Purple Ivy Shadows
(Copyright © 1999-2024 Piero Scaruffi | Terms of use )

No Less The Trees Than The Stars (Slow River, 1998), 5/10 White Electric (Krave, 1999), 4/10

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Singer Chris Daltrey formed Purple Ivy Shadows in Richmond (Virginia), but the band later moved to Providence (Rhode Island).

Early recordings, such as the EP Purple Ivy Shadows (My Pal God, 1993), the single Circle Eye / Psychic Baby (SpinArt, 1994), the EP Icicles Are Echoes (Watercolour, 1994) and the single Feeble/ Sustance (Zero Hour, 1996) introduced a group of shy musicians intent in concocting dreamy country-pop madrigals in the vein of Hugo Largo.

The spiritual feeling is all that is left on No Less The Trees Than The Stars (Slow River, 1998). Pawtucket, Rebuilding The Ancestral Statue and Blue Mtn bridge Gram Parsons and Will Oldham and revive the tradition of depressed country songwriters. The surreal Dancefloor's Shiny Under Junky is the only exception to the generally subdued and fatalistic mood.

White Electric (Krave, 1999) is an attempt to web that sincere inspiration with New York's noise-rock. The result is a cerebral version of REM's folk-rock that appeals neither to traditionalists nor to modernists.

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