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Takako Minekawa is a Japanese singer songwriter whose
catchy tunes are set against an intellectual synth-pop background.
Rooming Cube (March, 1997), produced and arranged by the band
Buffalo Daughter, is a collection of songs that pivot on the contrast
between retro pop melodies and high-tech arrangement.
Loose keyboard counterpoints and funky beats "estrange" the naif ditties
of Sleep Song and 1.6666666 that float on the surface.
Minekawa's technique lends itself both to intimate confessions
(Dessert Song, almost
Lisa Germano) and to apocalyptic
atmospheres (Destron).
Cloudy Cloud Calculator (Emperor Norton, 1998)
Fun 9 (Emperor Norton, 1999)
are inferior works that don't achieve the same psychological intensity
and (subdued) glamour.