(Copyright © 1999-2024 Piero Scaruffi | Terms of use )
Time , 6/10
Strange Or Funny-haha , 6/10
Ticklish Matters , 6/10

Bisk is Naohiro Fujikawa whose Time (SubRosa, 1996) raised the ante of jungle by introducing manically-crafted techniques of arrangement (Drooping, for vibes, bass, trumpet).

His very ornate, baroque, kind of drum and bass triumphed on Strange Or Funny-haha (SubRosa, 1997), whose Rolling And Pitching and Chattering Jazz are artifices.

Ticklish Matters (SubRosa, 1998) is a completely different record again. This time Fujikawa, who is credited with playing guitar, sampler and synthesiser, takes a more melodic approach, where rhythm is a mere detail. With the emphasis now on composition instead of arrangement, the results are the piano-based sonata Smooth-skinned Woman and programmatic camera pieces like Piano Music By Error System and Whistle For Drumming that recall more John Cage than Goldie.

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