Jack Logan
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Bulk , 6/10
Mood Elevator , 5/10
Little Private Angel , 5/10

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Jack Logan (born in Mississippi, raised in Illinois and relocated to Georgia) and his friends were the quintessential bar band for several years before the sprawling double album Bulk (Medium Cool, 1994) revealed them to the world. Logan stands out as a masterful storyteller in the southern tradition. His rocking ballads of drifters and losers, of small-town rural life and of trouble between jobs (Female Jesus, Floating Cowboy) compose an affectionate portrait of his roots.
Mood Elevator (Medium Cool, 1996) loses most of that verve and goes for a more traditional country-tinged style, but at least My New Town and Ladies And Gentlemen prove his talent at panting a scene. When It All Comes Down and Neon Tombstone are straightforward rockers, compared with Bulk's neurotic and sometimes funereal mood.

Little Private Angel (Parasol, 1998) and Woodshedding (Parasol, 2002) are collaborations with Bob Kimbell.

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