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The Good Will Out , 6/10
Drawn From Memory , 5/10
If You've Never Been , 5/10
Out Of Nothing (2005), 5/10
The New Day (2006), 4/10

Embrace (not the pre-Fugazi band) were yet another "next big thing" of Brit-pop (actually, Scot-pop), busy crafting ornate pop structures, replete with strings and horns, delivered by Danny McNamara's impeccable singing. After the usual series of introductory singles (yawn), including All You Good Good People (Fierce Panda, 1997), One Big Family, Fireworks, Come Back To What You Know, Embrace released the album The Good Will Out (Virgin, 1998), that does include most of the singles and a couple cute tunes (Retread, The Last Gas, the seven-minute The Good Will Out that closes the album), but overall it is as soporific as a Barbra Streisand greatest hits.

Drawn From Memory (Virgin, 2000) is more of the same, with The Love It Takes and Hooligan to keep you awake. Ditto for If You've Never Been (Virgin, 2001).

Out Of Nothing (2005), with Gravity, Ashes and Out Of Nothing, and The New Day (2006), with the hit Nature's Law were further collections of trivial Brit-pop ditties.

(Translation by/ Tradotto da Eros Torre)

Gli Embrace (non la band pre-Fugazi) furono l’ennesima "next big thing" del Brit-pop (attualmente Scot-pop): strutture pop furbe, elaborate e ridondanti, piene di fiati e archi, vivacizzate dall’impeccabile esecuzione vocale di Danny McNamara. Dopo la consueta, immancabile serie di singoli introduttivi, tra i quali All You Good Good People (Fiere Panda, 1997), One Big Family, Fireworks, e Come Back To What You Know, gli Embrace pubblicano l’album The Good Will Out (Virgin, 1998), che include gran parte dei singoli e un paio di gradevoli episodi (Retread, The Last Gas, e The Good Will Out, brano di sette minuti che chiude l’album). Tuttavia l’insieme è soporifero come un greatest hits di Barbra Streisand.

Drawn From Memory (Virgin, 2000) si muove all’incirca sugli stessi binari, con le sole The Love It Takes e Hooligan a ravvivare la monotonia. If You’ve Never Been (Virgin, 2001) ripete lo schema degli album precedenti.

Out Of Nothing (2005), con Gravity, Ashes e Out Of Nothing, e The New Day (2006), con la hit Nature’s Law sono ulteriori raccolte di insignificanti canzoncine Brit-pop.

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