Stephan Groth

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Apoptygma Berzerk : Soli Deo Gloria , 6.5/10
Apoptygma Berzerk : 7 , 6/10
Total Transformation: In Thru Out , 5/10
Apoptygma Berzerk : Welcome to Earth , 5/10
Apoptygma Berzerk : Harmonizer , 4/10

Stephan Groth is the man behind Apoptygma Berzerk , a milestone in gothic techno. The project started very low-profile with the singles Ashes to Ashes (Tatra, 1991), Burning Heretic (Tatra, 1992), Spiritual Reality (Tatra, 1992), and Bitch (Tatra, 1993), that slowly established a new voice in the firmament of techno. The album Soli Deo Gloria (Tatra, 1994) solidified that reputation. Groth started releasing material also as TB-Moonchild, H2O and Acid Queen.

Following Apoptygma Berzerk singles (Deep Red, Non-Stop Violence, Love Never Dies) experimented with electronica, and eventually led to the mature, elegant style of 7 (Tatra, 1996), the album that spawned the hit Mourn.

The single Paranoia (Tatra, 1998) prepared the landing of Apoptygma Berzerk 's third album, The Apopcalyptic Manifesto (Tatra, 1998), a career retrospective.

Total Transformation is the main side project. In Thru Out (Quantum Loop, 1998) is an experiment in trancey techno. Porno Star and Approximately Yes are poppier, Good Vibe Generator is tribal in the style of Brainscapes, Destroy Reality absorbs funk and reggae; but mostly the album disappoints with a repetitive "thump-thump-thump-thump" sound.

Apoptygma Berzerk 's Welcome to Earth (Tatra, 2000) continued precisely that program with trancey loops and elements of Depeche Mode's synth-pop. Eclipse and Paranoia were the new club hits. Harmonizer (Metropolis, 2002) is even less adventurous.

(Translation by/ Tradotto da Marco Spagnuolo)

Stephan Groth e’ l’uomo che si nasconde dietro gli Apoptygma Berzerk, una pietra miliare nella musica techno

Il progetto comincio’ assumendo un profilo molto basso con i singoli Ashes to Ashes (Tatra, 1991), Burning Heretic (Tatra, 1992), Spiritual Reality (Tatra, 1992), e Bitch (Tatra, 1993), che lentamente stabilivano una nuova voce nel firmamento della techno. L’album Soli Deo Gloria (Tatra, 1994) cementifico’ quella reputazione. Groth comincio’ a rilasciare altro materiale sotto diversi moniker, TB-Moonchild, H2O e Acid Queen.

Seguendo i singoli degli Apoptygma Berzerk ((Deep Red, Non-Stop Violence, Love Never Dies) composti con l’utilizzo dell’elettronica, Groth giunge finalmente ad uno stile elegante e maturo, con l’album 7 (Tatra, 1996), che produsse la hit di Mourn.

Il singolo Paranoia (Tatra, 1998) preparo’ il terreno per il terzo album degli Apoptygma Berzerk, The Apopcalyptic Manifesto (Tatra, 1998), una retrospettiva della loro carriera.

I Total Transformation sono il principale side project. In Thru Out (Quantum Loop, 1998) e’ un’esperimento nella techno-trance. Porno Star e Approximately Yes sono le piu’ pop del lotto, Good Vibe Generator e’ un brano tribale sullo stile di Brainscapes, Destroy Reality assorbe funk e reggae; ma la maggior parte dell’album e’ mediocre e si basa su un ripetitivo un sound "thump-thump-thump-thump".

Welcome to Earth (Tatra, 2000) degli Apoptygma Berzerk continuo’ esattamente in quella direzione con l’uso di loop trance ed elementi del synth-pop tipici dei Depeche Mode. Eclipse e Paranoia furono le nuove hit da club. Harmonizer (Metropolis, 2002) e’ anche meno avventuroso.

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