/ It" (1969)
Manoel de Barros (Brazil, 1916): "Gramatica Expositiva do Chao" (1969)
Miroslav Holub (1923): "Ackoli/ Although" (1969)
Otilia-Valeria Coman "Ana Blandiana" (1942): "A Treia Taina/ The Third Sacrament" (1969)
Janos Pilinszky (1921): "Nagyvarosi Ikonok/ Metropolitan Icons" with "KZ-Oratorium" (1970)
Maria Banus (1914): "Portretul din Fayum/ Portrait of Fauym" (1970)
MariaLuisa Spaziani (1924): "L'occhio del ciclone (1970)
Ted Hughes (Britain, 1930): "Crow" (1970)
Vladimir Holan (1905): "Asklepiovi Kohouta/ A Hen for Asclepios/ Un Gallo a Esculapio" (1970)
William-Stanley Merwin (USA, 1927): "The Carrier of Ladders" (1970)
Yevgeny Yevtushenko (Russia, 1933): "Kazanskii Universitet/ Kazan University" (1970)
Ezra Pound (USA, 1885): "Cantos" (1970)
Dan Pagis (Hebrew, 1930): "Gilgul/ Transformation" (1970)
Alejandra Pizarnik (Argentina, 1936): "El Infierno Musical" (1971)
Cristina Peri-Rossi (Uruguay, 1941): "Evohe" (1971)
Geoffrey Hill (Britain, 1932): "Mercian Hymns" (1971)
Juhan Viiding "Juri Udi" (Estonia, 1948): "Narvitrukk/ Nerve Print" (1971)
Miltos Sahtouris/Sachtouris/Sachtoeris (1919): "To Skevos/ Vessel" (1971)
Antonio Porta (1935): "Il Giardiniere contro il Becchino" (1971)
Mohan Singh (Punjabi, 1905): "Nankayan" (1971)
Attilio Bertolucci (1911): "Viaggio d'Inverno" (1971)
Mario Luzi (1914): "Su Fondamenti Invisibili" (1971)
Galway Kinnell (USA, 1927): "The Book of Nightmares" (1971)
Anna Swirszczynska (1909): "Jestem Baba/ I'm a Woman" (1972)
Giovanni Giudici (1924): "O Beatrice" (1972)
John Ashbery (USA, 1927): "The System" (1972)
Les Murray (Australia, 1938): "Walking to the Cattle-Place" (1972)
Mongane-Wally Serote (South Africa, 1944): "Yakhal'Inkomo" (1972)
Odysseus Elytis (1911): "To Monoghramma/ The Monogram" (1972)
Sandor Weores (1913): "Psyche" (1972)
Anthony Thwaite (Britain, 1930): "Inscriptions" (1973)
Desanka Maksimovic (Serbia, 1898): "Nemam Vise Vremena/ My Time Is Running Short" (1973)
Franco Fortini (1917): "QUesto Muro" (1973)
Marin Sorescu (1936): "La Lilieci/ To The Lilac Bush" (1973)
Monique Wittig (1935): "Le Corps Lesbien" (1973)
Sarah Kirsch (1935): "Zauberspruche/ Magic Spells" (1973)
Shrikant Verma (Hindi, 1931): "Jalsaghar/ The Pleasure Dome" (1973)
Derek Walcott (Trinidad, 1930): "Another Life" (1973)
Edward-Kamau Brathwaite (Barbados, 1930): "The Arrivants" (1973)
Attila Ilhan (Turkey, 1925): "Tutuklunun Gunlugu/ Diary of a Man Under Arrest" (1974)
Czeslaw Milosz (1911): "Gdzie Wschodzi Slonce I Kedy Zapada/ From the Rising of the Sun" (1974)
Janos Pilinszky (1921): "Vegkifejlet/ Final Development" (1974)
Josif Brodsky (Russia, 1940): "Dvadtsat' sonetov k Marii Stuart/ Twenty Sonnets to Mary Queen of Scots" (1974)
Philip Larkin (Britain, 1922): "High Windows" (1974)
Skender Kulenovic (Serbia, 1910): "Soneti/ Sonnets" (1974)
Vicente Aleixandre (Spain, 1898): "Dialogos del Conocimiento" (1974)
Zbigniew Herbert (1924): "Pan Cogito" (1974)
Archie-Randolph Ammons (1926): "Sphere" (1974)
Ludwig 'Yehuda Amichai' Pfeuffer (Hebrew, 1924): "Me-Achorei Kol Ze Mistater Osher Gadol/ Behind all this Hides a Great Happiness" (1974)
Ali Ahmad "Adonis" Said (Syria, 1930): "Mufrad bi-Sighat al-Jam/ Singular in the Plural Form" (1975)
Ed Dorn (USA, 1929): "Gunslinger" (1975)
Guenter Kunert (1929): "Das kleine Aber/ The Small But" (1975)
Jose-Ribamar-Goulart Ferreira "Gullar" (Brazil, 1930): "Poema Sujo" (1975)
Octavio Paz (Mexico, 1914): "Pasado en Claro" (1975)
Seamus Heaney (Ireland, 1939): "North" (1975)
Yannis Ritsos (1909): "Fourth Dimension" (1975)
Giorgio Caproni (1912): "Il Muro della Terra" (1975)
John Ashbery (USA, 1927): "Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror: (1975)
Arun-Balkrishna Kolatkar (India, 1932): "Jejuri" (1976)
Blaga Dimitrova (1922): "Zabraneno More/ Forbidden Sea" (1976)
Elizabeth Bishop (USA, 1911): "Geography III" (1976)
Milan Jesih (Slovenia, 1950): "Kobalt" (1976)
Charles Simic (USA, 1938): "Charon's Cosmology" (1977)
Edward-Kamau Brathwaite (Barbados, 1930): "Mother Poem" (1977)
Francisco Brines (Spain, 1932): "Insistencias en Luzbel" (1977)
Ioan Flora (1950): "Fise Poetice/ Poetry Cards" (1977)
John Ashbery (USA, 1927): "Houseboat Days" (1977)
Kendrick Smithyman (New Zealand, 1922): "Reading the Maps" (1977)
Josif Brodsky (Russia, 1940): "Chast' Rechi/ A Part of Speech" (1977)
Andrea Zanzotto (1921): "Il Galateo in Bosco" (1978)
Carlos de Oliveira (Portugal, 1921): "Finisterra" (1978)
Felix Grande (Spain, 1937): "Las Rubaiyatas de Horacio Martin" (1978)
Hans-Magnus Enzensberger (1929): "Der Untergang der Titanic" (1978)
Lelia Coelho Frota (Brazil, 1936): "Menino Deitado em Alfa" (1978)
Maria-Gabriela Llansol (Portugal, 1931): "El Libro de las Comunidades" (1978)
Nichita Stanescu (1933): "Epica Magna" (1978)
Tony Harrison (Britain, 1937): "The School of Eloquence" (1978)
Louis Zukofsky (USA, 1904): "A" (1978)
Marta Tikkanen (Finland, 1935): "Arhundradets Karlekssaga/ The Love Story of the Century" (1978)
Bei Dao/ Zhenkai Zhao (China, 1949): "Mosheng di Haitan/ Unfamiliar Beach" (1978)
Christopher Reid (Britain, 1949): "Arcadia" (1979)
Craig Raine (Britain, 1944): "A Martian Sends a Postcard Home" (1979)
Derek Walcott (Trinidad, 1930): "The Schooner Flight" (1979)
Derek Walcott (Trinidad, 1930): "The Star-Apple Kingdom" (1979)
Miodrag Pavlovic (Serbia, 1928): "Vidovnica" (1979)
Volker Braun (1939): "Training des Aufrechten Gangs" (1979)
Raul Zurita (Chile, 1950): "Purgatorio" (1979) [p] +
Hilda Hilst (Brazil, 1930): "Da Morte Odes Minimas" (1980)
Jorie Graham (USA, 1950): "Hybrids of Plants and of Ghosts" (1980)
John Fuller (Britain, 1937: "The Illusionists" (1980)
Jose Angel Valente (Spain, 1929): "Tres Lecciones de Tiniebla" (1980)
Paul Muldoon (Britain, 1951): "Immram" (1980)
Yannis Ritsos (1909): "Monochordeses" (1980)
Mahmoud Darwish (Palestine, 1941): "al-Nasheed al-jasadi/ The Music of Human Flesh" (1980)
Phyllis Webb (Canada, 1927): "Wilson's Bowl" (1980)
Derek Walcott (Trinidad, 1930): "The Fortunate Traveller" (1981)
Luis Antonio-de-Villena (Spain, 1951): "Huir del Invierno" (1981)
Milan Rufus (Slovakia, 1928): "Oda na Radost/ Ode to Happiness" (1981)
Vittorio Sereni (1913): "Stella Variabile" (1981)
Ali Podrimja (Albania, 1942): "Lum Lumi/ Happy Lumi" (1982)
Derek Mahon (Britain, 1947): "The Hunt by Night" (1982)
Giorgio Caproni (1912): "Il Franco Cacciatore" (1982)
Josif Brodsky (Russia, 1940): "K Uranii/ To Urania" (1982)
James Merrill (USA, 1926): "The Changing Light at Sandover (1982)
Bernadette Mayer (USA, 1945): book-length poem "Midwinter Day" (1982)
Ted Berrigan (USA, 1934): "The Sonnets" (1982)
Geoffrey Hill (Britain, 1932): "The Mystery of the Charity of Charles Peguy" (1983)
Grace Nichols (Guyana, 1950): "I Is a Long-Memoried Woman" (1983)
Gulten Akin (1933): "Ilahiler/ Hymns" (1983)
Jeremy Prynne (Britain, 1936): "The Oval Window" (1983)
Les Murray (Australia, 1938): "On Interest" (1983)
Peter Reading (Britain, 1946): "Diplopic" (1983)
John Hollander (USA, 1929): "Powers of Thirteen" (1983)
Robert Duncan (USA, 1919): "Ground Work" (1983)
Mary Oliver (USA, 1935): "American Primitive" (1983) [p] +
Attilio Bertolucci (1911): "La Camera da Letto" (1984)
John Ashbery (USA, 1927): "A Wave" (1984)
Jose Angel Valente (Spain, 1929): "El Fulgor" (1984)
Seamus Heaney (Ireland, 1939): "Station Island" (1984)
Vladimir Janovic (1935): "Dum Tragickeho Basnika/ The House of the Tragic Poet" (1984)
Adam Zagajewski (1945): "Jechac do Lwowa/ Traveling to Lvov" (1985)
Raul Zurita (Chile, 1950): "Canto a su Amor Desaparecido" (1985) [p] +
Carol-Ann Duffy (Britain, 1955): "Standing Female Nude" (1985)
Douglas Dunn (Britain, 1942): "Elegies" (1985)
Istvan Baka (1948): "Dobling" (1985)
Katerina Anghelaki-Rooke (Greece, 1934): "Oi Mnistire/ The Suitors" (1984) [p] +
Mario Luzi (1914): "Per il Battesimo dei Nostri Frammenti" (1985)
Matija Beckovic (Serbia, 1939): "Bogojav-ljenje/ Epiphany" (1985)
Louise Gluck (USA, 1943): "The Triumph of Achilles" (1985)
Andrea Zanzotto (1921): "Idioma" (1986)
Giorgio Caproni (1912): "Il Conte di Kevenhueller" (1986)
Giovanni Giudici (1924): "Salutz" (1986)
Miroslav Holub (1923): "Interferon cili o Divadle/ Interferon or on Theater" (1986)
Peter Reading (Britain, 1946): "Stet" (1986)
Roy Fisher (Britain, 1930): "The Furnace" (1986)
Thor Vilhjalmsson (Iceland, 1925): "Gramosinn Gloir/ The Grey Moss Glows" (1986)
John Hollander (USA, 1929): "In Time and Place" (1986)
Un Ko (Korea, 1933): "Jeonwonsipyeon/ Pastoral Poems" (1986)
Rita Dove (USA, 1952): "Thomas and Beulah" (1986)
Antonio Franco Alexandre (Portugal, 1944): "As Moradas 1&2" (1987)
Antonio Gamoneda (Spain, 1931): "Lapidas" (1987)
Edmond Jabes (1912): "Le Livre des Marges" (1987)
Ivan Lalic (Serbia, 1931): "Vizantija/ Byzantium" (1987)
Stefan Hertmans (1951): "Bezoekingen" (1987)
Hilmi Yavuz (1936): "Zaman Siirleri/ Time Poems” (1987)
Szilard Borbely (1963): "Adatok" (1988)
Ioan Flora (1950): "O Bufnita Tanara pe Patul Mortii/ A Young Owl in Its Death Bed" (1988)
Juan-Luis Panero (Spain, 1942): "Galerias y Fantasmas" (1988)
Matija Beckovic (Serbia, 1939): "Kaza/ A Tale" (1988)
Andrew Hudgins (USA, 1951): "After the Lost War" (1988)
Mircea Dinescu (1950): "Moartea Citeste Ziarul/ Death is Reading the Newspaper" (1989)
Sofia de Mello Breyner-Andresen (Portugal, 1919): "As Ilhas/ Islands" (1989)
Charles Simic (USA, 1938): "The World Doesn't End" (1990)
Derek Walcott (Trinidad, 1930): "Omeros" (1990)
Ene Mihkelson (Estonia, 1944): "Voimalus Ounast Loobuda/ A Chance to Refuse the Apple" (1990)
Istvan Baka (1948): "Yorick's Monologjai" (1990)
Jaan Kaplinski (Estonia, 1941): "The Same Sea in Us All" (1990)
Leonard Nolens (1947): "Liefdes Verklaringen" (1990)
Mario Luzi (1914): "Frasi e Incisi di un Canto Salutare" (1990)
Mircea Cartarescu (1956): "Levantul/ The Levantine" (1990)
Zbigniew Herbert (1924): "Elegia na Odejscie/ Elegy for the Departure" (1990)
Yves Bonnefoy (1923): "De Vent et de Fumee/ Wind and Smoke" (1990)
Doris Kareva (Estonia, 1958): "Days of Grace" (1991)
Gerrit Kouwenaar (1923): "Een Geur Van Verbrande Veren/ A Smell of Burnt Feathers" (1991)
Michael Longley (Ireland, 1939): "Gorse Fires" (1991)
Natalia Correia (Portugal, 1923): "Sonetos Romanticos" (1991)
Odysseus Elytis (1911): "The Oxopetra Elegies" (1991)
Sigitas Geda (Lithuania, 1943): "Septyniu Vasaru Giesmes/ The Songs of Seven Summers" (1991)
Seamus Heaney (Ireland, 1939): "Seeing Things" (1991)
Patrizia Valduga (Italy, 1953): "Donna di Dolori" (1991)
John Ashbery (USA, 1927): "Flow Chart" (1991)
Adrienne Rich (USA, 1929): "An Atlas of the Difficult world" (1991)
Ivan Lalic (Serbia, 1931): "Pismo/ The Letter" (1992)
Mateja Matevski (Macedonia, 1929): "Crna Kula/ The Black Tower" (1992)
Milan Rufus (Slovakia, 1928): "Modlitbicky/ Little Prayers" (1992)
Louise Gluck (USA, 1943): "The Wild Iris" (1992)
Mahmoud Darwish (Palestine, 1941): "Ahad 'asher kaukaban/ Eleven Planets At The End Of The Andalusian Scene" (1992)
Albano Martins (Portugal, 1930): "Uma Colina para os Labios" (1993)
Carol-Ann Duffy (Britain, 1955):"Mean Time" (1993)
Dragan Danilov (Serbia, 1960): "Kuca Bahove Muzike/ The House of Bach's Music" (1993)
Jan-Erik Vold (Norway, 1939): "Ikke" (1993)
Jose-Jorge Letria (Portugal, 1951): "A Tentacao da Felicidade" (1993)
Volodymyr Tsybulko (Ukraine, 1963): "Piramida/ Pyramid" (1993)
Elio Pagliarani (1927): "La Ballata di Rudy" (1993)
Mark Strand (USA, 1934): "Dark Harbor" (1993)
Kiki Dimoula (1931): "Lethe's Adolescence" (1994)
Mario Luzi (1914): "Viaggio Terrestre e Celeste di Simone Martini" (1994)
Sigitas Geda (Lithuania, 1943): "Babilono Atstatymas/ Rebuilding of Babylon" (1994)
Yang Lian (China, 1955): "Yi" (1994)
Anne Carson (Canada, 1950): "The Glass Essay" (1995)
Ioan Flora (1950): "Discurs Asupra Strutocamilei/ Lecture on the Ostrich-Camel" (1995)
Vaclav Pinkava "Jan Kresadlo" (1926): "Astronautilia-Hvezdoplavba" (1995)
William-DeWitt Snodgrass (USA, 1926): "The Fuehrer Bunker" (1995)
Stefan Hertmans (Belgium, 1951): "Muziek Voor de Overtocht/ Music for the Crossing" (1995)
James Merrill (USA, 1926): "Self-Portrait in TyvekTM Windbreaker" (1995)
Michael Palmer (USA, 1943): "At Passages" (1995)
Birgitta Trotzig (Sweden, 1929): "Sammanhang" (1996)
Charles Simic (USA, 1938): "Walking the Black Cat" (1996)
Vijay Seshadri (India, 1954): "Wild Kingdom" (1996)
Gary Snyder (USA, 1930): "Mountains and Rivers without End" (1996)
Goeran Sonnevi (Sweden, 1939): "Mozarts Tredje Hjaerna/ Mozart's Third Brain" (1996)
Nikolai Kunchev (1936): "Pod Shatura na Zhretsa/ Beneath the High Priest's Tent" (1996)
Tomas Transtroemer (Sweden, 1931): "Sorgegondolen/ The Mourning Gondola" (1996)
Ronald Johnson (USA, 1935): "Ark" (1996)
Alice Notley (USA, 1945): "The Descent of Alette" (1996)
Robert Hass (USA, 1941): "Sun Under Wood" (1996)
Ilhan Berk (Turkey, 1918): "Seyler Kitabi Ev/ House" (1997)
Don Paterson (Britain, 1963): "God's Gift to Women" (1997)
Frank Bidart (USA, 1939): "Metaphysical Dog" (1997)
Eugenio de Andrade (Portugal, 1923): "O Outro Nome da Terra" (1998)
Piero Scaruffi (1955): "Dialogo degli Amanti" (1998)
Anne Carson (Canada, 1950): "Autobiography of Red" (1998)
Simona Popescu (1965): "Noapte sau Zi/ Night or Day" (1998)
Antonio Franco Alexandre (Portugal, 1944): "Quatro Caprichos" (1999)
Florence Anthony/ Ai (USA, 1947): "Vice" (1999)
Ahmad Shamlou (1925): "Poems" (2000)
Janos Terey (1970): "Paulus" (2001)
Vera Pavlova (Russia, 1963): "Chetvertyi Son/ The Fourth Dream" (2001)
Bernardine Evaristo (Britain, 1959): "The Emperor's Babe " (2001)
Friederike Mayroecker (Austria, 1924): "Requiem fuer Ernst Jandl" (2001)
Ali Ahmad "Adonis" Said (Syria, 1930): "al-Kitab/ The Book" (2002)
Andres Neuman (Argentina, 1977): "El Tobogan" (2002)
Elo Viiding "Vee" (Estonia, 1974): "Esimene Tahe/ First Wish" (2002)
Jaroslaw Rymkiewicz (1935): "Zachod Slonca w Milanowku/ Sunset in Milanowek" (2002)
Paul Muldoon (Britain, 1951): "Moy Sand and Gravel" (2002)
Alice Oswald (Britain, 1966): "Dart" (2002)
Antonis Fostieris (1953): "Polytimi Lithi" (2003)
Simin Behbahani (1927): "Poems" (2003)
Don Paterson (Britain, 1963): "Landing Light" (2003)
Carol-Ann Duffy (Britain, 1955): "Rapture" (2005)
John Haines (USA, 1924): "Letter to Patience" (2006)
Iman Mersal (Egypt, 1966): "Jughrafiya Badila/ Alternative Geography" (2006)
Louise Gluck (USA, 1943): "Averno " (2006)
Ko Un (Korea, 1933): "Maninbo/ Ten Thousand Lives" (2006)
Alejandro Zambra (Chile, 1975): "Bonsai" (2006)
Ariana Reines (USA, 1982): "Coeur de Lion" (2007)
Rita Dove (USA, 1952): "Sonata Mulattica" (2009)
Dionne Brand (Canada, 1953): "Ossuaries" (2010)
Claudia Rankine (Jamaica, 1963): "Citizen" (2014)
Karen Solie (Canada, 1966): "The Road In Is Not the Same Road Out" (2015)
Solmaz Sharif (Iran, 1983): "Look" (2016)
Alice Oswald (Britain, 1966): "Falling Awake" (2017)
Hannah Sullivan (Britain, 1979): "Three Poems" (2018)
Nathaniel Mackey (USA, 1947): "Double Trio" (2018)
Timothy Donnelly (USA, 1969): "The Problem of the Many" (2019)
Sulaiman Layeq (Pashtu, 1930): "A Man from the Mountains" (2020)
Heather McHugh (USA, 1948): "Muddy Matterhorn" (2020)
Eavan Boland (Ireland, 1944): "The Historians" (2020)
Aristide Kirby (USA, 1992): "Daisy & Catherine" (2022)
Bei Dao/ Zhenkai Zhao (China, 1949): "Qilu Xing/ Walking on a Crossroad/ Sidetracks" (2022)