About hosting "sponsored" articles on my website

First of all, coonsider the text-only ads that you can see, for example, at the top of this page. The price depends on the specific page. Those are cheap and easy.

If you want my website to host one of your articles, the price is $20 per word per year (so a 100 word article will cost you $2,000 for one year). Your article will be clearly identified as an advert and tagged nofollow for search engines and will be inside a folder named "sponsored". No exceptions.

Given the huge number of requests (5 or 10 per day), i ask that you send $100 by paypal to continue the conversation otherwise i will not reply to your next email. I just don't have the time to reply to so many emails. Use my email address to submit paypal payment. Sorry but time is limited and i don't have time to reply to people who want to negotiate the price of an article on my website that i will not accept anyway.

Some of you also requested "link exchange". I do not exchange links. I link to your content if i find it interesting and high-quality, which generally happens only for major news sites, university sites, peer-reviewed journals and great writers. Again, consider text-only ads like the ones at the top of this page, where you can insert a link.

The ads that i accept are text-only ads and link to only one website and only in that top position of the page, clearly identified as ads.

It is pointless to ask me how to cheat on these rules. To continue the conversation, please remit $100. If not, i wish you all the best with your business.