Leonardo ISAST invites you to a meeting of the Leonardo Art/Science community.
See below for location and agenda.
The event is free and open to everybody.
Feel free to invite relevant acquaintances.
Please RSVP to p@scaruffi.com . Admission is limited.
Like previous evenings
(See the January meeting,
March meeting,
May meeting,
July meeting,
September meeting,
November meeting),
the agenda includes some presentations of art/science projects,
and time for casual socializing/networking.
In order to facilitate the networking, feel free to send me the URL of a webpage that describes your work or the organization you work for. I will publish
a list on this webpage before the day of the event so that everybody can check
what everybody else is doing. (Not mandatory, just suggested).
See also...
Art, Technology, Culture Colloquia
Art/Science Fusion at UC Davis
Green Museum
Visual Music Series
Previous Art/Science Evenings
When: January 12, 2009
Where: Donwtown facilities of SFSU
835 Market, between 4th and 5th Streets
BART and MUNI tip: the building is above the Powell Station
- 6:15pm-6:45pm: Socializing/networking.
We encourage you to interact with Leonardo ISAST board members.
- 6:45-7:10:
Steve Wilson (Artist and Author) on "Overview of Art and Biology Experimentation"
Biological research promises to have even more impact on the culture than electronics. It is critical that artists get involved. The presentation gives an overview covering the following topics: Cultural and Pragmatic Rationales for Involvement of Artists, Philosphical Issues Underlying Biology Research, Examples of Emerging Areas in Biology Research, Examples of Areas of Biology Research & Development Asking for Artistic Inquiry, Examples of rtists Working with Biology, Examples from the presenter's installations: Protozoa Games and IntroSpection.
- 7:10-7:35:
Dor Abrahamson of Berkeley's Embodied Design Research Lab on "Close Listening to Gesture - An Embodied-Design Perspective on Mathematical Reasoning" Embodied mechanisms, including kinesthesia, visuo-spatial images, audiated sound, proprioceptive motorics, are constitutive of reasoning. One window onto such embodied mechanisms is gesture. Gesture (aspects of hand/arm motion that do not physically manipulate utensils or the environment) is associated with dedicated aspects of reasoning that may not be communicated through verbal utterance. I focus on gesture in the context of mathematical learning and practice. I'll be showing video/audio QuickTime snippets and NetLogo multi-agent computer programs.
- 7:35-7:50: BREAK
- 7:50-8:15:
Kavita Philip and Beatriz da Costa (U.C. Irvine) on "Tactical Biopolitics: Art, Activism and Technoscience"
Tactical Biopolitics is a project at the intersection of art, activism and technoscience studies.
- 8:15-8:45:
Paul Rabinow of UC Berkeley's College of Letters & Science on "Ars Synthetica".
"Ars Synthetica" is a website that, while centered on synthetic biology, is a multi-media experiment in documentation, critique, debate, and problems.
- 8:45:
Piero Scaruffi on the next Leonardo Art/Science evening
I will simply preview the line-up of speakers for the next Leonardo evening.
- 8:45pm-9:30pm: Discussions, more socializing
You can mingle with the speakers and the audience
- Dor Abrahamson is currently Assistant Professor of Cognition and Development in UC Berkeley's Graduate School of Education. Abrahamson researches mathematical intuition, reasoning, and learning, the relations among them, and the roles that artifacts can play in facilitating deep conceptual understanding and procedural fluency. Abrahamson holds a Ph.D. in the Learning Sciences (Northwestern University) and an M.A. in Cognitive Psychology (Tel Aviv University). He is a recipient of a National Academy of Education/Spencer Postdoctoral Fellowship.
- Beatriz da Costa is an Associate Professor of Arts, Computation, Engineering at the University of California, Irvine. A former collaborator of Critical Art Ensemble and a co-founder of Preemptive Media, she works at the intersection of contemporary art, engineering, politics, and the life sciences.
- Kavita Philip is Associate Professor at UC Irvine's Program in Women's Studies. Her research interests are in technology in the developing world; transnational histories of science and technology; gender, race, globalization and postcolonialism; environmental history; and new media theory.
- Paul Rabinow is is professor of Anthropology at the University of California at Berkeley, and a co-founder of the Berkeley program in French Cultural Studies. He was a visiting Fulbright Professor at the National Museum in Rio de Janeiro (1987); taught at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris (1986) as well as the cole Normale Superieure (1997), was a visiting Fulbright Professor at the University of Iceland (1999). He was named Chevalier de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres by the French Government in 1998 and was awarded the visiting Chaire Internationale de Recherche Blaise Pascal at the Ecole Normale Superieure for 2001-2.
- Piero Scaruffi is a cognitive scientist who has lectured in three continents and published several books on Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science, the latest one being "The Nature of Consciousness" (2006). He pioneered Internet applications in the early 1980s and the use of the World-Wide Web for cultural purposes in the mid 1990s. His poetry has been awarded several national prizes in Italy and the USA. As a music historian, he has published ten books, the latest ones being "A History of Rock Music" (2003) and "A History of Jazz Music" (2007). He has also written extensively about cinema, literature and the visual arts. An avid traveler, he has visited 121 countries of the world.
- Steve Wilson is a San Francisco author, artist and art professor who explores the cultural implications of emerging technologies and scientific research. His interactive installations & performances have been shown internationally in galleries and art shows. He won a Rockefeller New Media Fellowship and the Prize of Distinction in Ars Electronica's international competitions for interactive art and several honorary mentions. He is also author of many books and articles including Information Arts: Intersections of Art, Science, and Technology. (MIT Press, 2002)
From Market Street, Enter at SFSU (835 Market) and take elevator to 6th
Floor. Signs will be posted
If coming on BART, take POWELL STATION exit, enter Concourse Food Court,
look for Out The Door restaurant on the left. Immediately past the
restaurant, turn left, walk past the first set of elevators to the second
set of elevators and go to the 6th floor.
If coming on MUNI, take POWELL STATION exit, enter Westfield Centre and head
through the first mini-food court to main concourse food court. Walk
straight across the food court and walk between Amoura and Out the Door
restaurants, past the first set of elevators to the second set of elevators
and go to the 6th floor.
If driving, Park in the 5th and Mission Garage. Enter through Market Street
or walk through Bloomingdale's, look for the signs to San Francisco State
University and take elevator to 6th floor.
SFSU Downtown Campus
835 Market Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
ICA Office: 415.817.4476
Confirmed so far: