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Singer-songwriter and guitarist Scott Thomas (a Los Angeles resident,
originally from Northern California) penned the (largely autobiographical)
songs on California (Elektra, 1998) as a soundtrack for driving.
No surprise then the collection ranges from
the Eagles country-rocker California to the
Tom Petty folk-rocker Black Valentine (with the
creepy lines "She shares my blood with everyone"), from the
REM hard-rocker Full Moon Painter to the
forceful shuffle Never Coming Home.
Thomas opens his heart in
the orchestral ballad Sad Girl, the soulful
Days Of Hours and the tragic Run Baby Run.
Catchy and well executed, the music only lacks the genius that would elevate
it from the generic highway-rock genre.
The album is appropriately credited to a "band" as the band
(Sandy Chila on drums, Curt Schneider on bass and Andrew Williams on guitar)
contributes more than mere backing.