(Copyright © 1999-2024 Piero Scaruffi | Terms of use )
Etc , 6/10
Blues Of The Afflicted , 5/10
Mythic , 5/10
Revelater , 6/10
Big Johns , 5/10
I Need You , 5/10

If English is your first language and you could translate my old Italian text, please contact me. I Jennyanykind (Michael e Mark Holland, provenienti dalla North Carolina) suonano rock psichedelico ispirato ai classici degli anni '60, anche se la loro ambizione e` di suonare come i Flaming Lips. Le loro radici sono anzi palesemente nell'acid-rock, anche se Etc (No 6, 1994) cambia stile a ogni canzone, passando dal shoegazing (Windchimes) al grunge, dal folk-pop (Shiny Shiny) ai Velvet Underground (Garden).

Blues Of The Afflicted (No 6, 1995) is more focused but also less entertaining, but thankfully closes in on her laid-back psychedelic blues-rock (She's So Sinful).

Le canzoni di Mythic (No 6, 1995) sono registrate volutamente male, con frequenti dissonanze e ritmi sincopati, e tentano volutamente di imitare il sound piu` obliquo degli anni '60 (Jellyfish) e persino Tom Waits The Tale Of The Cigarette King. Quando i riferimenti sono Doors e Neil Young (Threshold), il complesso si guadagna se non altro il titolo di decoroso seguace.

(Clicka qua per la versione Italiana)

Revelater (Elektra, 1996) is an album obsessed with religious imagery, and the sound is indeed permeated by gospel and soul, but the singer has more aces up his sleeve, and can launch in the piano-driven spiritual-like rant of Repent In Time while mimicking David Bowie,
There are touches of classic rock everywhere. After the first few soul/blues notes of Revelation In Practice Room #13 a gospel organ shivering in the background, one expects Janis Joplin to begin screaming like a maniac. You Better Get Right With God and Every Executioner Has A Song are tense sermons that seem to caricature Bob Dylan. And When The Sun Shines Down On The Average is one of the best imitation of the Velvet Underground's superhuman boogie since the Modern Lovers, followed by a canonical Lou Reed recitation in Revelater. Day Of The Dead even rings of La Bamba and Los Lobos.
All in all, this is another album that contains enough ideas for several albums.

The Holland brothers resurfaced with a new line-up on Big Johns (Yep Roc, 1998).

Recorded as a duo, I Need You (Yep Roc, 2000) is a relaxed, folksy album that recalls Roger McGuinn's early solos.

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