Die Form

(Copyright © 1999-2024 Piero Scaruffi | Terms of use )

Die Puppe , 7/10
Some Experiences With Shock , 5/10
Poup‚e M‚canique , 5/10
Photogrammes , 5/10
D.F. Sadist School: Les Cent Vingt Journees de Sodome , 5/10
Societe Anonyme: S.A. 123 , 5/10
Confessions , 5/10
Electrode: Die Operative Maschine , 6/10
DF Sadist School: The Visionary Garden , 6/10
Ad Infinitum , 6/10
Tears Of Eros, 6/10
Ukyio, 6/10
Suspiria De Profundis , 6.5/10
L'Ame Electrique , 6/10
Duality , 6.5/10
Extremum , 6/10

All'interno della musica industriale europea e` emblematica la metamorfosi compiuta dai Die Form (ovvero il Francese veterano Philippe Fichot), che inizio` all'insegna delle dissonanze piu` raccapriccianti ma pervenne vent'anni dopo a una forma di musica classica.

Die Form esordi` con un album ostico, Die Puppe (Bain Total, 1982 - Normal, 1989), originariamente pubblicato in soli mille esemplari e riedito anni dopo come Die Puppe II (Trisol, 2001) in version edulcorata per poter essere distribuita a un pubblico piu` ampio, un lavoro in cui Fichot aveva gia` modo di concentrarsi sui suoi temi preferiti di erotismo e morte: Automatic Death , Invalid , Eastern Ghost , Darkness , Prefazione di Pompei , After the Crime , Love With Animal , Lectura , Night Over My Life , Re-Search , In a Tea Room , After the Last Gaze , Invisible Man , Sex by Force , Zoophilic Lolita .

Photogrammes (Normal, 1989) segui` a ruota con: Remission , I Have Lost Your Eyes , Will You Live Again? , Long-term Survivor , Sadia , Experiment With Tears , Shadows of Death , Cathodic Funeral , Praise of Stake , Immacul‚e .

Some Experiences With Shock (TM, 1984) completo` quella stagione con una meta` registrata in studio con i soliti strumenti analogici e una meta` improvvisata dal vivo con sintetizzatori digitali: Heart of the Monster , Autolyse , Close Up , Damaged Corpse , Massochist , Caresse , Red Action * , Intractable Pain A.A. , Survival of a Severely Burned Child , Catheterization , Anesthesia & Disfigurement , Medial Canthus Operation , Pr‚sence , Periods .

A quel punto, pero`, Fichot si converti` a un ballabile "Kraftwerk-iano" con Slow Love, il brano guida di Poupee Mecanique (Normal, 1987) che contiene anche: Grey Scale , Dawn is Near , Slave , Poupee Mecanique , Strike me , Film , Strangulation , The Beast , Metaphase , Knee Down , Bypass , Little Boy .

Segui` un periodo di sbandamento in cui Fichot si concentro` su alcuni progetti collaterali: D.F. Sadist School, Electrode, Societe Anonyme.

D.F. Sadist School debuted with the mini-album Les Cent Vingt Journees de Sodome (Parade Amoureuse, 1990): Viola Porpora , Sector of Hell , The Scavenger , Autolyse 8990 , Cafe Morgue .

S.A. 123 (Danceteria, 1991) esce accreditato a Societe Anonyme: Sublight , Talking Doll , Urban Pains , Deep Scratch , S.A. 123 , Kriminal Kinder , Generic Switch , Eternal Paradise , Space Crash , System 8591 , Operatic , Dream Syndicate .

Il triplo Archives And Documents (1991) e` un'antologia della carriera di Fichot.

Ambient & Film Music (Danceteria, 1992) collects several pieces composed over the years: Sombre Printemps , Chrysalid World , Magnet , Oceanic Terminal , Possession , Parasitic Noise Extasy , Orphaned , Rapture , Convulse , Nude With a Cross .

La rinascita ebbe inizio agli inizi degli anni '90, con album raffinati e di ben piu` facile digestione.

Silent Order is the club hit from Confessions (Danceteria, 1992), that also includes Elliptic , Intense Blue , Lolita Love , Mechanized , Telemat , Art of Illusion , Blind Obedience , Hypnotron , Feel the Night , Secret Light , Deep Skin . This is the least exciting period of Die Form's career.

Erotic Non Stop e` l'hit tratto dal mini-album Tears Of Eros (Hyperium, 1993), che contiene anche Imagine , Doctor X , Transcode e Tears of Eros.

Bite Of God e` l'hit da discoteca tratto da Ad Infinitum (Hyperium, 1993): Ad Infinitum , Unlimited , Chronovision , Vertex , Necrophilia , In the Evening of Life , Room 342 , Submachine , Simulator , Delta Neurosis Activation .

Fichot si nasconde anche dietro il progetto piu` sperimentale Electrode e del suo Die Operative Maschine (Hypnobeat, 1993): Headworks , Z.E.N. , Poetic Machinery , Elektrode , Submit to Experiment , Faceless Kiss , Beauty in Obscurity , Virus Emission , Therapy , Pathetic Anatomic .

A DF Sadist School e` accreditato The Visionary Garden (Hyperium, 1995), lavoro per lo piu` strumentale che colloca rumori di robot in scenari ambientali: Sleeping Body Under Water , Paradise , Purgatory 2 , The Visionary Garden , clipse 3 , Via Dolorosa [instr.] clipse 2 , Mechano Fraktur , Ad Nauseum , Bite of Dog , New Sentimental .

I Die Form vivono una seconda giovinezza a partire dalla meta` degli anni '80. uno dei loro migliori album, Suspiria De Profundis (Hyperium, 1994), presenta un techno sensuale e "operatico", nonche' brani avvincenti come Automat 994 e il singolo Rose Au Coeur Violet. Brani: Santa Dolore , Chain Reaction , Animalized , Man Sonic , Mental Epidemic , Cantique 1 , No Future , Automat 994 , Child of Sorrows , Hurt me , Via Dolorosa , Sonic Temple , Suspiria de Profundis .

Ukyio (1994) e` invece una collaborazione con l'avanguardista Aube: Molecular Heart Agitation , Akuma , Kagami , , Purgatory 1 , Ukiyo-Mu , Mu , Fuujin , Ukiyo .

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Elegantly crowned by the funereal Phenomena of Visitation, the album L'Ame Electrique (Hyperium, 1995) continues in that vein: Martyrium 2 (Memorial to Hiroshima) , Rosa Aeterna (to Robert Desnos) , La Somnambule , The Hate , Le Reve 2 , Martyrium 1 (The Lovers) , La Machine Moderne , Le Reve 1 , Luminary (L'ƒme ‚lectrique) , Hallucigenia , Unreal Cinema 1 .

Vicious Circles (Cleopatra, 1996) is a compilation of the last four years: Doctor X , Silent Order 4 , Bite of God , Masochist 2 , Cantique 1 , Slavesex 994 , Savage Logic (remix) , Mental Epidemic , Bite of Dog , Necrophilia , Sonic Temple , Imagine , Kagami , Therapy .

The gothic symphonic vignettes of Duality (Trinity, 1997 - Metropolis, 1998) constitute one of Fichot's peaks. The classical adagio of Invisible World opens the proceedings transporting the listener to a universe of grace and elegance, although one can already sense a sinister force in the background. The Hidden Cage contrasts a sweet contralto (of the Morricone kind) and a choir of demons over a steady disco beat and orchestral flourishes. A faster beat propels the gypsy dance of Lonely Heart, that soars with a sublime aria for strings and contralto. It will remain one of Fichot's masterpieces. The danceable madrigals Rain of Blood, The Shape and Leda's Secret follow suit, faithful to the aesthetic credo of classically-inspired melodies and pounding beats. The only disappointing tracks are the experimental ones, Duality and The Missing Beauty that can't coalesce into a organic pieces. The closing Love is Cold (ominous bass lines and android voice) reveals the underlying hell of the beauty evoked by the operatic vocalising and the orchestral swoons. And the philosophy that everything is sorrow triumphs.

Deep Inside is a techno locomotive, but the rest of Extremum (Metropolis, 2000) blends electronic chamber music and avantgarde lieder. Tracks: Resonant Magnetic Source, Deep Inside, Glassphyxie, Radiomorphism 1+, Animal Magnetism, Operating Theater, Electronic Brainpan, Itopsia Atropos, Neurolepsia, Transgressions 1, Oral Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction, Transvocal Mutations, Suffocations, Radiomorphism 2.

Side Projects & Experimental Collections (2001) is a compilation.

Histories collects some hits, including Slavesex, Cantique and Rain Of Blood (Trinity, 1999).

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