A Chronology of Events
Editor: Piero Scaruffi
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- Frank Whittle patents the first jet engine
- the first world cup of soccer is played
- Polystyrene is invented
- Ninth planet discovered (Pluto)
- Ellen Church, a nurse, becomes the first airplane stewardess (for Boeing)
- Japan invades Manchuria
- Kurt Godel publishes its incompleteness theorem
- The first synthetic rubber is invented ("neoprene")
- FM radio broadcasting is born (Edwin Armstrong)
- Unemployment in the US peaks at 25%
- Hitler wins the elections and seizes power
- Philo Farnsworth invents the television
- Stalin's great purges: thousands disappear or are deported in Siberia
- Invention of the radar
- The miner Aleksej Stakanov becomes a Soviet hero for his amazing productivity
- Wallace Carothers invents nylon, the first totaly synthetic fibre
- George and Ladislo Biro` invent the ballpoint pen
- Plastics proliferates
- Carl Magee invents the parking meter
- Heinrich Focke flies the first helicopter
- The economic ideas of John Maynard Keynes are applied in the U.S.
- Civil war erupts in Spain
- Mussolini invades Ethiopia, a member of the League of Nations
- The first nylon stockings appear
- Turing publishes his article on the Turing machine
- Stalin's Red Terror
- Rape of Nanking by the Japanese (42.000 Chinese dead)
- A zeppelin explodes in New Jersey and ends the zeppelin industry
- Oil struck in Kuwait, but all Arab countries supply only 5% of the world's oil
- Thousands of Jewish shops are attacked by nazist mobs in Berlin ("Kristallnacht")
- Hitler annexes Austria
- First commercial helicopter
- The pesticide DDT is introduced
- First flight by a jet airplane (Germany)
- First antibiotic
- Television debuts at a fair
- Francisco Franco wins the civil war in Spain after 600.000 people died
- Hitler invades Czekoslovakia
- Non-aggression pact between Hitler and Stalin
- Hitler invades Poland
- Stalin invades Finland
- Mussolini invades Albania
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