Strawberry Switchblade
(Copyright © 1999-2024 Piero Scaruffi | Terms of use )
Sorrow: Under The Yew Possessed , 6/10
Spell: Seasons In The Sun , 5/10
Sorrow: Sleep Now Forever , 6/10

(Translation by/ Tradotto da Valentina Suma)

Le Strawberry Switchblade sono due ragazze,Jill Bryson e Rose McDowall. Nel 1982 il duo incide il singolo Trees And Flowers (Happy Customers), seguito nel 1984 da Since Yesterday (Korova). L'album del debutto e' Strawberry Switchblade (Korova, 1985) che contiene anche i nuovi singoli Let Her Go e Who Knows What Love Is. Nella ristampa del 1997 sono inclusi anche i successivi due singoli, Jolene ed Ecstacy . Il loro pop tranquillo, che richiama alla mente gli Everything But The Girl, era pero' troppo fragile per durare piu' di una stagione.

Per una band dalla vita cosi' breve,le S.S. sono tuttavia riuscite a generare un vero e proprio culto. La McDowall e' diventata inoltre una figura fissa nell'entourage magico/gotico di Current 93 e Death In June. Allo scopo di creare sonorita' affini al medieval folk, ha successivamente formato un nuovo duo,i Sorrow, assieme al polistrumentista Robert Lee. La musica di Under The Yew Possessed (Piski Disk, 1993) e' un pop etereo, che fa a meno del ritmo per incentrarsi sulla performance vocale della McDowall. Dedicato a Vincent Van Gogh, Sleep Now Forever (Piski Disk, 1999) e' invece impregnato dalla strumentazione orchestrale (oboe, corno inglese, fagotto, violoncello, flauti, cornamuse). Final Solstice (Piski Disk, 2000) e' accreditato ai Sorrow, ma ha piu' l'aria di essere una compilation di vari artisti che un album organico.

Spell e' il nome della collaborazione tra la McDowall e Boyd Rice. Seasons In The Sun (Gramm, 1997) e' ispirato al folk psichedelico di Lee Hazlewood.

Strawberry Switchblade are two girls, Jill Bryson and Rose McDowall. In 1982 the duo recorded the single Trees And Flowers (Happy Customers), that was followed in 1984 by Since Yesterday (Korova). They debuted on album with Strawberry Switchblade (Korova, 1985) that also contains the new singles Let Her Go and Who Knows What Love Is. The 1997 reissue adds the next two singles, Jolene and Ecstacy . Their quiet pop, reminiscent of Everything But The Girl, was too fragile to last more than one season.

For such a short-lived band, they managed to generate quite a cult following. McDowall became a fixture in the magic/gothic entourage of Current 93 and Death In June. To play a similar brand of medieval folk, she formed a new duo Sorrow, with multi-instrumentalist Robert Lee. The music on Under The Yew Possessed (Piski Disk, 1993) is ethereal pop that dispenses with rhythm and is centered around the vocal performance of McDowall. Dedicated to Vincent Van Gogh, Sleep Now Forever (Piski Disk, 1999) is instead steeped in orchestral instrumentation (oboe, english horn, bassoon, cello, flutes, pipes). Final Solstice (Piski Disk, 2000) is credited to Sorrow but it is rather a compilation of artists than an organic album. However, Let There Be Thorns is one of Sorrow's masterpieces.

Spell was a collaboration between McDowall and Boyd Rice. Seasons In The Sun (Gramm, 1997) is inspired by Lee Hazlewood's psychedelic folk.

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