I Am Spoonbender
(Copyright © 1999-2024 Piero Scaruffi | Terms of use )

Sender/ Receiver , 6.5/10
Teletwin , 6/10
Spoonbender 1.1.1: Stereo Telepathy Academy (2005), 6/10

I Am Spoonbender (a name with exoteric meanings) was formed in San Francisco by Pansy Division's drummer Dustin Donaldson with Cub's guitarist Robynn Iwata and keyboardist Brian Jackson. Sender/ Receiver (Gold Standard Labs, 1998) revealed one of the most original and brilliant trios of new rock, who formidable style quotes Brian Eno's retro-chic synth-pop (Stopwatch Static), Can's austere chamber rock (Reality Dealer, Replaced By Toys), This Heat's progressive industrial music (Slow Metal Fires, What Does The Water Think), with occasional forays into post-rock (Parenthetical) and digital micromusic (Mr Knife Miss Fork).

Adding turntablist Marc Kate and replacing Jackson with keyboardist Chad Amory, I Am Spoonbender released the three-sided EP Teletwin (Little Army, 1999).

The three-song EP Shown Actual Size (Gold Standards, 2003) is one of their best works ever.

Spoonbender 1.1.1 is a drum-less vocals-less side project that debuted with the abstract dissonant stream of consciousness of Stereo Telepathy Academy - Live In San Francisco 2004 (Seismic Seance, 2005), a bit ruined by the overdubbed vocals, later remixed in studio as Stereo Telepathy Academy - 2nd Edition (Helen Scarsdale Agency, 2006).

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