Team Dresch

(Copyright © 1999-2023 Piero Scaruffi | Terms of use )

Personal Best , 6/10
Captain My Captain , 5/10
Kaia Wilson , 4/10
Kaia Wilson: Ladyman , 4/10
Butchies: Population 1975 (1999), 5/10
Butchies: Are We Not Femme (2000), 5.5/10
Butchies: Disco, and 3 (2001), 5.5/10 a rowdy hardcore affair.
Infinite X: Infinite X's , 6/10

(Clicka qua per la versione Italiana)

(Translated from my old Italian text by/ Tradotto da Nicholas Green)

Team Dresch represent the lesbian wing of the "riot grrrrl" movement in Olympia (near Seattle), where they moved from Portland. Led by the legendary Donna Dresch - who was already active in the local scene - the band includes two other singers and guitarists: Kaia Wilson (formerly of Adickdid) and Jody Bleyle (who also played drums for Hazel). They followed up their single Hand Grenade (Kill Rock Stars, 1994), with the album Personal Best (Chainsaw, 1995), on which they proved their musical talent while causing a sensation with their virulent lyrics. Punk-pop songs like She's Crushing My Mind and angry anthems like Fagetarian And Dyke suggest a mature band. However, the country rigmarole Freewheel, which pays homage to the Indigo Girls, gives a glimpse of Wilson's true personality.

Captain My Captain (Chainsaw, 1996) is the opposite of its predecessor: it is not Remember Who You Are and Uncle Phranc that stand out, but rather the quartet's posturing.

(Original text by Piero Scaruffi)

After the breakup of Team Dresh, Wilson released the acoustic albums Kaia (Chainsaw, 1997), with the nice childhood's recollection of Julie Of The Wolves, and Ladyman (Mr Lady, 1998).

Kaia Wilson then returned to her "queercore" origins with the Butchies, a "lesbionic" (hardcore) trio that released Population 1975 (Mr Lady, 1999), still uncertain between country ballads and punk romps, the more aggressive Are We Not Femme (Mr Lady, 2000), with Disco, and 3 (Mr Lady, 2001) Anything Anthology, a rowdy hardcore affair.

Jody Bleyle formed Infinite X's with Tamala Poljak (Longstocking, Automaticans), Whitney Skillkorn (Little Deaths, Fighter D) and Scotty Walsh (Automaticans) and released Infinite X's (Chainsaw, 2002), that continues Team Dresh's program in a more rough, alternative, lo-fi vein.

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