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Wondermints , 6/10
Wonderful World of Wondermints , 4/10
Bali , 6/10

(Clicka qua per la versione Italiana)

Los Angeles' Wondermints (guitarists and vocalists Darian Sahanaja and Nick Walusko, drummer Mike D'Amico and bassist Brian Kassan) follow in the footspets of the slightly baroque pop sound of later Beach Boys and Big Star. Wondermints (Toy's Factory, 1995), that collects the best of their three cassettes, easily beats most Brit-pop releases of that year. Tracy Hide, Proto-Pretty, She Opens Heaven's Door, Shine would be masterpieces on any pop album of the 1960s. The comic Global Village Idiot and the sophisticated Fleur De Lis mark a territory that extends well beyond the obvious.

Wonderful World of Wondermints (Toy's Factory, 1996), an album of covers, and the film theme Austin Powers (1997) contributed to turn the band into stars.

Bali (EMI, 1998) is a more sophisticated affair: Chris-Craft No.10 and Arnaldo Said repeat the magic of the first album but add spicey arrangements.

Chewy Marble (1997) is the new project of former Wondermints Brian Kassan.

Nick Walusko died in 2019.

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