Trunk Federation
(Copyright © 1999-2024 Piero Scaruffi | Terms of use )

The Infamous Hamburger Transfer , 6/10
The Curse Of Miss Kitty , 5/10
Lay The Hip , 4/10

(Clicka qua per la versione Italiana)

Trunk Federation are from Phoenix (Arizona) and play a crudely intellectual brand of psychedelic punk-rock. The Infamous Hamburger Transfer (Alias, 1996) is one big mess of an album, ranging from the anthemic punkpop of Quality Burn and Pinhead to the progressive-rock nervous breakdown of Match. The Curse Of Miss Kitty (Alias, 1998) displays a cuter sense of melody, that almost spoils the best orgies (Levitation and Disappearances). Lay The Hip (Plastique, 2000) lands badly on Beatles' bourgeois psychedelia.

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