Orange Goblin

(Copyright © 1999-2024 Piero Scaruffi | Terms of use )

Frequencies From Planet Ten , 6/10
Time Traveling Blues , 5/10
Big Black , 5/10
Coup De Grace , 5/10

Ideally, Orange Goblin belong to the English school of doom-metal, but chronologically they belong to the generation of stoner-rock. Their debut album Frequencies From Planet Ten (Rise Above, 1997) relied on the psychedelic factor to augment the psychological power of their riffs. Aquatic, Astral Project, Star Shaped Cloud, Land Of Secret Dreams, Magic Carpet, Song Of The Purple Mushroom Fish were as "hard" as "soft", as if straddling the border between two universes.

Orange Goglin regressed towards a more lively sound on Time Traveling Blues (MUsic Cartel, 1999). Except for the triad Nuclear Guru, Shine and Blue Snow, though, the songs tend to be predictable and occasionally closer to Lynyrd Skynyrd than to Cathedral.

Third album Big Black (MUsic Cartel, 2000) indulges in the stereotypes of loud, dark, slow stoner-rock with trivial compositions like Cozmo Bozo, King Of The Hornets, Big Black.

Coup De Grace (Rise Above, 2002) is an even less original venture into the cliches of stoner-rock.

Thieving from the House of God (2004), Healing Through Fire (2007) and A Eulogy for the Damned (2012) are repetitive with the occasional fleeting moment of lucidity.

(Translation by/ Tradotto da Matteo Gentile)

Idealmente, gli Orange Goblin appartengono alla scuola inglese di doom metal , ma cronologicamente fanno parte, piuttosto, della generazione di stoner rock . Il loro album di debutto Frequencies From Planet Ten (Rise Above, 1997) si basava sul fattore psichedelico per aumentare il potere psicologico dei loro riff. Aquatic , Astral Project , Star Shaped Cloud , Land Of Secret Dreams , Magic Carpet e Song Of The Purple Mushroom Fish dispiegavano sonorità ora dure ora delicate, come se si trovassero a cavallo del confine tra due universi. Gli Orange Goglin sono poi regrediti ricercando un suono più vivace in Time Traveling Blues (The Music Cartel, 1999). Fatta eccezione per il terno Nuclear Guru , Shine e Blue Snow , tuttavia, le canzoni tendono ad essere prevedibili e occasionalmente più vicine ai Lynyrd Skynyrd che ai Cathedral. Il terzo album Big Black (The Music Cartel, 2000) si lascia andare agli stereotipi del dello stoner rock rumoroso, scuro, lento con composizioni banali come Cozmo Bozo , King Of The Hornets e Big Black . Coup De Grace (Rise Above, 2002) è un'avventura ancora meno originale nei cliché dello stoner rock . Thieving from the House of God (2004), Healing Through Fire (2007) e A Eulogy for the Damned (2012) sono ripetitivi, con occasionali quanto fugaci momenti di lucidità.

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