Overwhelming Colorfast
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Overwhelming Colorfast , 5/10
Two Words , 5/10
Moonlight And Castanets , 5/10
Oranger: Doorway To Norway , 5/10
Oranger: Quiet Vibration Land , 5/10
Oranger: Shutdown The Sun (2003), 4/10

Gli Overwhelming Colorfast di Bob Reed vantano un programma simile a quello degli Husker Du, ma piu` dalla parte dei Beatles e con arrangiamenti ancor piu` elementari (It's Tomorrow il singolo del 1992). L'album d'esordio, Overwhelming Colorfast (Relativity, 1992), annovera le facili melodie di It's Tomorrow e Arrows, anche se trascina veramente soltanto con Try. La loro vena melodica e` stata confermata dal secondo Two Words (Relativity, 1994) e soprattutto dal terzo Moonlight And Castanets (Cargo, 1996), registrato da una formazione radicalmente ristrutturata. Quest'ultimo annovera ancora siluri punkpop alla Husker Du come Burning Question, Bag Artist, How It Should Be ma anche lo strumentale Margaritas For Two. If English is your first language and you could translate my old Italian text, please contact me.
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Oranger is a supergroup formed by remnants of Overwhelming Colorfast (singer-guitarist Mike Drake and bassist Matt Harris), and their albums Doorway To Norway (Amazing Grease, 1998) and Quiet Vibration Land (Amazing Grease, 2000), which comprises the single Mike Love Not War, are overwhelmingly retro, almost straightforward tributes to late-period Beach Boys. Which is a compliment compared to the bland MOR of Shutdown The Sun (Jackpine Social Club, 2003).
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