![]() As a software consultant, he pioneered Internet applications, Artificial Intelligence and Object-Orientated design in Silicon Valley. He also co-wrote a massive "History of Silicon Valley" (2012), that was later translated in Chinese (2014) and voted seventh most influential book of the year. All along he has also continued writing poetry both in Italian and in English (for which he has been awarded several prizes). The book "Synthesis" (2009) collects poems and meditations. He pioneered Internet-based journalism. In 1985 he created his first e-zine, distributed by e-mail over the Internet. Between 1986 and 1990 he created an online database, downloadable via ftp. That database mutated into his own website in 1995, one of the first websites inthe world to be named after the person writing it: www.scaruffi.com. On 15 Oct 2006 the New York Times ran an article about piero's website www.scaruffi.com titled "The Greatest Website of all Time". In July 2017 the Telegraph listed scaruffi.com as "the oldest webpage that is still being updated". He is probably more famous on the Web as a critic and historian of rock, jazz and avantgarde music. His main books on music are: "A History of Rock and Dance Music" (2009), "A History of Jazz Music 1900-2000" (2007), "A History of Popular Music before Rock Music" (2007), and a guide to avantgarde music (out of print and being revised on the website). He also writes regularly about cinema, literature, science and history. In 2012 he published three ebooks on the Visual Arts: "A Visual History of the Visual Arts - Part 1: From Impressionism to Surrealism" and "A Visual History of the Visual Arts - Part 2: From Abstract Art to Conceptual Art"; which were followed by "A Visual History of the Visual Arts - Part 3: The Age of Globalization (2013). He has organized several interdisciplinary cultural events in the Bay Area. He founded the Leonardo Art Science Evenings (LASERs) https://www.leonardo.info/laser-talks in january 2008 under the aegis of Leonardo ISAST, a series that spread to more than 30 universities worldwide. By 2017 LASERs were being held at University of San Francisco, Stanford University, U.C. Berkeley (all three chaired by him in person), in Washington DC at the National Academy of Science, in London, Paris, Zurich, Toronto, Montreal, Brazil, Hong Kong, as well as at UC Davis, UC Santa Cruz, UCLA, in New York, Texas, Kansas, Seattle, etc. Stanford hosted an interdisciplinary panel with scientists, thinkers, innovators and artists that became the SMMMASH (Stanford Multimedia Multidisciplinary Meetings of the Arts, Sciences and Humanities) in 2012. In 2014 he founded the LAST (Life Art Science Tech) festival www.lastfestival.org, that has been staged in Silicon Valley, San Francisco, Stanford Univ, at San Jose State University in 2017, and at SLAC National Laboratory in 2018. During the covid-19 pandemic, he started the L.A.S.T. Dialogues on the Zoom platform. Four of his books have been translated in China. A two-volume update of the "History of Silicon Valley" came out in 2016. The Chinese translation of "Intelligence is not Artificial" came out in early 2017, followed by a book written directly in Chinese with Jinxia Niu titled "Humankind 2.0 - The Technologies of the Future". He has lectured extensively in China since 2015 (click here for more details). In 2017 he worked on a project with the Stanford Peace Innovation Lab, which is the subject of a second book collaboration with Niu titled "Peace Technology" (2019). An avid traveler who spends months on the road, piero had visited more than 160 countries of the world as of 2016. Pictures of his travels have been published by magazines and used by the BBC in its series "Waking the Dead". An avid mountaineer, he has climbed more than 50 mountains higher than 4000 meters in the Sierra Nevada. In 2023 he published "A History of Silicon Valley - Vol 2: The 21st Century". In 2024 he finally completed the English translation of his award-winning Italian poem "Dialogue of the Lovers". In 2024 he published a new edition of his online book "A Visual History of the Visual Arts" (20th and 21st century). In 2025 he published "A History of California - A Spiral of Wealth Creations". |
![]() 作为一名软件顾问,皮埃罗在硅谷开创了互联网应用、人工智能和面向对象设计(Object-Orientated
of Silicon Valley")(2012 年),后来被翻译成中文(2014
年),并被评为年度第七大最具影响力的书籍。 一直以来,皮埃罗继续用意大利语(为此他获得了多个奖项)和英语(最新的诗歌奖来自
2007 年的“雾城作家奖”,“Fog
City Writers”)创作诗歌。 《杂谈》
"Synthesis"(2009)是他的最近一本诗歌集。 此外,皮埃罗还开创了基于互联网的新闻业。 1985 年,他创建了第一本电子杂志,通过电子邮件在
网络上分发。 1986 年至
1990 年间,他创建了一个在线数据库,可通过
ftp 下载,该数据库于
1995 年变为他的个人网站,这是世界上第一个以创造者的名字命名的网站:www.scaruffi.com。 2006 年 10 月 15 日,《纽约时报》刊登了一篇关于皮埃罗网站
www.scaruffi.com 的文章,标题为“有史以来最伟大的网站”。 2017 年 7 月,《电讯报》(The
Telegraph) 将皮埃罗的网站
scaruffi.com 列为“仍在更新的历史最悠久的网站”。 皮埃罗作为摇滚、爵士和前卫音乐的评论家和历史学家在网络上更有名气,他的主要音乐著作有:《摇滚与舞蹈音乐史》(2009
年)、《爵士音乐史 1900-2000 年》(2007
年)和《前卫音乐指南》(目前印刷版已绝版,仅在网站上进行修订)。他还定期撰写有关电影、文学、科学和历史的文章。 2012年,他出版了三本关于视觉艺术的电子书:《视觉艺术的视觉史-第1部分:从印象派到超现实主义》和《视觉艺术的视觉史-第2部分:从抽象艺术到观念艺术》;紧随其后的是《视觉艺术的视觉历史
- 第
3 部分:全球化时代》 (2013)。 皮埃罗在旧金山湾区组织了几场跨学科的文化活动,他于
2008 年
1 月创立了“Leonardo Art Science Evenings
(LASERs) ”(达芬奇艺术科学之夜)https://www.leonardo.info/laser-talks,该系列的演讲活动从旧金山传播到了全球
30 多所大学。2017
2012 年成为 SMMMASH(斯坦福艺术、科学和人文学科多媒体多学科会议)。2014
www.lastfestival.org,并于 2017 年在硅谷、旧金山、斯坦福大学、圣何塞州立大学和
2018 年在 SLAC 国家实验室举行这个为期两天的盛大科技艺术节,疫情期间,皮埃罗将科技艺术节改为线上举行。 皮埃罗目前有四本书已在中国翻译和出版。 2016年《硅谷百年史》的上、中、下三册出版,2017年初,《智能非人工》“Intelligence
is not Artificial”的中文译本出炉,紧接着是与中文记者牛金霞合作,直接用中文写的书《人类2.0—在硅谷探索科技未来》,自
2015 年以来,皮埃罗在中国举行了多场演讲(点击此处了解更多详情)。 2017 年,皮埃罗与斯坦福和平创新实验室合作开展了一个项目,该项目也是他与中文记者牛金霞合作的第二本书,《和平技术》(2019
年)的主题。 作为一名狂热的旅行者,截至 2016 年,皮埃罗已访问了全球 160 多个国家。他的旅行照片已被多个杂志出版,并被 BBC 用于其短剧“唤醒死者” ("Waking the Dead")。 |
![]() Como consultor de software, fue pionero de aplicaciones en Internet, Inteligencia Artificial y Diseño Orientado a Objetos en Silicon Valley. Asimismo, coescribió el monumental "History of Silicon Valley" (2012), que después acabaría siendo traducido al chino (2014) y votado como el séptimo libro más influyente del año. Durante todo este tiempo, ha seguido escribiendo poesía, tanto en italiano como en inglés (poesía por la que ha sido galardonado en varios certámenes). El libro "Synthesis" (2009) recoge poemas y meditaciones. Piero fue también pionero en el periodismo de Internet. En 1985, creó su primer e-zine, distribuido por email por la red. Entre 1986 y 1990, creó una base de datos en línea, descargable vía ftp. Esta base de datos acabaría convirtiéndose en su propia página web en 1995, uno de los primeros sitios web del mundo en tomar el nombre de su autor: www.scaruffi.com. El 15 de octubre de 2006, el New York Times publicó
un artículo sobre la página web de Piero, www.scaruffi.com, artículo
cuyo titular rezaba así: "The Greatest Website of all Time" ("La
mayor página web de todos los tiempos"). En 2017, trabajó en un proyecto con el Stanford Peace Innovation Lab, que se
convirtió en materia para un nuevo libro en colaboración con Niu, titulado "Peace
Technology" (2019). Viajero infatigable, Piero pasa buena parte del año
con la maleta a cuestas, lo que le ha llevado a visitar, hasta la fecha (2016)
más de ciento sesenta países del mundo. Fotos de sus
viajes han sido publicadas en varias revistas y utilizadas por la BBC en su
serie "Waking the Dead". |
(Yes, he *loves* strong colors) |
Favorite Piero Scaruffi quotes selected by his readers
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