Nectarine #9
(Copyright © 1999-2024 Piero Scaruffi | Terms of use )
Niagara Falls , 6/10
A Sea With Three Stars , 5/10
Saint Jack , 5.5/10
Fried For Blue Material , 6/10
Received Transgressed & Transmitted , 6/10

Davey Henderson e` uno degli animatori della scena pop scozzese fin dagli anni '80, quando capitanava i Fire Engines di Lubricate Your Living Room (Postcard, 1981). In seguito allesti` i Win, un sestetto che suonava una scolorita fusion di pop, jazz, funk e soul.

Henderson cambia un'altra volta personalita` con i Nectarine #9, i cui singoli (in particolare Unloaded For You) vengono raccolti su Niagara Falls (Shake, 1994). Su A Sea With Three Stars (Postcard) si atteggia a tardo hippie imbottito di acido (Pop's Love Thing).

Saint Jack (Postcard, 1995) contiene persino una trance psichedelico- ambientale, Couldn't Phone Potatoes, oltre alle solite canzoni eccentriche (This Arsehole's Been Burned Too Many Times Before).

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Fried For Blue Material (Creeping Bent, 1998) approaches Captain Beefheart's dementia (Adidas Francis Bacon, Stacey Keach Dada Message Bag).

After the career retrospective It's Just The Way Things Are Joe (Creeping Bent, 1999), Nectarine No.9 released Received Transgressed & Transmitted (Beggars Banquet, 2001), that features the collaboration of former Pop Group clarinetist Gareth Sager and is inspired/influenced by that group's funk/dub/jazz stew (Pocket Radiodrops). Constellations Of A Vanity and It's Raining For Some Cloudy Reasons are still excellent imitations of Captain Beefheart.

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