Laurent Garnier
(Copyright © 1999-2024 Piero Scaruffi | Terms of use )

Shot In The Dark , 6/10
Raw Works , 5/10
30 , 5/10
Unreasonable Behaviour, 5/10
The Cloud Making Machine (2005), 5/10

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Laurent Garnier, disc jockey formatosi all'"Hacienda" di Manchester nel 1987, divenne uno dei protagonisti della techno al "Wake Up Club" di Paris. Dopo alcuni singoli, fra cui Lost In Alaska, Virtual Breadown, Wake Up, Moonbeam, Acid Eiffel, poi raccolti su Early Works (Arcade, 1998), Laurient formo` la sua etichetta personale e pubblico` Shot In The Dark (F Communications, 1995 - Mute, 2001), che comprende brani di techno e house all'antica (scuola di Detroit) ma eseguiti con classe, come Astral Dreams.

Raw Works (F-Communications, 1996) (Never, 1996) ha ancora Orgasm e Pigalle, ma gran parte del disco sembra raffazzonato.

30 (F-Communications, 1997) (Never, 1997) con Deep Sea Diving, For Max, Crispy Bacon e Flash Back, e` alquanto dispersivo e soltanto nei singoli trova qualche spunto sopra la media del genere.

(Clicka qua per la versione Italiana)

Propelled by the hit single The Sound Of The Big Babou, Unreasonable Behaviour (F-Communications, 1999) is another quintessential techno machine (Cycles D'Oppositions, The Sound Of The Big Baboo).

Excess Luggage (F Communication, 2003) documents three mixes of Garnier's favorite techno tracks.

The Cloud Making Machine (Mute, 2005) is a counter-experiment, meaning that he takes a clue or two from the new generations and tries to market himself as a neo-futurist rocker (Waiting For My Plane, Jeux D'enfants).

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