Voluptuous Horror Of Karen Black
(Copyright © 1999-2024 Piero Scaruffi | Terms of use )

A National Health Care , 5/10
The Anti-Naturalists , 5/10
Black Date , 5/10

(Clicka qua per la versione Italiana)

Voluptuous Horror Of Karen Black was born as a joke of New York's underground scene: their amateurish punk-rock was as frenzied as inane, but their live shows inehrited the legacy of horror-shock acts that goes back as far as Alice Cooper and Iggy Pop plus the antics of the Rocky Horror Picture Show and the tradition of porno-gothic clubs around the Lower East Side (not to mention Gwar). A National Health Care (Beautiful, 1993) features Kembra Pfahler's screams and Samoa's atonal guitar and makes Teenage Jesus And The Jerks sound like Beethoven. The duo actually tries to concoct real songs on The Anti-Naturalists (Triple X, 1995) and comes close with (at least) Spelling Bee. Black Date (Cleopatra, 1998) is more entertainment for the truly perverted.

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