(Copyright © 1999-2024 Piero Scaruffi | Terms of use )

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Detroit-raised teen-idol Aaliyah Haughton was the model for all the African-American teen-idols of the 1990s. She was barely 15 when Age Ain't Nothing But a Number (1994) was released. Crafted by Robert Kelly, it included the hip-hop tinged Down With The Clique besides the hit Back & Forth.

Produced and written by Tim "Timbaland" Mosley and Melissa "Missy" Elliott (members of the hip-hop production crew "Da Bassment"), One In A Million (1996) came out before Aaliyah graduated from high school. It included several hits (Hot Like Fire, 4 Page Letter, One In A Million, If Your Girl Only Knew and The One I Gave My Heart To, written by Diane Warren), but, most importantly, it introduced a new soul-hop hybrid. Are You That Somebody (1998) was one of the most original singles of rhythm'n'blues of the era. Aaliyah (2001) presented her adult persona (We Need A Resolution, Rock The Boat).

Aaliyah died in a plane crash in 2001 at the age of 22. I Care 4 U (2002) included both hits and unreleased material.

(Translation by/ Tradotto da Giuseppe Schiavoni)

Aaliyah Haughton, nata a Detroit, è stata un modello per tutti i teen ager afroamericani degli anni 90. Ha appena 15 anni quando realizza Age Ain't Nothing But a Number (1994). Plasmato dal produttore Robert Kelly, contiene la filastrocca hip-hop Down With The Clique insieme al successo Back & Forth. Scritto e prodotto da Tim "Timbaland" Mosley and Melissa "Missy" Elliott (membri del gruppo di produzione hip-hop "Da Bassment"), One In A Million (1996) esce prima ancora che Aaliyah finisca il liceo. Include parecchi grandi successi (Hot Like Fire, 4 Page Letter, One In A Million, If Your Girl Only Knew e The One I Gave My Heart To, scritta da Diane Warren), ma soprattutto inventa un nuovo ibrido soul-pop. L’album Aaliyah (2001) mostra una persona ormai adulta (We Need A Resolution, Rock The Boat).

Aaliyah muore in un incidente aereo nel 2001, a 22 anni. I Care 4 U (2002) contiene i suoi successi e del materiale inedito.

(Copyright © 2003 Piero Scaruffi | Terms of use )
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