These are excerpts and elaborations from my book "The Nature of Consciousness"
Variants on Materialism The problem that has been
haunting the endeavors of materialists for centuries is how the mental arises
from the physical, how feelings originate from inanimate matter. A modern view
is that the mind is indeed material, but somehow its material constituents
behave differently from the matter that Physics has explained. Therefore, it is
Physics that must be changed, or enlarged, to accommodate new types of natural
phenomena. John Searle's “biological naturalism” summarizes several of these materialistic
opinions (despite being quite similar to property dualism). He thinks that (1)
the mental is caused by neural processes and (2) the mental is a feature of the
brain. We will understand consciousness when we know more about how the brain
functions. Brain processes cause mental
states, but Searle objects to the common-sense conclusion that there must be both
physical states and mental states, and therefore dualism. He views the mental
state as a “feature of the brain”. The mental state is an emerging property,
not a separate substance. Hence no dualism; and no materialism. Mental states are
nonphysical, but form a novel class of features of the brain. Mental phenomena
are irreducible to traditional Physics and Chemistry. Their properties (such as
meaning and awareness) are different from those of matter. The relation between brain
states and mental states is causal, in both directions, each causing the other.
Consciousness is an emergent property of the brain in the same way that
properties of liquids emerge from those of the molecules they are made of. The
mind is material, but at the same time it cannot be reduced to any other
physical property. Back to the beginning of the chapter "Mind and Matter" | Back to the index of all chapters |