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Internal Feedback 001-011 , 6/10
Satan Is Dead , 7/10 (EP)
These Hands Of Mine , 6/10
The Unmasked Organ Light-Year of Inifinity Man , 6/10
Are You Ready For An Organ Solo (2003), 5/10
The Frog Tape (2004), 4/10
Too Thirsty 4 Love (2008), 5/10
Sucre du Sauvage (2011), 6/10

Quintron (also known as Mr Quintron) is an eccentric character who plays all instruments at the same time, a veritable one-man band, and does so with a delirious, savage intensity. He also builds oddly tuneful instruments that complement his exuberant lo-fi (outrageously lo-fi) symphonies. His music is wildly improvised and can incorportate just about any theatrical element and stylistic nuance, but, ultimately, Quintron is aiming for dance/party music, albeit in a uniquely bizarre way. Quintron, based in New Orleans and often accompanied by his wife Miss Panacea Pussycat, is a hybrid between Frank Zappa's protege` Wildman Fischer, no-wave masters Mars, minimal toy-rockers Half Japanese, and synthesizer's inventor Robert Moog (and a touch of Flying Lizards when he covers rock and roll classics).

Internal Feedback 001-011 (Bulb, 1996) is a manic exploration of the subliminal (and not so subliminal) power of percussions, that are pounded and scratched every possible way (Sound of A Passing Train).

The mini-album Satan Is Dead (Bulb, 1998) is a more musical affair, with seductive organ phrases that lend it a nostalgic appeal (as in a demented parody of 1960s' tv sountracks) and dance beats that could haunt disco lovers for decades: the swamp-rock with wavering organ of Do The Stomp, the feverish beach-party twist of Road Hog, the epyleptic stomp of Nonstop Danger, the grotesque zombie surf of Ninth Ward Breakdown. The chronically distorted and out-of-tune melodies from outer space of The Bridge, the surreal circus gag of Organ Solo and the confused baroque hodgepodge of A Hymn add new dimensions to the genius of this musical clown.

The Amazing Spellcaster documents a live performance. The First Two Records (Bulb, 1997) is an anthology of the first two albums.

After one of his deranged interludes ("Sound Of A Train"), the songs on These Hands Of Mine (Skin Graft, 1999) are surprisingly infectious Meet Me At The Club House and Dungeon Master are the new classics.

Quintron has also released two volumes of Drum Buddy Demonstration (Skin Graft, 2000), "drum buddy" being one of his inventions.

The Unmasked Organ Light-Year of Inifinity Man (Bulb, 2000)
Tracks: Rhinestone Commercial , Mysterious Rangers , J. Monque D. is Wrong, 9-4-9 , Hurricane , Push Pull or Drag , Certain Girl , GQ-21 , You Don't Own Me , Peter Pan , Latin # , Slumber Party , Birds.

Quintron is virtually undoing the history of western music.

Are You Ready For An Organ Solo (31G, 2003) is another varied and amusing merry-go-round of ideas, but this time Quintron uses the studio as an instrument (which is always a metaphor for "sells out") and even pens catchy hooks worthy of mainstream muzak (Underwater Dance Club) and sculpts beats worthy of the dancefloor (Miniature Breakdown). Miss Pussycat's vocals play second fiddle to a score of guests. The result is rarely thrilling (Teenage Antoinette).

Half of The Frog Tape (Skin Graft, 2004) is taken up by his patented otherworldly folk ballads. The other half is simply a lengthy field recording of... frogs.

Swamp Tech (Tigerbeat6, 2005) is gentler and more straightforward by the standards of their albums.

If Too Thirsty 4 Love (Goner Records, 2008) was perhaps too clownish, on the other hand Sucre du Sauvage (2011), recorded at the New Orleans Museum of Art by Quintron and his wife Miss Pussycat, and divided in one half of garage-rok organ-driven ditties and one half of music based on field recordings, was as serious as the musician could get.

(Translation by/ Tradotto da Ettore Cantaro)

Quintron (conosciuto anche come Mr.Quintron) è un’artista stravagante che suona tutti gli strumenti contemporaneamente, un vero e proprio one-man band, e lo fa con un’intensità delirante,selvaggia.Costruisce anche strumenti stranamente melodiosi che integrano le sue esuberanti sinfonie lo-fi(esageratamente lo-fi).La sua musica è oltremodo improvvisata e può comprendere ogni tipo di elemento teatrale e sfumatura stilistica, ma ,ultimamente, Quintron si sta rivolgendo alla musica dance, sebbene unicamente in modo bizarro. Quintron, residente a New Orleans e spesso accompagnato dalla moglie Miss Panicea Pussycat, è un ibrido tra il “protetto” di Frank Zappa Wildman Fischer, i maestri della no-wave, i Mars, i minimal toy rockers Half Japanese e l’inventore del sintetizzatore Robert Moog (e un tocco dei Flyng Lizards quando coverizza classici rocknroll).

Internal Feedback 001-011 (Bulb,1996) è una maniacale esplorazione del potere subliminale(e non cosi subliminale) delle percussioni, che sono pestate e graffiate in ogni modo possibile (Sound of a Passing Train).

Il mini-album Satan is Dead (Bulb,1998) è un album più musicale, con frasi di un seducente organo che conferiscono un fascino nostalgico (come in una demenziale parodia delle soundtracks della tv degli anni 60’) e beat dance che potrebbe tormentare i disco-lovers per decenni: lo swamp-rock con un tremolante organo in Do the Stomp, la febbricitante distorsione beach-party in Road Hog,l’epilettico calpestare di Nonstop Danger, il grottesco zombie surf di Ninth Ward Breakdown. Le melodie cronicamente distorte e  stonate  dall’altro spazio di The Bridge, la surreale gag circense di Organ Solo e il guazzabuglio barocco confuso di A Hymns aggiungono nuove dimensioni al genio di  questo clown musicale.

The Amazing Spellcaster documenta una performance live. The First Two Records (Bulb,1997) è un’antologia dei primi due album.

Dopo il suo squilibrato intermezzo (Sound of a train) le canzoni di These hands of mine sono sorprendentemente contagiose,i nuovi classici sono Meet  Me At The Club House e Dungeon Master.

Quitron ha anche rilasciato due volumi di Drum Buddy Demonstration, drum buddy diventa una delle sue invenzioni

The Unmasked Organ Light-Year of Inifinity Man (Bulb, 2000) Tracce: Rhinestone Commercial , Mysterious Rangers , J. Monque D. is Wrong, 9-4-9 , Hurricane , Push Pull or Drag , Certain Girl , GQ-21 , You Don't Own Me , Peter Pan , Latin # , Slumber Party , Birds.

Quitron sta virtualmente rovinando la storia della musica western

Are You Ready For An Organ Solo (31G, 2003) è un ulteriore vario e divertente carosello di idee, ma questa volta Quitron usa lo studio come strumento ( che è sempre una metafora per dire “vendersi”) ed anche orecchiabili pens hooks degne di musica mainstream (Underwater Dance Club) E scolpisce beat degni del dancefloor (Miniature Breakdown). La voce di Miss Pussycat gioca un ruolo secondario rispetto ad una ventina di guest.Il risultato è di rado emozionante.

Metà di Frog Tape (Skin Graft, 2004) riprende le sue brevettate ultraterrene ballate folk. L’altra metà è semplicemente una lunga registrazione di…..rane.

Swamp Tech (Tigerbeat6, 2005) è più delicato e più semplice per gli standard dei loro album.

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