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Slow Motion World , 6/10
Sea Shanties For Spaceships , 4/10

Snowpony is a London supergroup that comprises Katharine Gifford, former keyboardist in Stereolab, Deborah Googe, former bassist in My Bloody Valentine and Max Corradi, former drummer in Rollerskate Skinny. While much more experimental than most bands, even Snowpony debuted with the ritual sequence of singles: Easy Way Down (See No Evil, 1997), Little Girls Understand (Rough Trade, 1997) and Chocolate (Evil). Slow Motion World (Radioactive, 1998) is an interesting concept, albeit still a raw and uncertain one. Gifford's contralto drives scores (3 Can Keep a Secret, Titanic, Snow White) that resemble abstract electronic pieces or tape collages rather than rock songs, although the only artificial element is the guitar samples (that effectively replace the guitar as the main instrument of the band). Corradi was then replaced by Kevin Bass, former drummer in Moonshake.

Snowpony proves to be an amazing waste of talent on Sea Shanties For Spaceships (Dead Pan Alley, 2001), an album split between unremarkable imitations of fashionable genres (Crumpled 10), confused hodgepodges of alternative jargons (Naked Twister) and futile dance ditties (Brown Hotel).

(Translation by/ Tradotto da David Bonnano)

Snowpony è un supergruppo che comprende Katharine Gifford, tastierista degli Stereolab, Deborah Googe, bassista dei My Bloody Valentine and Max Corradi, batterista dei  Rollerskate Skinny.  Pur essendo molto più sperimentali della maggior parte delle bands, anche gli Snowpony debuttano con l’usuale sequenza di singoli: Easy Way Down (See No Evil, 1997), Little Girls Understand (Rough Trade, 1997) e Chocolate (Evil). Slow Motion World (Radioactive, 1998) è un concept interessante, benché ancora grezzo ed incerto. Il contralto di Gifford guida partiture (3 Can Keep a Secret, Titanic, Snow White)  che somigliano a pezzi di elettronica astratta o collages di nastri piuttosto che canzoni rock, nonostante l’unico elemento artificiale siano i campioni di chitarra (che in effetti rimpiazzano la chitarra come strumento principale della band). Corradi verrà poi rimpiazzato da Kevin Bass, batterista dei Moonshake.

Gli Snowpony dimostrano di essere un incredibile spreco di talento con Sea Shanties For Spaceships (Dead Pan Alley, 2001),un album diviso fra banali imitazioni di generi alla moda(Crumpled 10), confusi guazzabugli dei gerghi alternative (Naked Twister)e inutili motivetti dance (Brown Hotel).

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