Claire Voyant
(Copyright © 1999-2024 Piero Scaruffi | Terms of use )
Claire Voyant , 6/10
Time And The Maiden , 5/10

Claire Voyant e` un trio di Sacramento che si ispira ai Dead Can Dance per il suo gotico atmosferico. Il contralto squillante di Victoria Lloyd e` classico, gli arrangiamenti elettronici di Chris Ross pendono dalla parte del jazz soffice da cocktail lounge, i rintocchi di chitarra di Benjamin Fargen aggiungono una qualita` trascendente.

ll primo album del 1995 (per la Nocturne) risplende soprattutto nel pop solare di Her, anche se le altre composizioni indulgono in atmosfere sempre piu` fiabesche e magiche. Per spessore sinfonico e sapore esotico risalta Heaven Knows.

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The emphasis of Time And The Maiden (Precipice, 1998) is on the vocals and the melodies. The melodies are spacious and majestic, set against a understated orchestral background and timid dance beats. The opening Love The Giver is pure vocal indulgence, as is most of the album, whereas Mercy and Blinking Tears increase the importance of the texture and the rhythmic factor. The ultimate gothic number, Majesty, finds an unlikely balance between vocal bombast and instrumental bombast. To their credit, the band is dealing with a difficult genre. Perhaps, the genre "is" the problem. It is not surprising that Iolite and Bittersweet veer toward a more fashionable trip-hop sound.

Time Again is a collection of dance remixes of Claire Voyant tracks.

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