H.P. Lovecraft
(Copyright © 1999-2024 Piero Scaruffi | Terms of use )
H.P. Lovecraft (1967), 6/10
II (1968), 7/10

H.P. Lovecraft, out of Chicago, was a psychedelic band that employed baroque arrangements (flute, clarinet, harpsichord). George Edwards (Charles Ethan Kenning) had been merely a folksinger (a disciple of Fred Neil), but he teamed up with keyboardist Dave Michaels (Miotke), who boasted a classical training. H.P. Lovecraft (1967) contains their "acid" anthem, White Ship, but also too many covers.

After relocating to California, the band released II (1968), a more mature album that features another masterpiece, At The Mountains Of Madness, and paints each piece a different color (Electrallentando, Nothing's Boy, Moebius Trip).

George Edwards, David Michaels and Michael Tezga reformed the renamed Lovecraft and recorded two mediocre albums, Valley Of The Moon (Reprise, 1971) and We Love You Whoever You Are (Reprise, 1975).

The two albums are compiled on At The Mountains Of Madness (Edsel, 1988) and on I/II (Collector's Choice, 2000).

(Translated by Ornella C. Grannis)

H.P. Lovecraft era un complesso psichedelico di Chicago che si distingueva per gli arrangiamenti barocchi (flauto, clarinetto, arpicordo). George Edwards era un cantante folk che si mise in coppia con il tastierista Dave Michaels, che si era formato con la musica classica. H.P. Lovecraft (1967) contiene il loro inno "acido" White Ship, ma anche troppe covers.

Dopo essersi trasferiti in California, il complesso incise II (1968), un album piu' maturo che produsse un altro capolavoro: At The Mountains Of Madness .

George Edwards, David Michaels e Michael Tezga riformarono il gruppo ribattenzandolo Lovecraft e registrarono due album mediocri, Valley Of The Moon (Reprise, 1971) e We Love You Whoever You Are (Reprise, 1975).

I due album sono compilati su At The Mountains Of Madness (Edsel).

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