Nashville Pussy
(Copyright © 1999-2024 Piero Scaruffi | Terms of use )

Let Them Eat Pussy , 6/10
High As Hell , 5/10
Say Something Nasty (2002), 5/10
Die Hunns: Long Legs (2004), 5/10

Nashville Pussy were founded in Athens (Georgia) by former Nine Pound Hammer singer Blaine Cartwright. Unlike most bands of their generation and certainly most bands of their town, they chose to play a super-charged, electrifying, brutal fusion of hardcore, glam-rock and heavy-metal. They belong to the grunge generation, but, whereas Seattle bands hark back to the spineless hard-rock of Black Sabbath, the Nashville Pussy deal with the gutsy hard-rock of AC/DC. True to their name, their show is laden with quasi-porno antics by the two female members: guitarist (and Cartwright's wife) Ruyler Suys and bassist Corey Parks.

The singles Headin' For The Texas Border (Black Lung, 1996), Eat My Dust (Reservation, 1997), Go Motherfuckers Go (Get Hip, 1997), Misunderstood (BLack Lung, 1998), Kicked In The Teeth (Scooch Pooch, 1998) propelled them to the top of outrageous acts.

cpt54 Let Them Eat Pussy (Amphetamine Reptile, 1998) adds at least Snake Eyes to the onslaught.

The hardcore origins are downplayed on High As Hell (TVt, 2000) in favor of more authentically southern sounds (read: Lynyrd Skynyrd). Piece Of Ass and Shoot First Run Like Hell are no less crude than the debut, though. Say Something Nasty (Artemis, 2002) is basically hard-rock for a broader audience.

Nashville Pussy's bassist Corey Parks formed Die Hunns with vocalist Duane Peters. Their Long Legs (Disaster, 2004) is old-school punk-pop.

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