- Henry James (USA, 1843): "The Golden Bowl" (1904) +++
- James Joyce (Ireland, 1882): "Ulysses" (1922) +++
- Emily Bronte (Britain, 1818): "Wuthering Heights" (1847) ++
- Vladimir Nabokov (Russia, 1899): "Ada" (1969) ++
- Thomas Pynchon (USA, 1937): "Gravity's Rainbow" (1973) ++
- William Faulkner (USA, 1897): "Light in August" (1932) ++
- Virginia Woolf (Britain, 1882): "To the Lighthouse" (1927) ++
- William Gaddis (USA, 1922): "The Recognitions" (1955) ++
- Joseph Conrad (Poland, 1857): "Nostromo" (1904) ++
- John Barth (USA, 1930): "Giles Goat Boy" (1966) ++
- John Barth (USA, 1930): "The Sot-Weed Factor" (1960) +
- Herman Melville (USA, 1819): "Moby Dick" (1851) ++
- Salman Rushdie (India, 1947): "Midnight's Children" (1980) ++
- Saul Bellow (USA, 1915): "Herzog" (1964) ++
- Jane Austen (Britain, 1775): "Pride and Prejudice" (1813) ++
- Antonia Byatt (Britain, 1936): "Possession" (1990) ++
- Wilson Harris (Guyana, 1921): "Palace of the Peacock" (1960) ++
- Ian McEwan (Britain, 1948): "Atonement" (2001) ++
- Flann O'Brien (Ireland, 1911): "At Swim-two-birds" (1939) ++
- Francis-Scott Fitzgerald (USA, 1896): "The Great Gatsby" (1925) ++
- Malcolm Lowry (Britain, 1909): "Under the Volcano" (1947) ++
- Henry James (USA, 1843): "The Wings of the Dove" (1902) ++
- Patrick White (Australia, 1912): "Voss" (1957) ++
- George Eliot (Britain, 1819): "Middlemarch" (1872) ++
- Don DeLillo (USA, 1936): "Underworld" (1997) ++
- Edward-Morgan Forster (Britain, 1879): "Howards End" (1910) ++
- James Joyce (Ireland, 1882): "Finnegan's Wake" (1939) ++
- William Faulkner (USA, 1897): "The Sound and the Fury" (1929) ++
- Nadine Gordimer (South Africa, 1923): "The Burger's Daughter" (1979) ++
- Henry James (USA, 1843): "The Ambassadors" (1903) ++
- Janet Frame (New Zealand, 1924): "Scented Gardens For The Blind" (1963) ++
- Joseph McElroy (USA, 1930): "Women and Men" (1987) ++
- Cormac McCarthy (USA, 1933): "Suttree" (1979) ++
- Kazuo Ishiguro (Britain, 1954): "The Remains of the Day" (1989) ++
- Doris Lessing (Zimbabwe, 1919): "The Golden Notebook" (1962) ++
- Peter Carey (Australia, 1943): "Illywhacker" (1986) ++
- Hilary Mantel (Britain, 1952): "Wolf Hall" (2008) ++
- Paul Bowles (USA, 1910): "The Sheltering Sky" (1949) ++
- Toni Morrison (USA, 1942): "Beloved" (1987) ++
- Thomas Pynchon (USA, 1937): "V" (1963) +
- Kurt Vonnegut (USA, 1922): "The Sirens of Titan" (1959) +
- Thomas Hardy (Britain, 1840): "Tess of the D'Urbervilles" (1891) +
- Marilynne Robinson (USA, 1943): "Gilead" (2004) +
- Edward Jones (USA, 1950): "The Known World" (2004) +
- Gerald Murnane (Australia, 1939): "The Plains" (1982) +
- Philip Roth (USA, 1933): "American Pastoral" (1997) +
- Barbara Pym (Britain, 1913): "Quartet in Autumn" (1977) +
- Lisa Halliday (USA, 1977): "Asymmetry" (2018) +
- Min Jin Lee (USA, 1968): "Pachinko (2017) +
- Mohsin Hamid (Pakistan, 1971): "The Reluctant Fundamentalist" (2007) +
- Esi Edugyan (Canada, 1978): Washington Black" (2018) +
- Arundhati Roy (India, 1961): "The Ministry of Utmost Happiness" (2017) +
- Bret-Ellis Easton (USA, 1964): "American Psycho" (1991) +
- Rachel Cusk (Canada, 1967): "Outline" (2014) +
- Jesmyn Ward (USA, 1977): "Salvage the Bones" (2011) +
- Jesmyn Ward (USA, 1977): "Sing Unburied Sing" (2017) +
- Nathaniel Hawthorne (USA, 1804): "The Scarlet Letter" (1850) +
- Charles Dickens (Britain, 1812): "Bleak House" (1853) +
- Herman Melville (USA, 1819): "The Confindence Man" (1857) +
- William Thackeray (Britain, 1811): "The Luck of Barry Lindon" (1844) +
- Lewis Carroll (Britain, 1832): "Alice in Wonderland" (1865) +
- Samuel Butler (Britain, 1835): "Erewhon" (1872) +
- Mark Twain (USA, 1835): "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" (1884) +
- Henry James (USA, 1843): "Portrait of a Lady" (1879) +
- Thomas Pynchon (USA, 1937): "Mason & Dixon" (1997) +
- Frank Norris (USA, 1870): "Mc Teague" (1899) +
- Geoffrey Chaucer (134#): "Troilus and Criseyde" (138#) +
- Thomas Malory (14##): "Le Morte D'Arthur" (1470) +
- Jonathan Franzen (USA, 1959): "The Corrections" (2001) +
- Philip Sidney (1554): "Arcadia" (1584) +
- Thomas Lodge (1558): "Rosalynde" (1590) +
- Thomas Nashe (1567): "The Unfortunate Traveller" (1594) +
- John Bunyan (1628): "The Pilgrim's Progress" (1679) +
- Daniel DeFoe (1660): "Robinson Crusoe" (1719) +
- Jonathan Swift (1667): "Gulliver's Travels" (1726) +
- Samuel Richardson (1689): "Pamela" (174) +
- Henry Fielding (Britain, 1707): "Tom Jones" (1749) +
- Laurence Sterne (Britain, 1713): "Tristram Shandy" (1760) +
- Walter Scott (Britain, 1771): "Waverley" (1814) +
- Walter Scott (Britain, 1771: "Antiquary" (1816) +
- Walter Scott (Britain, 1771): "Guy Mannering" (1815) +
- Walter Scott (Britain, 1771): "Old mortality" (1816) +
- Jane Austen (Britain, 1775): "Mansfield Park" (1814) +
- Jane Austen (Britain, 1775): "Emma" (1816) +
- Jane Austen (Britain, 1775): "Persuasion" (1817) +
- Thomas-Love Peacock (Britain, 1785): "Gryll Grange" (1860) +
- James-Fenimore Cooper (USA, 1789): "The Pioneers" (1823) +
- Ed Bulwer-Lytton: "The Coming Race" (1871) +
- Nathaniel Hawthorne (USA, 1804): "The House of the Seven Gables" (1851) +
- Edgar-Allan Poe (USA, 1809): "The Murders in the Rue Morgue" (1841) +
- Edgar-Allan Poe (USA, 1809): "The Purloined Letter" (1844) +
- William Thackeray (Britain, 1811): "The Vanity Fair" (1848) +
- Charles Dickens (Britain, 1812): "The Old Curiosity Shop" (1840) +
- Charles Dickens (Britain, 1812): "Martin Chuzzlewit" (1844) +
- Charles Dickens (Britain, 1812): "David Copperfield" (1850) +
- Charles Dickens (Britain, 1812): "Great Expectations" (1861) +
- Charles Dickens (Britain, 1812): "Our Mutual Friend" (1865) +
- Anthony Trollope (Britain, 1815): "Barchester Towers" (1857) +
- Charlotte Bronte (Britain, 1816): "Jane Eyre" (1847) +
- George Eliot (Britain, 1819): "Adam Bede" (1859) +
- George Eliot (Britain, 1819): "The Mill on the Floss" (1860) +
- George Eliot (Britain, 1819): "Silas Marner" (1861) +
- Herman Melville (USA, 1819): "Mardi" (1849) +
- Herman Melville (USA, 1819): "Pierre" (1852) +
- Herman Melville (USA, 1819): "Bartleby" (1856) +
- Herman Melville (USA, 1819): "Billy Budd" (1891) +
- William Collins (Britain, 1824): "The Woman in White" (1860) +
- George Meredith (Britain, 1828): "The Egoist" (1879) +
- Louisa Alcott (USA, 1832): "Little Women" (1869) +
- William-Dean Howells (USA, 1837): "The Rise of Silas Lapham" (1885) +
- Thomas Hardy (Britain, 1840): "The Mayor of Casterbridge" (1886) +
- Henry James (USA, 1843): "The Bostonians" (1886) +
- Henry James (USA, 1843): "What Maisie Knew" (1897) +
- Henry James (USA, 1843): "The Spoils of Poynton" (1897) +
- Henry James (USA, 1843): "Turn of the Screw" (1898) +
- Henry James (USA, 1843): "The Sacred fount" (1901) +
- Philip Dick (USA, 1928): "Ubik" (1969) +
- Robert Stevenson (Britain, 1850): "Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde" (1886) +
- George Moore (Ireland, 1852): "Esther Waters" (1894) +
- Oscar Wilde (Britain, 1854): "The Picture of Dorian Gray" (1891) +
- Joseph Conrad (Poland, 1857): "The Nigger of Narcissus" (1898) +
- Joseph Conrad (Poland, 1857): "Lord Jim" (1900) +
- Arthur-Conan Doyle (Britain, 1859): "The Sign of Four" (1890) +
- Edith Wharton (USA, 1862): "The Age of Innocence" (1920) +
- Herbert-George Wells (Britain, 1866): "The Time Machine" (1895) +
- Herbert-George Wells (Britain, 1866): "The War of the Worlds" (1898) +
- Herbert-George Wells (Britain, 1866): "Kipps" (1905) +
- Herbert-George Wells (Britain, 1866): "The History of Mr Polly" (1910) +
- Arnold Bennett (Britain, 1867): "The Old Wive's Tale" (1908) +
- John Galsworthy (Britain, 1867): "The Man of Property" (1906) +
- Booth Tarkington (USA, 1869): "Alice Adams" (1921) +
- Frank Norris (USA, 1870): "The Octopus" (1901) +
- Henry Richardson (Australia, 1870): "Richard Mahony" (1930) +
- Hector-Hugh "Saki" Munro (Britain, 1870): "The Unbearable Bassington" (1912) +
- Theodore Dreiser (USA, 1871): "An American Tragedy" (1915) +
- Flora-Macdonald Mayor (Britain, 1872): "The Rector's Daughter" (1924) +
- Stephen Crane (USA, 1873): "The Red Badge of Courage" (1894) +
- Ford-Madox Ford (Britain, 1873): "Parade's End" (1928) +
- Gilbert Chesterton (Britain, 1874): "The Man Who Was Thursday" (1908) +
- William-Somerset Maugham (Britain, 1874): "The Moon and Sixpence" (1919)
- Gertrude Stein (USA, 1874): "The Making of Americans" (1925) +
- Theodore-Francis Powys (Britain, 1875): "Mr Weston's Good Wine" (1927) +
- Willa Cather (USA, 1876): "The Professor'S house" (1925) +
- Willa Cather (USA, 1876): "Death Comes for the Archbishop" (1927) +
- John Masefield (Britain, 1878): "Reynard the Fox" (1919) +
- Edward-Morgan Forster (Britain, 1879): "A Passage to India" (1924) +
- Rose Macaulay (Britain, 1881): "The Towers of Trebizond" (1956) +
- Leopold-Hamilton Myers (Britain, 1881): "The Near and the Far" (1943) +
- Pelham-Grenville Wodehouse (Britain, 1881): "Carry on Jeeves" (1925) +
- James Stephens (Ireland, 1882): "The Crock of Gold" (1912) +
- James Joyce (Ireland, 1882): "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man" (1917) +
- Virginia Woolf (Britain, 1882): "Mrs Dalloway" (1925) +
- Virginia Woolf (Britain, 1882): "The Waves" (1931) +
- Virginia Woolf (Britain, 1882): "Between the Acts" (1941) +
- Percy-Wyndham Lewis (Britain, 1884): "The Human Age" (1955) +
- David-Herbert Lawrence (Britain, 1885): "Sons and Lovers" (1913) +
- David-Herbert Lawrence (Britain, 1885): "The Rainbow" (1915) +
- David-Herbert Lawrence (Britain, 1885): "Women in Love" (1920) +
- Sinclair Lewis (USA, 1885): "Babbitt" (1920) +
- Ronald Firbank (Britain, 1886): "Vainglory" (1915) +
- Ronald Firbank (Britain, 1886): "Prancing Nigger" (1924) +
- Joyce Cary (Britain, 1888): "Herself Surprised" (1941) +
- Katherine Mansfield (New Zealand, 1888): "The Garden Party" (1922) +
- Raymond Chandler (USA, 1888): "The Big Sleep" (1939) +
- Conrad Aiken (USA, 1889): "Blue Voyage" (1927) +
- Conrad Richter (USA, 1890): "The Waters of Kronos" (1960) +
- Agatha Christie (Britain, 1890): "Murder on the Orient Express" (1934) +
- Howard-Phillips Lovecraft (USA, 1890): "Call of Chthulha" (1929) +
- Henry Miller (USA, 1891): "Tropic of Cancer" (1934) +
- Djuna Barnes (USA, 1892): "Nightwood" (1936) +
- Ivy Compton-Burnett (Britain, 1892): "Manservants and Maidservants" (1947) +
- Ivy Compton-Burnett (Britain, 1892): "A God and His Gifts" (1963) +
- John Tolkien (Britain, 1892): "The Lord of the Rings" (1949) +
- Rebecca West (Britain, 1892): "The Fountain Overflows" (1956) +
- James Cain (USA, 1892): "The Postman Always Rings Twice" (1934) +
- Sylvia-Townsend Warner (Britain, 1893): "Lolly Willowes" (1926) +
- Aldous Huxley (Britain, 1894): "Pointer Counter Pointer" (1928) +
- Aldous Huxley (Britain, 1894): "Brave New World" (1932) +
- John-Boynton Priestley (Britain, 1894): "The Good Companions" (1929) +
- Jean Rhys (Dominica, 1894): "Wide Sargasso Sea" (1966) +
- Dashiell Hammett (USA, 1894): "The Maltese Falcon" (1930) +
- Leslie-Poles Hartley (Britain, 1895): "The Shrimp and the Anemone" (1944) +
- John DosPassos (USA, 1896): "U.S.A." (1936) +
- Francis-Scott Fitzgerald (USA, 1896): "This Side of Paradise" (1920) +
- Francis-Scott Fitzgerald (USA, 1896): "The Beautiful and The Damned" (1922) +
- Francis-Scott Fitzgerald (USA, 1896): "Tender is the Night" (1934) +
- William Faulkner (USA, 1897): "As I Lay Dying" (1930) +
- William Faulkner (USA, 1897): "Sanctuary" (1931) +
- William Faulkner (USA, 1897): "Intruder in the Dust" (1948) +
- Thornton Wilder (USA, 1897): "The Bridge of San Luis Rey" (1927) +
- Clive-Staples Lewis (Britain, 1898): "Out of the Silent Planet" (1938) +
- Elizabeth Bowen (Ireland, 1899): "The House in Paris" (1935) +
- Elizabeth Bowen (Ireland, 1899): "The Death of the Heart" (1938) +
- Ernest Hemingway (USA, 1899): "The Sun Also Rises" (1926) +
- Ernest Hemingway (USA, 1899): "A Farewell to Arms" (1929) +
- Vladimir Nabokov (Russia, 1899): "Lolita" (1955) +
- Vladimir Nabokov (Russia, 1899): "Pnin" (1957) +
- Vladimir Nabokov (Russia, 1899): "Pale Fire" (1962) +
- Richard Hughes (Britain, 1900): "A High Wind in Jamaica" (1929) +
- Thomas Wolfe (USA, 1900): "Look Homeward Angel" (1929) +
- Thomas Wolfe (USA, 1900): "Of Time and River" (1935) +
- James Hanley (Ireland, 1901): "Boy" (1931) +
- James Hanley (Ireland, 1901): "Closed Harbour" (1952) +
- David Foster Wallace (USA, 1962): "Infinite Jest" (1996) +
- Anna Kavan (Britain, 1901): "The House of Sleep" (1947) +
- Christina Stead (Australia, 1902): "The Man Who Loved Chidren" (1940) +
- John Steinbeck (USA, 1902): "The Grapes of Wrath" (1939) +
- Erskine Caldwell (USA, 1903): "Tobacco Road" (1932) +
- James Cozzens (USA, 1903): "Castaway" (1934) +
- James Cozzens (USA, 1903): "Guard of Honor" (1948) +
- Anais Nin (USA, 1903): "Ladders to Fire" (1946) +
- Evelyn Waugh (Britain, 1903): "A Handful of Dust" (1934) +
- Nathanael West (USA, 1903): "The Day of the Locust" (1939) +
- Nathanael West (USA, 1903): "Miss Lonelyhearts" (1933) +
- Nicholson Baker (USA, 1957): "The Mezzanine" (1988) +
- George Orwell (Britain, 1903): "1984" (1949) +
- Graham Greene (Britain, 1904): "The Power and the Glory" (1940) +
- Graham Greene (Britain, 1904): "The End of the Affair" (1951) +
- Chris Isherwood (Britain, 1904): "Memorial" (1932) +
- Flann O'Brien (Ireland, 1911): "The Third Policeman" (1966) +
- Mulk Anand (India, 1905): "Untouchable" (1935) +
- Mulk Anand (India, 1905): "The Private Life of an Indian Prince" (1953) +
- Molly Keane (Ireland, 1905): "Good Behavior" (1981) +
- Henry Green (Britain, 1905): "Living" (1929) +
- Henry Green (Britain, 1905): "Party Going" (1939) +
- Henry Green (Britain, 1905): "Concluding" (1948) +
- Arthur Koestler (Britain, 1905): "Darkness at Noon" (1940) +
- Anthony Powell (Britain, 1905): "A Question of Upbringing" (1951) +
- Charles-Percy Snow (Britain, 1905): "The Masters" (1951) +
- Charles-Percy Snow (Britain, 1905): "The Corridors of Power" (1964) +
- Rex Warner (Britain, 1905): "The Aerodrome" (1941) +
- Robert-Penn Warren (USA, 1905): "All the King's Men" (1946) +
- Rasipuran-Krishnaswami Narayan (India, 1906): "The Guide" (1958) +
- Henry Roth (USA, 1906): "Call It Sleep" (1934) +
- Terence-Hanbury White (Britain, 1906): "The Once And Future King" (1958) +
- Jim Thompson (USA, 1906): "Pop 1280" (1964) +
- Dorothy Baker (USA, 1907): "Cassandra at the Wedding" (1962) +
- Olivia Manning (Britain, 1908): "The Balkan Trilogy" (1965) +
- Raja Rao (India, 1908): "The Serpent and the Rope" (1960) +
- Raja Rao (India, 1908): "The Cat and Shakespeare" (1965) +
- Richard Wright (USA, 1908): "The Native Son" (1940) +
- Nelson Algren (USA, 1909): "The Man With The Golden Arm" (1949) +
- Chester Himes (USA, 1909): "Cotton Comes to Harlem" (1963) +
- Chester Himes (USA, 1909): "Blind Man With A Pistol" (1969) +
- Eudora Welty (USA, 1909): "The Golden Apples" (1949) +
- Peter DeVries (USA, 1910): "Slouching Towards Kalamazoo" (1983) +
- Wright Morris (USA, 1910): "The Inhabitants" (1946) +
- Wright Morris (USA, 1910): "Love Among the Cannibals" (1957) +
- Sybille Bedford (Britain, 1911): "A Legacy" (1956) +
- William Golding (Britain, 1911): "Lord of the Flies" (1954) +
- William Golding (Britain, 1911): "The Inheritors" (1955) +
- William Golding (Britain, 1911): "Darkness Visible" (1979) +
- Paul Goodman (USA, 1911): "Empire City" (1959) +
- Mervyn Peake (Britain, 1911): "Titus Groan" (1946) +
- Mervyn Peake (Britain, 1911): "Titus Alone" (1959) +
- John Cheever (USA, 1912): "The Wapshot Chronicle" (1957) +
- Lawrence Durrell (Britain, 1912): "The Alexandria Quartet" (1960) +
- Elizabeth Taylor (Britain, 1912): "A Game of Hide and Seek" (1951) +
- Elizabeth Taylor (Britain, 1912): "Angel" (1957) +
- Elizabeth Taylor (Britain, 1912): "Mrs Palfrey at the Claremont" (1971) +
- Patrick White (Australia, 1912): "Riders in the Chariot" (1961) +
- Patrick White (Australia, 1912): "The Solid Mandala" (1966) +
- Patrick White (Australia, 1912): "The Vivisector" (1970) +
- Robertson Davies (Canada, 1913): "The Deptford Trilogy" (1975) +
- Barbara Pym (Britain, 1913): "Some Tame Gazelle" (1950) +
- Barbara Pym (Britain, 1913): "Excellent Women" (1952) +
- Barbara Pym (Britain, 1913): "The Sweet Dove Died" (1978) +
- Elizabeth Smart (Britain, 1913): "By Grand Central Station I Sat Down and Wept" (1945) +
- Angus Wilson (Britain, 1913): "Hemlock and After" (1952) +
- Angus Wilson (Britain, 1913): "Late Call" (1964) +
- WilliamV Burroughs (USA, 1914): "The Naked Lunch" (1959) +
- William Burroughs (USA, 1914): "The Soft Machine" (1968) +
- William Burroughs (USA, 1914): "The Ticket that Exploded" (1962) +
- Ralph Ellison (USA, 1914): "The Invisible man" (1952) +
- Bernard Malamud (USA, 1914): "The Assistant" (1959) +
- Saul Bellow (USA, 1915): "The Adventures of Augie March" (1953) +
- Saul Bellow (USA, 1915): "Henderson the Rain King" (1959) +
- Saul Bellow (USA, 1915): "Humboldt's Gift" (1975) +
- Jean Stafford (USA, 1915): "Boston Adventure" (1944) +
- Anthony Burgess (Britain, 1916): "A Clockwork Orange" (1962) +
- Anthony Burgess (Britain, 1916): "Earthly Powers" (1980) +
- Penelope Fitzgerald (Britain, 1916): "Offshore" (1979) +
- Penelope Fitzgerald (Britain, 1916): "The Blue Flower" (1998) +
- Walker Percy (USA, 1916): "The Moviegoer" (1961) +
- Walker Percy (USA, 1916): "Love In the Ruins" (1971) +
- Edith Templeton (Britain, 1916): "Summer in the Country" (1950) +
- Edith Templeton (Britain, 1916): "Murder in Estoril" (1992) +
- Carson McCullers (USA, 1917): "The Heart is a Lonely Hunter" (1940) +
- Arthur Clarke (Britain, 1917): "2001 A Space Odyssey" (1968) +
- Muriel Spark (Britain, 1918): "Memento Mori" (1959) +
- Muriel Spark (Britain, 1918): "The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie" (1961) +
- Mickey Spillane (USA, 1918): "Kiss Me Deadly" (1952) +
- Shirley Jackson (USA, 1919): "The Lottery" (1948) +
- Doris Lessing (Zimbabwe, 1919): "Martha Quest" (1952) +
- Iris Murdoch (Britain, 1919): "Under the Net" (1954) +
- Iris Murdoch (Britain, 1919): "A Severed Head" (1961) +
- Iris Murdoch (Britain, 1919): "The Black Prince" (1973) +
- Iris Murdoch (Britain, 1919): "The Sea The Sea" (1978) +
- Jerome Salinger (USA, 1919): "The Catcher in the Rye" (1951) +
- Paul Scott (Britain, 1920): "The Jewel in the Crown" (1966) +
- Amos Tutuola (Nigeria, 1920): "The Palm-wine Drinkard" (1952) +
- Ray Bradbury (USA, 1920): "Fahrenheit 451" (1953) +
- George-Mackay Brown (Britain, 1921): "Greenvoe" (1972) +
- Cyprian Ekwensi (Nigeria, 1921): "Jagua Nana" (1961) +
- Wilson Harris (Guyana, 1921): "The Far Journey of Oudin" (1961) +
- Wilson Harris (Guyana, 1921): "Whole Armour" (1962) +
- Wilson Harris (Guyana, 1921): "Secret Ladder" (1963) +
- Wilson Harris (Guyana, 1921): "The Eye of the Scarecrow" (1965) +
- Wilson Harris (Guyana, 1921): "Da Silva da Silva's Cultivated Wilderness" (1977) +
- Carson McCullers (USA, 1917): "Ballad of the Sad Cafe" (1951) +
- James Jones (USA, 1921): "From Here to Eternity" (1951) +
- Brian Moore (Britain, 1921): "Judith Hearne" (1955) +
- Brian Moore (Britain, 1921): "The Great victorian Collection" (1975) +
- Gabriel Okara (Nigeria, 1921): "The Voice" (1960) +
- Patricia Highsmith (USA, 1921): "The Talented Mr Ripley" (1955) +
- Kingsley Amis (Britain, 1922): "Lucky Jim" (1954) +
- Vance Bourjailj (USA, 1922): "The Violated" (1958) +
- William Gaddis (USA, 1922): "JR" (1976) +
- William Gaddis (USA, 1922): "Carpenter's Gothic" (1985) +
- Kurt Vonnegut (USA, 1922): "Cat's Cradle" (1963) +
- Kurt Vonnegut (USA, 1922): "Slaughterhouse 5" (1969) +
- Nadine Gordimer (South Africa, 1923): "The Conservationist" (1974) +
- Joseph Heller (USA, 1923): "Catch 22" (1961) +
- Norman Mailer (USA, 1923): "The Naked and The Dead" (1948) +
- Norman Mailer (USA, 1923): "The Executioner's Song" (1979) +
- Nicholas Mosley (Britain, 1923): "Accident" (1965) +
- James Purdy (USA, 1923): "Malcolm" (1959) +
- James Purdy (USA, 1923): "In a Shallow Grave" (1975) +
- Bernice Rubens (Britain, 1923): "Madame Sousatzka" (1962) +
- Bernice Rubens (Britain, 1923): "The Elected Member/ The Chosen People" (1969) +
- Samuel Selvon (Trinidad, 1923): "A Brighter Sun" (1952) +
- James Baldwin (USA, 1924): "Go Tell It On The Mountain" (1953) +
- Truman Capote (USA, 1924): "In Cold Blood" (1966) +
- Thomas Flanagan (Ireland, 1924): "The Year of the French" (1979) +
- Janet Frame (New Zealand, 1924): "Owls Do Cry" (1956) +
- Janet Frame (New Zealand, 1924): "The Carpathians" (1988) +
- William Gass (USA, 1924): "Omensetter's Luck" (1966) +
- Kamala Markandaya (India, 1924): "The Nowhere Man" (1972) +
- Terry Southern (USA, 1924): "Flash and Filigree" (1958) +
- John Hawkes (USA, 1925): "The Cannibal" (1949) +
- John Hawkes (USA, 1925): "Lime Twig" (1960) +
- John Hawkes (USA, 1925): "Second Skin" (1963) +
- Alex LaGuma (South Africa, 1925): "A Walk in the Night" (1962) +
- Flannery O'Connor: (USA, 1925): "The Violent Bear It Away" (1960) +
- William Styron (USA, 1925): "Sophie's Choice" (1979) +
- Gore Vidal (USA, 1925): "Myra Breckinridge" (1968) +
- Russell Hoban (USA, 1925): "Riddley Walker" (1980) +
- John Berger (USA, 1926): "G" (1972) +
- John Fowles (Britain, 1926): "The French Lieutenant's Woman" (1969) +
- Harper Lee (USA, 1926): "To Kill a Mockinbird" (1960) +
- Alison Lurie (USA, 1926): "Foreign Affairs" (1985) +
- Edward Wallant (USA, 1926): "The Pawnbroker" (1961) +
- Ruth-Prawer Jhabvala (Britain, 1927): "Heat and Dust" (1975) +
- George Lamming (Barbados, 1927): "Natives of My Person" (1972) +
- Leonora Carrington (Britain, 1917): "The Hearing Trumpet" (1974) +
- Anita Brookner (Britain, 1928): "Providence" (1982) +
- Anita Brookner (Britain, 1928): "Hotel du Lac" (1984) +
- Jane Gardam (Britain, 1928): "Queen of the Tambourine" (1991) +
- William Kennedy (USA, 1928): "Ironweed" (1983) +
- Cynthia Ozick (USA, 1928): "Trust" (1966) +
- Cynthia Ozick (USA, 1928): "The Messiah of Stockholm" (1987) +
- Hubert Selby (USA, 1928): "Last Exit to Brooklyn" (1964) +
- Alan Sillitoe (Britain, 1928): "Saturday Night and Sunday Morning" (1958) +
- William Trevor (Ireland, 1928): "The Children of Dynmouth" (1976) +
- William Trevor (Ireland, 1928): "Fools of Fortune" (1983) +
- William Trevor (Ireland, 1928): "Felicia's Journey" (1994) +
- Philip Dick (USA, 1928): "Do Androids Dream" (1968) +
- Philip Dick (USA, 1928): "Valis" (1981) +
- Brigid Brophy (Britain, 1929): "The Snow Ball" (1964) +
- Brigid Brophy (Britain, 1929): "Palace Without Chairs" (1978) +
- Dan Jacobson (South Africa, 1929): "The Rape of Tamar" (1970) +
- Ira Levin (USA, 1929): "Rosemary's Baby" (1967) +
- Ira Levin (USA, 1929): "The Stepford Wives" (1972) +
- Joseph McElroy (USA, 1930): "A Smuggler's Bible" (1966) +
- Joseph McElroy (USA, 1930): "Lookout Cartridge" (1974) +
- Chinua Achebe (Nigeria, 1930): "Things Fall Apart" (1958) +
- Chinua Achebe (Nigeria, 1930): "The Arrow of God" (1964) +
- Harry Crews (USA, 1935): "A Feast of Snakes" (1976) +
- John Barth (USA, 1930): "The Floating Opera" (1956) +
- Stanley Elkin (USA, 1930): "The Dick Gibson Show" (1971) +
- Stanley Elkin (USA, 1930): "George Mills" (1982) +
- Jennifer Johnston (Ireland, 1930): "How Many Miles to Babylon" (1974) +
- Harry Mathews (USA, 1930): "The Conversations" (1962) +
- Barry Unsworth (Britain, 1930): "Pascali's Island" (1980) +
- Barry Unsworth (Britain, 1930): "Stone Virgin" (1985) +
- Ruth Rendell (Britain, 1930): "The Face of Trespass" (1974) +
- James-Graham Ballard (Britain, 1930): "Crash" (1973) +
- James-Graham Ballard (Britain, 1930): "The Atrocity Exhibition" (1969) +
- Edgar-Lawrence Doctorow (USA, 1931): "The Book of Daniel" (1971) +
- Edgar-Lawrence Doctorow (USA, 1931): "Ragtime" (1975) +
- Shirley Hazzard (Australia, 1931): "The Transit of Venus" (1980) +
- Alice Munro (Canada, 1931): "Lives of Girls and Women" (1971) +
- Mordecai Richler (Canada, 1931): "St Urbain's Horseman" (1971) +
- Tom Wolfe (USA, 1931): "The Bonfire of Vanities" (1987) +
- John LeCarre (Britain, 1931): "The Perfect Spy" (1986) +
- Malcolm Bradbury (Britain, 1932): "Eating People is Wrong" (1959) +
- Robert Coover (USA, 1932): "The Origin of the Brunists" (1966) +
- Vidiadha-Surajprasad Naipaul (Trinidad, 1932): "A House For Mr Biswas" (1961) +
- Vidiadha-Surajprasad Naipaul (Trinidad, 1932): "A Bend in the River" (1979) +
- Edna O'Brien (Ireland, 1932): "The Country Girls Trilogy" (1964) +
- Sylvia Plath (USA, 1932): "The Bell Jar" (1966) +
- John Updike (USA, 1932): "Rabbitt Run" (1960) +
- John Updike (USA, 1932): "The Witches of Eastwick" (1984) +
- John Updike (USA, 1932): "Roger's Version" (1986) +
- Donald Barthelme (USA, 1933): "The Dead Father" (1975) +
- Maureen Duffy (Britain, 1933): "Love Child" (1971) +
- John Gardner (USA, 1933): "Grendel" (1971) +
- Bryan Johnson (Britain, 1933): "Christy Malry's Own Double Entry" (1973) +
- Jerzy Kosinski (Poland, 1933): "The Painted Bird" (1965) +
- Jerzy Kosinski (Poland, 1933): "Being There" (1971) +
- Penelope Lively (Britain, 1933): "Moon Tiger" (1987) +
- Cormac McCarthy (USA, 1933): "Blood Meridian" (1985) +
- Cormac McCarthy (USA, 1933): "All the Pretty Horses" (1992) +
- Cormac McCarthy (USA, 1933): "The Border Trilogy" (1998) +
- Cormac McCarthy (USA, 1933): "The Road" (2006) +
- Reynolds Price (USA, 1933): "The Surface of the Earth" (1975) +
- Philip Roth (USA, 1933): "The Ghost Writer" (1979) +
- Philip Roth (USA, 1933): "Zuckerman Unbound" (1981) +
- David Storey (Britain, 1933): "The Sporting Life" (1960) +
- Beryl Bainbridge (Britain, 1934): "The Bottle Factory Outing" (1974) +
Joan Didion (USA, 1934): "Democracy" (1984) +
- Joan Didion (USA, 1934): "Play It As It Lays" (1970) +
- Alasdair Gray (Britain, 1934): "Lanark" (1981) +
- Alasdair Gray (Britain, 1934): "Poor Things" (1992) +
- David Malouf (Australia, 1934): "An Imaginary Life" (1978) +
- John McGahern (Ireland, 1934): "Amongst Women" (1990) +
- John Rechy (USA, 1934): "City of Night" (1963) +
- Wole Soyinka (Nigeria, 1934): "Season of Anomy" (1973) +
- Richard Brautigan (USA, 1935): "In Watermelon Sugar" (1968) +
- Andre Brink (South Africa, 1935): "Looking on Darkness" (1974) +
- Zulfikar Ghose (India, 1935): "The Triple Mirror of the Self" (1992) +
- Thomas Keneally (Australia, 1935): "The Chant of Jimmy Blacksmith" (1972) +
- Ken Kesey (USA, 1935): "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest" (1962) +
- David Lodge (Britain, 1935): "Changing Places" (1975) +
- Edna-Annie Proulx (USA, 1935): "Postcards" (1992) +
- Edna-Annie Proulx (USA, 1935): "Shipping News" (1993) +
- Carol Shields (USA, 1935): "Swann" (1987) +
- Carol Shields (USA, 1935): "Stone Diaries" (1993) +
- Andrew Sinclair (Britain, 1935): "Gog" (1967) +
- Randolph Stow (Australia, 1935): "The Merry-go-round in the Sea" (1965) +
- Randolph Stow (Australia, 1935): "Visitants" (1979) +
- Donald-Michael Thomas (Britain, 1935): "White Hotel" (1981) +
- Fay Weldon (Britain, 1935): "Praxis" (1978) +
- Antonia Byatt (Britain, 1936): "The Virgin in the Garden" (1978) +
- Don DeLillo (USA, 1936): "White Noise" (1985) +
- Larry McMurtry (USA, 1936): "Lonesome Dove" (1985) +
- Tom Robbins (USA, 1936): "Even Cowgirls Get the Blues" (1975) +
- Tom Robbins (USA, 1932): "Jitterbug Perfume" (1984) +
- Paul Bailey (Britain, 1937): "Gabriel's Lament" (1986) +
- Anita Desai (India, 1937): "Fire on the Mountain" (1977) +
- John Fuller (Britain, 1937): "Flying to Nowhere" (1983) +
- Bessie Head (South Africa, 1937): "A Question of Power" (1974) +
- Roger Zelazny (USA, 1937): "Nine Princes in Amber" (1970) +
- Raymond Carver (USA, 1938): "Will You Please Be Quiet Please (1976) +
- Frank Moorhouse (Australia, 1938): "The Electrical Experience" (1974) +
- James Ngugi (Kenya, 1938): "Petals of Blood" (1977) +
- Joyce-Carol Oates (USA, 1938): "A Garden of Earthly Delights" (1967) +
- Ayn Rand (USA, 1905): "Fountainhead" (1943) +
- Joyce-Carol Oates (USA, 1938): "Them" (1969) +
- Joyce-Carol Oates (USA, 1938): "Bellefleur" (1980) +
- Ishmael Reed (USA, 1938): "The Last Days of Louisiana Red" (1974) +
- Robert Stone (USA, 1938): "A Hall of Mirrors" (1966) +
- Frederick Forsyth (Britain, 1938): "The Day of the Jackal" (1972) +
- Ayi-Kwei Armah (Ghana, 1939): "Two Thousand Seasons" (1973) +
- Margaret Atwood (Canada, 1939): "The Handmaid's Tale" (1986) +
- Margaret Atwood (Canada, 1939): "Alias Grace" (1996) +
- Margaret Atwood (Canada, 1939): "The Blind Assassin" (2000) +
- Margaret Atwood (Canada, 1939): "Oryx and Crake" (2003) +
- Melvyn Bragg (Britain, 1939): "For Want of a Nail" (1965) +
- Margaret Drabble (Britain, 1939): "Jerusalm the Golden" (1967) +
- Michael Moorcock (Britain, 1939): "Gloriana" (1978) +
- Angela Carter (Britain, 1940): "Nights at the Circus" (1984) +
- Bruce Chatwin (Britain, 1940): "On the Black Hill" (1982) +
- Bruce Chatwin (Britain, 1940): "Utz" (1988) +
- Mordecai Richler (Canada, 1931): "The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz" (1959) +
- John Coetzee (South Africa, 1940): "In the Heart of the Country" (1977) +
- John Coetzee (South Africa, 1940): "Waiting for the Barbarians" (1980) +
- John Coetzee (South Africa, 1940): "Life and Times of Michele K" (1983) +
- John Coetzee (South Africa, 1940): "Disgrace" (1999) +
- David Cook (Britain, 1940): "Albert's Memorial" (1972) +
- Bharati Mukherjee (India, 1940): "The Holder of the World" (1993) +
- David Plante (USA, 1940): "The Francoeur Trilogy" (1982) +
- Edmund White (USA, 1940): "Forgetting Elena" (1973) +
- Paul Theroux (USA, 1941): "Picture Palace" (1979) +
- Anne Tyler (USA, 1941): "Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant" (1982) +
- Anne Tyler (USA, 1941): "The Breathing Lessons" (1988) +
- Susan Hill (Britain, 1942): "The Bird of Night" (1972) +
- Janette-Turner Hospital (Australia, 1942): "The Last Magician" (1992) +
- John Irving (USA, 1942): "The World According to Garp" (1978) +
- Howard Jacobson (Britain, 1942): "Peeping Tom" (1984) +
- Toni Morrison (USA, 1942): "The Bluest Eyes" (1970) +
- Toni Morrison (USA, 1942): "Sula" (1973) +
- Toni Morrison (USA, 1942): "Song of Solomon" (1977) +
- Toni Morrison (USA, 1942): "Tar Baby" (1981) +
- Pat Barker (Britain, 1943): "The Century's Daughter" (1986) +
- Peter Carey (Australia, 1943): "Oscar and Lucinda" (1988) +
- David Markson (USA, 1927): "Wittgenstein's Mistress" (1988) +
- Justin Cartwright (South Africa, 1943): "Masai Dreaming" (1993) +
- Pete Dexter (USA, 1943): "Paris Trout" (1988) +
- Michael Ondaatje (Canada, 1943): "The English Patient" (1992) +
- Iain Sinclair (Britain, 1943): "White Chappell Scarlet Tracings" (1987) +
- Richard Ford (USA, 1944): "Independence Day" (1996) +
- Christopher Hope (South Africa, 1944): "Kruger's Alp" (1984) +
- John Banville (Ireland, 1945): "Kepler" (1981) +
- John Banville (Ireland, 1945): "The Book of Evidence" (1989) +
- Julian Barnes (Britain, 1946): "Flaubert's Parrot" (1985) +
- Julian Barnes (Britain, 1946): "A History of the World in 10 1/2 Chapters" (1989) +
- Jim Crace (Britain, 1946): "Continent" (1986) +
- Alan Judd (Britain, 1946): "Short of Glory" (1984) +
- Stephen King (USA, 1946): "The Shining" (1977) +
- Paul Auster (USA, 1947): "New York Trilogy" (1986) +
- Paul Auster (USA, 1947): "Mr Vertigo" (1994) +
- Arundhati Roy (India, 1961): "God of Small Things" (1997) +
- Keri Hulme (New Zealand, 1947): "Bone People" (1985) +
- Kazuo Ishiguro (Britain, 1954): "Never Let me Go" (2005) +
- Salman Rushdie (India, 1947): "Grimus" (1975) +
- Salman Rushdie (India, 1947): "The Satanic Verses" (1988) +
- Mda Zakes (South Africa, 1948): "The Heart Of Redness" (2000) +
- Eleanor Catton (New Zealand, 1985): "The Luminaries" (2013) +
- Thomas-Coraghessan Boyle (USA, 1948): "World's End " (1987) +
- Janet Hobhouse (USA, 1948): "The Furies" (1991) +
- Ian McEwan (Britain, 1948): "The Child in Time" (1987) +
- Kazuo Ishiguro (Britain, 1954): "An Artist of the Floating World" (1986) +
- Kazuo Ishiguro (Britain, 1954): "The Unconsoled" (1995) +
- Junot Diaz (Dominican Republic, 1968): "The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao" (2007) +
- James Salter (USA, 1925): "Light Years" (1975) +
- Zadie Smith (Britain, 1975): "White Teeth" (2000) +
- Ian McEwan (Britain, 1948): "Amsterdam" (1998) +
- William Gibson (USA, 1948): "Neuromancer" (1984) +
- Martin Amis (Britain, 1949): "Money" (1984) +
- Martin Amis (Britain, 1949): "London Fields" (1989) +
- Khaled Hosseini (Afghanistan, 1965): "The Kite Runner" (2003) +
- Martin Amis (Britain, 1949): "Time's Arrow" (1991) +
- Graham Swift (Britain, 1949): "Waterland" (1984) +
- Zadie Smith (Britain, 1975): "Swing Time" (2016) +
- Gary Indiana (USA, 1950): "Rent Boy" (1994) +
- Timothy Mo (China, 1950): "The Monkey King" (1978) +
- Jane Smiley (USA, 1950): "A Thousand Acres" (1991) +
- Walter Abish (USA, 1931): "How German Is It" (1980) +
- Nilanjana "Jhumpa Lahiri" Sudeshna (USA, 1967): "The Namesake" (2003) +
- Jeffrey Eugenides (USA, 1960): "Middlesex" (2003) +
- Allan Sealy (India, 1951): "The Trotter-Nama" (1988) +
- William Boyd (Britain, 1952): "The New Confessions" (1987) +
- Helen Flint (USA, 1952): "Return Journey" (1987) +
- Donna Tartt (USA, 1964): "The Goldfinch" (2013) +
- Hilary Mantel (Britain, 1952): "Every Day is Mother's Day" (1985) +
- Gayl Jones (USA, 1949): "Corregidora" (1975) +
- Ann Quin (Britain, 1936): "Berg" (1964) +
- Nuruddin Farah (Somalia, 1945): "Maps" (1986) +
- Hilary Mantel (Britain, 1952): "Fludd" (1989) +
- Vikram Seth (India, 1952): "A Suitable Boy" (1993) +
- Michael Chabon (USA, 1963): "The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay" (2000) +
- Charles Bukowski (USA, 1920): "Tales of Ordinary Madness" (1972) +
- Lorrie Moore (USA, 1957): "I Am Homeless If This Is Not My Home" (2023) +
- Maaza Mengiste (Ethiopia, 1974): "Beneath the Lion's Gaze" (2010) +
- Laila Lalami (Morocco, 1968): "The Moor's Account" (2014) +
- Alice McDermott (USA, 1953): "Charming Billy" (1998) +
- Shashi Deshpande (Kannada, 1938): "The Dark Holds No Terrors" (1980) +
- Alice McDermott (USA, 1953): "A Bigamists' Daughter" (1982) +
- Alan Hollinghurst (Britain, 1954): "The Swimming-pool Library" (1988) +
- Jeremy Reed (Britain, 1954): "By The Fisheries" (1985) +
- Jay McInerney (USA, 1955): "Bright Lights Big City" (1984) +
- Viet-Thanh Nguyen (Vietnam, 1971): "The Sympathizer" (2015) +
- Candia McWilliam (Britain, 1955): "A Case of Knives" (1988) +
- John Lyly (1554): "Euphues" (1580) +
- Amitav Ghosh (India, 1957): "The Shadow Lines" (1988) +
- Eimear McBride (Ireland, 1976): "A Girl Is a Half-formed Thing" (2013) +
- Roddy Doyle (Ireland, 1958): "Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha" (1993) +
- Caryl Phillips (St Kitts, 1958): "The Final Passage" (1985) +
- Jennifer Egan (USA, 1962): "A Visit from the Goon Squad" (2011) +
- Ben Okri (Nigeria, 1959): "The Famished Road" (1991) +
- Ali Smith (Britain, 1962): "Hotel World" (2001) +
- Marilynne Robinson (USA, 1943): "Housekeeping" (1980) +
- Will Self (Britain, 1961): "The Quantity Theory of Insanity" (1991) +
- Jin Xuefei/ Ha Jin (China, 1956): "Waiting" (1999) +
- Olaf Stapledon (Britain, 1886): "Starmaker" (1937) +
- Yann Martel (Canada, 1963): "Life of Pi" (2002) +
- Frank Herbert (USA, 1920): "Dune" (1965) +
- Caleb Crain (USA, 1967): "Overthrow" (2019) +
- Elizabeth Strout (USA, 1956): "My Name Is Lucy Barton" (2016) +
- Chigozie Obioma (Nigeria, 1986): "The Fishermen" (2015) +
- David Mitchell (Britain, 1969): "Cloud Atlas" (2004) +
- James Ellroy (USA, 1948): "LA Confidential" (1990) +
- Bernard Wolfe (USA, 1915): "Limbo" (1952) +
- Louise Erdrich (USA, 1954): "The Round House" (2012) +
- Bruce Sterling (USA, 1954): "Holy Fire" (1996) +
- Algernon Blackwood (Britain, 1869): "The Centaur" (1911) +
- Vidiadha-Surajprasad Naipaul (Trinidad, 1932): "In a Free State" (1971) +
- Joanne Rowling (Britain, 1965): "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" (1997) +
- William Golding (Britain, 1911): "Pincher Martin" (1956) +
- Jeff VanderMeer (USA, 1968): "Annihilation" (2014) +
- Jeanette Winterson (Britain, 1959): "The Passion" (1987) +
- Ayi-Kwei Armah (Ghana, 1939): "The Beautyful Ones Are not Yet Born" (1968) +
- Ursula LeGuin (USA, 1929): "Left Hand of Darkness" (1969) +
- John-Edward Williams (USA, 1922): "Stoner" (1965) +
- James Wilcox (USA, 1949): "Modern Baptists" (1983) +
- Colson Whitehead (USA, 1969): "The Underground Railroad" (2016) +
- Lucy Ellmann (Britain, 1956): "Ducks Newburyport" (2019) +
- Damon Galgut (South Africa, 1963): "The Promise" (2021) +
- Younghill Kang (Korea, 1898): "East Goes West" (1937) +
- Nuruddin Farah (Somalia, 1945): "From a Crooked Rib (1970) +
- Nicole Krauss (USA, 1974): "Great House" (2010) +
- Mark Danielewski (USA, 1966): "House of Leaves" (2000) +
- Philip Pullman (Britain, 1946): "The Amber Spyglass" (2000) +
- Ali Smith (Britain, 1962): "Autumn" (2016) +
- Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (Nigeria, 1977): "Americanah" (2013) +
- Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (Nigeria, 1977): "Half of a Yellow Sun" (2006) +
- William Morris (Britain, 1834): "News from Nowhere" (1891) +
- John-Edgar Wideman (USA, 1941): "Sent for You Yesterday" (1983) +
- Philip Roth (USA, 1933): "The Plot Against America" (2004) +
- Sarah Waters (Britain, 1966): "Fingersmith" (2002) +
- Neil Gaiman (Britain, 1960): "American Gods" (2001) +
- Richard Powers (USA, 1957): "The Overstory" (2018) +
- Denis Johnson (USA, 1949): "Tree of Smoke" (2007) +
- Denis Johnson (USA, 1949): "Train Dreams" (2011) +
- >Hernan Diaz (Argentina, 1973): "Trust" (2022) +
- Monique Roffey (Trinidad, 1965): "Mermaid of Black Conch" (2020) +
- Louise Erdrich (USA, 1954): "The Plague of Doves" (2009) +
- Hanya Yanagihara (USA, 1974): "A Little Life" (2015) +
- Helen DeWitt (USA, 1957): "The Last Samurai" (2000) +
- Leon Forrest (USA, 1937): "Divine Days" (1992) +
- Iain Banks (Britain, 1954): "Consider Phlebas" (1987) +
- Susan Taubes (Hungary, 1928): "Divorcing" (1969) +
- Robert Heinlein (USA, 1907): "Stranger in a Strange Land" (1961) +
- Ford-Madox Ford (Britain, 1873): "The Good Soldier" (1915) +
- Chuck Palahniuk (USA, 1962): "Fight Club" (1996) +
- Helen Phillips (USA, 1981): "The Need" (2019) +
- Helen Phillips (USA, 1981): "Hum" (2024) +
- Roy Heath (Guyana, 1926): "The Murderer" (1978) +
- Donna Tartt (USA, 1964): "The Secret History" (1992) +
- Yiyun Li (China, 1972): "Where Reasons End" (2019) +
- Roald Dahl (Britain, 1916): "James and the Giant Peach" (1961) +
- James Hannaham (USA, 1968): "Delicious Foods" (2015) +
- Tsitsi Dangarembga (Zimbabwe, 1959): "Nervous Conditions" (1988) +
- Rachel Ingalls (USA, 1940): "Mrs Caliban" (1982) +
- Ann Patchett (USA, 1963): "Belcanto" (2001) +
- Alan Hollinghurst (Britain, 1954): "The Line of Beauty" (2004) +
- Percival Everett (USA, 1956): "Erasure" (2001) +
- George Saunders (USA, 1958): "Lincoln in the Bardo" (2017) +
- Paul Beatty (USA, 1962): "The Sellout" (2015) +
See the Chronology of English Literature