Elliott is an emo-core group formed in Kentucky by four veterans of the
hardcore scene.
The single In Transit (Initial, 1997) was still a timid echo of what
they were capable of, but the album
U.S. Songs (Revelation, 1998)
fully introduced their subtle technique of coloring each song with a wealth
of elegant touches.
It does to hardcore what Brian Wilson did to pop music with Pet Sounds.
Singer and guitarist Chris Higdon and his bandmates also display a rare sense
of non-trivial melody.
False Cathedrals (Revelation, 2000) is no less intriguing, just a little
more predictable.
A new line-up accompanied the vocalist on Song in the Air (2003).
(Translation by/ Tradotto da Luca Battistini)
Gli Elliott sono un gruppo emo-core formato in Kentucky da quattro veterani della scena hardcore.
Il singolo In Transit (Initial, 1997) era ancora una timida dimostrazione delle loro capacita', ma l'album
U.S. Songs (Revelation, 1998)
introdusse appieno la loro sottile tecnica: colorare ogni canzone con abbondanza di pennellate eleganti.
L'album applica all'hardcore quello che Brian Wilson aveva fatto alla musica pop con Pet Sounds.
Il cantante e chitarrista Chris Higdon, e gli altri membri del gruppo, mostrano anche una rara capacita' di scrivere melodie non banali.
False Cathedrals (Revelation, 2000) non e' meno intrigante, ma solo un po' piu' prevedibile.
Song In The Air (Revelation, 2003), featuring
Benny Clark on lead guitar and Jason Skaggs on bass,
has Land And Water and too little else to justify the grand melodrama
implied by the sound.