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Pretty Ugly , 5/10
Girltroversy , 5/10

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Formed in the mid-1990s in Texas, Mess is a band that plays the catchiest and simplest punk-pop. They debuted with the EPs Texas Punk Rock Sweethearts and Bowling Betty

The album Pretty Ugly (Last Beat, 1996) has two of their funniest jokes, Holly and Marcia Brady.

Girltroversy (Last Beat, 1998), credited to the Darlington for legal reasons, could be a lost album by the Cheap Trick, heavy doses of bubblegum poured over catchy tributes to girls from the tender Jodie Foster to the epic Buttinski. Their childish refrains run the gamut from Buddy Holly, whose influence is evident in Sugar Fix (an old staple of their concerts), to the Ramones (Judy Jetson< Love, Infection).

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