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Mechanical Advantage , 6/10
Outside In , 6/10
Watz Your Program , 6/10
Under a Static Sky , 6/10

THD (Total Harmonic Distortion), a duo formed in 1989 in north-eastern Pennsylvania, plays electronic industrial/goth dance along the lines of Front Line Assembly, Skinny Puppy, Front 242. After Machine Religion (G.P.C.), published as Teknition, and the cassette Rigid Fixation, THD's proper debut, Mechanical Advantage (Hard, 1993 - Cleopatra, 1994), with CyberChrist and No Faith , is very derivative of that school, but also refined in its use of keyboards and distorted vocals. After an EP of remixes, Hypocrisis, the band released the second album, Outside In (Hard, 1995), and even more explicit cyberpunk manifesto that points its finger to the evils of society. The catchy and energetic tracks include Corpsegrinder and Serial Port Killers.

Watz Your Program (Pendragon, 1998) is to industrial dance what progressive-rock is to rock and roll: an intellectual exercise embellished with tempo shifts and textural sounds. Mastery of high-tech equipment allows the duo to experiments with ambient (Watz Your Program), funk and rap (Days Ahead), and techno (Genetik Lullaby).

The following album, Under a Static Sky (Pendragon, 2000), is hardly related at all to their beginnings. In between dub (Some Urban Myth builds) and ambient (Check it Out, Under a Static Sky), the duo pens the nine-minute progressive-techno chameleon TR Generation and the bizarre sound collage of Another Solvent Bath. They have turned into one of electronica's most eclectic units.

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