Pete Droge
(Copyright © 1999-2024 Piero Scaruffi | Terms of use )

Necktie Second , 5/10
Find A Door , 4/10
Spacey And Shakin , 4/10

(Clicka qua per la versione Italiana)

Pete Droge is a Seattle-based clone of Tom Petty who almost became a star with the hits taken from Necktie Second (American, 1994), If You Don't Love Me I'll Kill Myself and Straylin Street, while few noticed the more honest singer songwriter a` la Bob Dylan/ Neil Young of Northern Bound Train and Fourth Of July.

Find A Door (American, 1996) is a collection of generic ballads that hardly deliver any message or emotion.

Spacey And Shakin (Epic, 1998) is notable for the counterpoint of guitarist Pete Stroud, but the concept of this alternately folksy (Spacey And Shakin, Eyes On The Ceiling) and bluesy (I Want To Go Away, Walking By My Side) ballads sound terribly dated.

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