Calvin Krime is yet another Minneapolis power-trio that plays
progressive hardcore in the visceral form of
Die Kreuzen.
Guitarist Jon Kelson leds the charge on the EP
Kids Incarcerated (Skene, 1996), whose three tracks
(Veryfine, Bing Bing, Blood FLows Slow) display
an eclectic and creative approach to slam-dance.
Dress For The Future (Amphetamine Reptile, 1997) is a monolithic
outburst of discordant guitar-rock, while
You're Feeling So Attractive (Amphetamine Reptile, 1998)
opens with an equally forceful Die Beautiful
but boasts enough variety to make you think this is
Soul Coughing or
Six Finger Satellite gone hardcore
(the last tracks, especially the closing
Strictly Business).
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