A History of Silicon Valley

This biography is an appendix to my book "A History of Silicon Valley"

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(Copyright © 2009 Piero Scaruffi)

Pradeep Sindhu

Pradeep Sindhu (India, 1953) studied at the Indian Institute of Technology in Kanpur until 1974 and then moved to the USA. He studied electrical engineering at the University of Hawaii until 1976, and graduated in computer science from Carnegie Mellon University in 1982. In september 1984 he joined the Computer Science Lab at Xerox's Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), where he remained until february 1996. Sindhu, Dennis Ferguson and Bjorn Liencres founded Juniper Networks in 1996 in Sunnyvale to manufacture high-end routers in direct competition with Cisco. When it went public in 1999, its IPO was one of the most successful in history, turning it overnight into a $4.9 billion company.
History of Silicon Valley | Biographies | History pages | Editor | Correspondence