Furslide is a New York-based power-trio led by guitarist and vocalist Jennifer Turner
(former guitarist for Natalie Merchant).
Adventure (Virgin, 1998) is a song cycle that sets
Turner's private hell to a blend of rock styles that can be both
aggressive and pensive at the same time.
It is to Turner's credit that the three singles from this album are
completely different from each other:
Over My Head is a waltzing elegy that sounds like a
punchier version of Cocteau Twins;
Love Song is a psychedelic vortex of dreamy vocals, violins and distorted
Skinny Girl, possibly the best of the lot, is a Breeders-style
semi-dissonant pop-rocker.
Turner is not afraid of experimenting baroque string arrangements for
Faith and Hawaii.
On the other hand,
Bring You Down is a violent, hard-rocking slab of nervous
breakdown, and One Hit Downer is a syncopated, bluesy, psychedelic piece
of guitar-driven rock.
Despite her efforts, the music often obscures Turner's personality, which
is best revealed in the lullaby Shallow, when she borrows
Joni Mitchell's folk contralto for the deepest lyrics of the set
("I'm so much you'll never see/So much more you'll never be").
The album is ambitious but also pretentious. It does not provide a
coherent picture of the artist. It fails to deliver the one artistic punch
that would make it memorable. It toys with a number of intriguing ideas
but does not turn any of them into a personal statement.
Ultimately, the music sounds forced and artificial, driven by the producer's
whims rather than by the artist's inspiration.
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