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Process Of Elimination , 6/10

Outhouse is a Seattle combo that specializes in miniature chaotic jams stradling the line between free-jazz and punk-rock. Process Of Elimination (Unit Circle Rekkids, 1998) is an exemplary essay of instrumental music with no boundaries. Guitarists Andre Hulet and Ken Masters emulate the epic dissonances of Captain Beefheart's Magic Band, saxophonist Paul Chuey does a spastic Ornette Coleman, the rhythm section concocts steps of vaudeville and circus music. Far from being sheer wild noise in the tradition of God Is My Co-pilot and Fat, The Spider Song actually boasts a hummable tune, but the amount of busy, demented and apparently conflicting counterpoint in the glorious Theme and Package Check makes Outhouse's music no less challenging. One can sense their jazz prowess in the Albert Ayler-ian fanfare of After One and in the Anthony Braxton-ian saxophone repetitions of Dirge.

Three members started a new project, Free Consultation (HipSync, 2000) which features trumpeter Jim Knodle, contrabassist Tari Nelson-Zagar and percussionist Stephen Cavit.

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