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Angie Heaton: Sparkle , 6/10
Angie Heaton: Calamities And Restitution , 6/10

Corndolly, led by Amy Gossow and Angie Heaton, were a riot-grrrrl band from Champaign (Illinois), that debuted with the raw songs of the single Come Out/ Sex Kitten (Mud, 1992) and the EP Human Cannonball (Mud, 1993). Squirting Banana Dildo and No Song picture them as followers of Scrawl's skewed, postfeminist roots-rock.

Angie Heaton, who was mostly the drummer, recorded Calamities And Restitution (Mud, 1996). The collection is uneven, swinging ftom Scrawl-grade rough rock (See How You Are) to Suzanne Vega's style reminescences (Polly Do You Wanna), from Lisa Germano's violin-accented elegies (I Can't Remember) to Natalie Merchant's upbeat soulfulness (Trans Am).

On Sparkle (MUd, 1998) she exhibits a persona that bridges Liz Phair's thorny, confessional folk song (Hydroplane, Umbrella Sarah) and Joan Jett's rebel rock and roll (Rollerskate, Super Falling Star, Blacksmith).

(Translation by/ Tradotto da Emanuele Smargiassi)

Le Corndolly, capeggiate da Amy Gossow e Angie Heaton, sono una ribelle girl-band proveniente da Champaign (Illinois), che debuttarono con le crude canzoni del singolo Come Out/Sex Kitten (Mud, 1992) e dell'EP Human Cannonball (Mud, 1993). Squirting Banana Dildo e No Song le dipingono come discepole dell'obliquo, postfemminista roots-rock delle Scrawl.

Angie Heaton, che era principalmente la batterista, registrò Calamities And Restitution (Mud, 1996). L'insieme è eterogeneo oscillante tra il rude rock delle Scrawl (See How You Are) allo stile reminescenziale di Suzanne Vega (Polly Do You Wanna), dalle elegie di Lisa Germano (I Can't Remember) alle emozioni in levare di Natalie Merchant (Trans Am).

Su Sparkle (Mud, 1998) Angie Heaton esibisce una personalità che collega il sofferto e confessionale folk di Liz Phair (Hydroplane, Umbrella Sarah) e il rock and roll ribelle di Joan Jett (Rollerskate, Super Falling Star, Blacksmith).

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