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A Derby Spiritual , 6/10
To Corner Wounds , 6/10
Raised Toward , 6/10
Tableside Manners , 6/10

Drunk is a combo from Richmond (Virginia) that plays a rather unusual kind of slo-core. Songs like Collarbone and Gizmo, on A Derby Spiritual (Jagiaguwar, 1997), sound like the country-music version of Yo La Tengo with the subdued elegance of Belle And Sebastian; or the chamber-folk of Lambchop performed with the languid and austere sensory underload of Low.

An almost classical calm reigns over To Corner Wounds (Jagiaguwar, 1998) and Raised Toward (Jagiaguwar, 1999), although the latter features the sprightly Lilith.

Tableside Manners (Jagiaguwar, 2000) achieves the formal perfection of this art of light, eerie alt-country, although the standout could be, yet again, the relatively lively Queen Of Venice.

(Translation by/ Tradotto da CLaudio Vespignani)

Drunk e' un complesso di Richmond (Virginia) che suona uno slo-core piuttosto insolito. Brani come Collarbone e Gizmo, su A derby spiritual (Jagjaguwar 1997) sembrano una versione country dei Yo la tengo con la pacata eleganza dei Belle and Sebastian, oppure il folk da camera dei Lambchop eseguito con la languida e austera leggerezza sensoriale dei Low. Una calma quasi da musica classica regna su To corner wounds (Jagjaguwar 1998) e Raised toward (Jagjaguwar 1999), nonostante quest'ultimo contenga la vivace Lilith. Tableside manners (Jagjaguwar 2000) raggiunge la perfezione formale di questo lieve, misterioso alternative-country, nonostante il vertice sia ancora la relativamente briosa Queen of Venice.

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